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Everything posted by Jord

  1. Lol the crap I spew? I wasn't rude at all, I could be.. but the thing is I have restraint.. I don't know how you can see me saying that people should stop having her centre around their life, is rude... You're such a drama queen. I've tried being nice to you SO much. But you need to stop all the drama if I'm going to continue to try.. If your life is not centred around her, why is your display picture her, why do you think she's so amazing and a godess, you'd think by the way you talk about her she is Jesus on his second coming... Fair enough you may have passion for music, but if you want to talk about GaGa go to ladygaga.com don't bore the rest of us with a constant barrage of GaGa this GaGa that, she's a human being who is no different to me, Kevin or Holly.. I don't go suck their penises and bum them and talk about them all the time. I don't even do it with the people I like, because I have so much more of a life to concentrate on one person. And I don't think he is the one who needs to learn to shut up, he agreed with my opinion, this is what I mean, when people have an opinion you try and silence them. Not everyone is the same as you, DEAL WITH IT.
  2. Oh please, she's not the first person to do all that shiz. Madonna wasn't that good looking, she still isn't, in her hey day she did all that... Where was everyone bumming her? Yeah people loved her, but at least they didn't go on about her EVERY single f'ing second. Granted she is an amazing artist, I love her music, even though I wouldn't claim her latest works are 'art' since they sound pretty much like generic songs, like Born This Way sounded like a Madonna song, and Judas sounds like Bad Romance. She is a remarkable person, but I don't see why everyone has to be up her arse all the time. There are much more remarkable people out there like Bill Gates or Nelson Mandela, so why aren't everyone up their arse? They've done more for this world than GaGa has. Just because she's done a small bit of advocating does not mean it gives people the right to go round and talk about her non-stop like everyone cares? I enjoy living my life and quite frankly Lady GaGa could get hit by a bus and I doubt it'll effect my life. Sure I won't have some of her amazing songs, but still I'll live. I've survived a lot of people dying, I'm sure I'll survive with her dying. Also your point on her work in the LGBT community is absolutely bullshiz. I do not believe for one second that she has helped at all, and I do not see her as a gay icon. She does all this 'advocating' if you wanna call it that, to attract fans from the Gay community, Britney did it, GaGa's doing it. It works for artists. Do I think either of them has changed people's opinions on us? Like hell do I? She's just a human being that I do not need to hear about constantly. Her music videos are nothing special, they're good, but they're not exactly the work of Directors like Stephen Spielberg or George Lucas, so I really don't care if she directed them herself. Just quit with the constant barrage of GaGa, you don't have to centre your life around one person you will never know.
  3. UK Health & Safety may have further restrictions? I don't actually know, just a possibility...
  4. Jord


    You fail, since it's not an in-house TPM issue, it's an Invision-wide error <3
  5. Difficult decision...
  6. She is wayyy too overrated. Sure she's okay, but she's not god... Get over her there's so much more musicians out there.
  7. Anyone else getting an issue with their Chat? Error Codes seem to be common today, which leads me to believe it's a Server-Based problem. Heard people were getting [#CJOIN-2] errors however it seems like a new error is occurring which is [#CJOIN-0] There was an error connecting with the chat room. Please notify an administrator. Just wanting to know if anyone can recreate this error, seem to be getting it on my end. It's usually an error with Beta Version of IP.Board however since we're running a stable version of the Board there may be a simple Server-Based problem which hopefully will rectify itself, it usually does with this kind of error. So if you're getting the issue, just be patient <3 Just wanting to know is anyone else getting it?
  8. Jord


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzlNFcT2aOEI'm currently in love with HCR <3
  9. oBama dead? Well played BBC.
  10. Jord

    The News

    I don't think there is any doubts that there will be retaliation attempts from Al Quaeda, but to have such a high profile figure from the organisation taken down is one step towards bringing the organisation down. He was the principal architect in the 9/11 attacks and now we have his sick mind blown to bits we can now concentrate on taking the rest of the organisation down.
  11. Jord


    I swear I remember him being older/fatter
  12. Jord

    The News

    I think the US Military would of got more backlash if they did that, by giving him a proper religious funeral I think many of the people within the extremist groups will see America is sensitive to the Islamic Culture and their ways of doing things, just will not tolerate people who are terrorists. I fully agree in the sense he should of been hung, drawn and quartered. However, this is the way to get people within the organisation to see the US' compassion with the Islamic faith and hopefully make them see that they're not against Islam.
  13. it's run by National Express, what do you expect? :L
  14. Which Train Operator?
  15. His reign had to come to an end at some point
  16. Gardaland had Time Voyagers but they've now replaced it with a new Spongebob 4D Experience... Thorpe do what your sister park has done please?
  17. Jord

    The News

    OSAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD <3 WOOOOO!!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13256676
  18. Jord


    I do that more than I do down the stairs
  19. Jord


    The awkward moment when you almost fall down the stairs
  20. Jord

    Video Games.

    The hacks you're talking about on Xbox 360 are done with modified consoles. Like the hacks done with Wii where they've installed Homebrew. Therefore I wouldn't go blaming Microsoft on this one. Xbox Live has had no recent hacks.
  21. You stated that their opinion should be kept to themselves out of fear of being ridiculed. To put it in layman's terms.
  22. A sarcastic post really doesn't belong in tips for new members because they will take it literally, like I did. And people don't get ripped to shreds? I've not seen anyone, other than me, be ripped to shreds over an opinion. And the thing is my opinions tend to be rather extreme therefore granted why I get ripped to shreds, but even if someone else shared the same opinion as me and were new, they wouldn't get ripped to shreds, since I know at the end of the day no matter how much people here rip me to shreds we can all metaphorically kiss and makeup because they know I can take a healthy debate, even if it's one-sided You are perfectly allowed to express yourself on this Forum, and yes you may get debated against, but that shouldn't stop anyone from having an opinion and expressing it. If someone rips them to shreds and they see it as unfair we have this little button called report. That's what you should be telling new users, not that they should never express their opinion.
  23. That's a bit harsh, okay some people don't like when your opinion differs. As I know fully well, but that's what makes a good community to have different opinions and to have debates on them, okay granted a lot of people will take a debate too far and will take it personally but that doesn't mean that you should tell new members to not have an opinion? Everyone is entitled to an opinion, just people with strong opinions will argue their point, new members should know that people have the right to their opinion and the right to debate their opinion, note debate, not argue. Just because people will have heated debates with you Will doesn't mean you should tell new members that they're not allowed an opinion. I'm one of the most opinionated people here, and okay granted I do have a lot of arguments with people, but at the end of the day most people on the Forum can put that aside and I am still able to talk to people as mates, as that is what I consider them. You need to stop someone's difference in opinion getting to you Will.
  24. When I'm getting ready I sometimes tell people I'm on my way, but I'd never keep them waiting an hour, that's a piss take :l
  25. Jord


    It's hardly scary because... This ride is perfectly safe. Everything has been designed for your comfort and enjoyment
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