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About DanMn

  • Birthday 02/08/1992

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  • Favourite ride
    Loggers Leap
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. I think a motocross stunt show would be something new & original
  3. I hate to add to the moaning a few pages back but the high metal fences and paving are IMO making this look just like the SAW areas so far, hopefully its finnished so that it does look a bit different though.
  4. Wow those people looked like the enjoyed the ride, wish thorpe park could pull that off, and check out that dry floor shows that it can be done when the park can be bothered.
  5. Not really as they don't even credit the picture to thorpe park, the sort of person that will look at that and go 'Thats stealth at thorpe park!!!!1' arent people they need to advertise to. Also if you clicked the link theres no pictures of stealth in the article itself, only other generic coaster pics.
  6. They have done well for the past 10 years or so I see no reason that they would suddenly have no idea. It depends what you class as long and short term, with the business Thorpe Park are in they can easily have a not so good year (so 2011) install a ride, and I expect next year to be packed again, as they say "build it and they will come". I’ve heard this may well be the case actually, that and the ever increasing price of diesel can’t help. I expect with CCR gone they will extend the service road at the back of the park, they also now have a rather large storage shed which can be put to good use.Dont get me wrong, I will miss CCR but I can see why its going.
  7. Are you all serious? I think the management at Thorpe Park are in a better position to say what's good and bad and will know more facts than you, not just guessing.
  8. Marc

    Colossus...... the power of 10 :o

  9. Alot of people seem to be missing the point that disabled guests only being allowed one helper doesn't mean they cant go on with their group. The rest of their group can queue as normal and the person who was unable to queue and one friend can meet them at the loading point. Those that are able to queue will queue and only those that are actually unable to queue will use the exit, just how it should be.
  10. and TTF is short for... ?
  11. Not all of them, such as being able to take 7 people with you on rumba rapids MOD EDIT: Split and moved posts to RAP topic.
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