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Liam T

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Posts posted by Liam T

  1. From the Phalanx Control ‏twitter

    @MikeMacMcCusker the Phalanx have some intelligence about happenings in X-Sector however are directly involved and so cannot comment. #sw7

    :o very interesting

  2. So yesterday I went to Towers for the first time since Opening Weekend and was impressed with the weather, after an whole week of april showers is was really sunny untill 4pm where the wind was horrible, of course I wanted to get on Sub-Terra asap!

    So once inside myself and Luke rushed to Sub-Terra and I was very impressed, instead of the mix emotions of opening day, I came out laughing and shaking, the public reaction was good, everyone loving it and screaming! The Phalanx wasn't shouting, just being normal army stare at you and say orders, the new pre-show and main chamber is brilliant, both of us was very impressed with the tension before the drop

    After that we moved onto Nemesis, and wow. just breath-taking, We went front row this time and from the head-banging last time to the smooth eye-watering ride this time, it was amazing!

    Queue moved fast, waited about 30 mins for Sub-Terra and 20 mins for Nemesis

    After FV we went to Duel! This was pretty much walk on and me and luke got a car to ourself! Loved Duel, such a good ride, noticed some new scenes aswell and first time I got high score!

    Next was Runaway Mine Train and a first time for me, loved it! The tunnel is epic and the head choppers! :D

    After that we got food and went off to Oblivion, The black hole is nearly done, was really strange seeing no blueness on the way in, but Oblivion was epic as ever and was walk on!

    We then went over to Dark forest, Hex was broken down so we went to Thirteen, long queue but soo worth it! Thirteen is one of my Favorited rides at Towers, makes me smile every time I ride it! Aswell felt the roof of Thirteen, very fury... and also the crypt door didn't close, I didn't really notice the light but Luke did, not sure why it didn't

    We went to see if Hex was working but was shut down till 4pm so we did Oblivion again, bit more of a queue this time but still epic, then we went down to Sonic which wasn't as rough as opening day, still love the bit after the first breaks! :wub:

    And then it got cold, and windy but so what nice warm ride would you go on in this weather conditions? The Flume. So fun and no scary duck! their was loading boats in any order you wanted and we also noticed the new boats for the younger riders.

    After that we got fastrack for Rita! The launch is amazing but my neck was killing afterwards, and the bit after the breaks is also fun ;)

    Overall a very good day at Alton Towers, Even if I had the flu and its got very cold towards the end! I enjoyed it!

    Ride Count

    Sub Terra - 1

    Nemesis - 1

    RMT - 1

    Duel - 1

    Oblivion - 2

    Thirteen - 1

    Rita - 1

    Sonic - 1

    The Flume - 1

    Thank you for taking your time to read this


  3. Alton Towers is closed again due to the horrible weather, my area just has a power cut due to the weather so I think Staffordshire has had the same and towards the end of yesterday, it was very windy and cold but nothing they can do about that *awaits BPE witty comments*

  4. Verbolten is okay :D

    Their was minor incident, but nothing has major has first thought so

    From BGWFans

    Finally some good news. They managed to move the yellow train back into the maintenance bay sometime late last night. This is further confirmed by this picture that was posted to our forums by queva1. This means that the train is still movable and hopefully most of the damage is to the seats and the fiberglass body and not the wheel assemblies and whatnot. I have been told that it looks quite bad though.

    Also, we now have some additional information on the initial valley. It sounds like there’s a block brake at the end of the first launch that is set to activate if the train doesn’t reach the correct speed of about 40 miles per hour. If the computers senses that this speed wasn’t hit, the computer will activate these blocks and basically force a rollback and relaunch. This is done on Verbolten because, unlike your normal launch coaster, just because the train makes it over the first hill it doesn’t mean that it will make it all the way through to the mid-course brake run relying on gravity alone. Now, it sounds like what happened was that the train hit the right speed on the launch but the blocks at the end engaged anyway slowing the train below the speed that it needed to make it through the rest of the course but not stopping the train entirely. This caused the train to have enough speed to make it over the first hill but not all the way up to the brakes. This is apparently the second time that this same problem has caused a valley. The first time they were able to pull it back up to the launch and relaunch it like they planned to do yesterday. Sadly, it didn’t end the same yesterday as it did the last time.

    So only the yellow train was damaged but the ride is safe to go ahead for opening day

    Also testing videos are now online!

    Looks great! My favourite out of the uk coaster project!

  5. Transformers looks epic!

    Westcoaster has posted a full preview of it and having follow through the construction of it, it looks amazing

    Link here to the preview here : http://www.westcoast...updateCD=042012

    Also Merlin if you reading this...

    Posted Image

    Nemesis : Sub-Terra needs one of them signs like, now.

    Once again Universal pulled of another brilliant movie themed ride, hope USF get ones of these ;)

    Not sure the Uk could pull of such a thing like this! Like benin said, Uk's budgets are tight for ride systems... almost too tight *stares at ABC rides*

  6. N00bs on theme park forums makes me want to chuck myself and this laptop out the window, I'm trying to find out information on changes, not if Colossus was ment for Alton Towers or stupid comments like calling Nemesis Inferno "Nemmy 2". foolishness.

    And oh yeah 3 weeks left of my school life before I leave! Slightly nervous and scared of the exams :o

  7. One key thing I think Alton should do is sit down and watch a POV of Alien Encounter, one thing that sticked in my mind from the pov was the death of the maintenance worker, the fact the audience was their helpless strapped in hearing this man being killed and the water being the "blood" pouring down ontop of them must of been terrifying. Thats what I want for Sub-Terra, I want the egg to come out and take one of the phalanx and drag them underground, you drop, and the audience hearing the screaming of the phalanx operative and crunching of bones before being risen back up.

  8. Miss Gaga will add more tour dates I think because theirs alot who didn't get tickets as they sold out so fast and she best add some tour dates! Only 2 for the Uk? pfft ;)

  9. Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    When the ride which the tent housed left the park in 2005, the tents days was numbered and on the 12th April 2012, after 24 years at Alton Towers, The big blue tent (which was originally green and yellow!) has finally started to be taken down.

    R.I.P Black hole tent, X-sector is about to be changed forever!

    March 1988 - April 2012

    Credits to TowersTimes for the photos

  10. Mention last night, the of the main reasons people don't think we will have lap bars is because of the amount of Inversions & tightness or the ride, SW7 has 8 compared to the 4 of Iron Shark and the 3 of Dare Devil Dive

    It be a nice idea, but unsure if it will happen!

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