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Liam T

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Posts posted by Liam T

  1. From the first time I saw the plans to Nemesis: Sub-Terra I took a disliking, and when it got confirmed drop towers I took an even more disliking but I bit my tongue and carried on with the hype and today finally I got to ride it.Posted ImageAs soon as you see Sub-Terra the words “green shed” comes into your mind but if when you’re in the queue, the queue lines videos cleverly explain the reasons for the green shed, the queue has lovely views of Nemesis & Air and the Monorail runs right through it (I was shocked on how close it was)Posted ImageThe Ride

    When you reach the end of the queue, the sounds of shouting from Phalanx Control members really add to the fear, sound of people shouting and screaming at you to move into place and get ready was truly scary, once inside you wait on black spots, each person get ordered onto one spot and wait for your lifts to come, the doors open and you enter the lift (Claustrophobics stay way away from this attraction the lifts are really tight packed)Clever lights and moving floors makes it feel like the lift is going underground, a TV on each side of the lift explains where the lift is going and once your underground the doors open and your enter into “the caves” the theming is amazing, you feel like you really are underground, you enter the ride chamber where the egg is sat in the middle, you get ordered into your seats and the bars come down.Soon after the lights flicker and the computer screens started turning off, you go into darkness and then… You drop! The sudden shock of the drop is amazing; the lights go onto a dim egg which sprays water onto you! You get quite wet, the ride lifts you back up where the egg has now be cracked open, there is a rush of panic has Phalanx control members force you into the secondary lifts, where the effects of the pre-show lifts are more violent the floor violently shakes under you and the lights go off while the nemesis monster shakes the lifts, you break free and the doors openAnd that’s it.

    My ThoughtsThe length of this ride is a problem, I expected and wanted more time in the ride chamber, 65% of the rides theming is in and goes unmissed because of the time you spend in there it has the potential to be like ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter but misses it greatly, the theming is stunning, and the queue line videos are brilliant, though the outside looks hardly any theming the inside makes up for it.My RatingsTheming - 9/10 - Amazing effects of water and lights, I hope the rest of the effects get working soon!Ride - 6/10 - The drop is powerful but not long lastingOverall Experience - 7/10 - Experience is a clear highlight for the ride, the Phalanx control and effects added to the failed attempts of the other parts of the rideRating – 7.5/10 - It may not be the best dark ride to some but it will improve over time.LiamCredits to my photographer Luke_A for the images

  2. Their reactions are pathetic. I bet half of them didn't know Alton Towers even closed at 5pm in the first place. :PAlton Towers heard from the GP and enthusiasts alike that closing Submission and Enterprise - two thirds of X Sector - is a no no so they needed to cut somewhere else and they did, but of course, that's even worse - they've got their own meme now!People are making it sound like they're closing at 4pm every day but they're not always closing that early; they mightn't close it if it is busy at 4pm. Its disappointing people have acted like this.

  3. It might be a terrible decision but an understandable and needed decision. Its better to shorten the park hours than not being able to open it at all, I should think the "Towers Two" tickets will be advertised more this season and opening hours return back to normal in due course when both the economic and theme park industry returns back to normal, stable pace.

  4. As Fred said the Suns maps are slightly different, they could move the 2013 logo down for the final map and if we talking about geographically correct since when did Storm Surge tower over X://No way out or Saw Alive be next to Zodiac, they don't have enough room to do everything "perfect" they do it as geographically as possible e.g. Thirteen is at the back of the park while Sonic Spinball is at the front of the park

  5. Their was a reason it never went through and that's because of the noise and the height of the coaster. Planning wouldn't get through at all if its too high and reading through I saw 142 trees would need to be removed for that coaster, Alton would not of approved of that.But Like said above, Technology these days could make it possible, but Merlin don't like wooden coasters :o

  6. Oh Verbolten :DPosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImageCredits to TPR full hard hat tour and look inside the elements building here http://themeparkrevi...153740#p1153740Verbolten has been rather quiet so here is some facts

    Ride Manufacturer: Zierer (Deggendorf, Germany)Type of Ride: Multi-launch coaster (as promised)Special Features: two launches; environmental theme elements; sound and light effects; high-speed turns; free-fall drop; and an 88-foot final drop to the water.Track Length: 2,835 feetMaximum Speed: 53 mphSeats/Train: 5 trains, 16 seats per train (it was mentioned that the capacity should be about 1,400 riders/hour)Ride Height Restriction: 48 inches (same as the Loch Ness Monster)Location: Oktoberfest VillageRide Opening: Spring 2012 (it will not be ready for guests on opening day)

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