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Everything posted by JackR

  1. Judging from the fact that part of the track was submerged in it, at least half a meter... I wouldn't imagine it to be much deeper than a meter if that though.
  2. Has anybody played the 'happy bloody birthday' game on the Thorpe Park Official facebook page? I would link it but I'm too scared to click back on it :(It's a decent game and a chance to win a pair of Freaky Ultimate Fast passes... A great effort from Thorpe IMO besides it scaring the **** out of me :PEDIT: It also films you if you enable your webcam and it uploads it onto a gallery so everybody else who plays can watch your reaction... Amazing effort from Thorpe
  3. JackR

    SAW: Alive

    One of them was shouting 'COME AT ME! COME ON THEN!' in the first room and started jumping and kicking the wall last time I went in....
  4. I went in at about 7pm and there was no wristband handing out, what were they actually for then?
  5. I know I'm not th13teen and this may not be the same idea as what he experienced but I think what I was told by one of the staff in the queue line may tie in with it...
  6. Two ride ops were hiding in the shadows as you come into the station and they jumped out getting double scares! It was funny to watch
  7. All the walls have the sins written on them, in the corridors between the rooms and by the entrance as you know, but after leaving the first room I seem to remember SLOTH being written in yellow capitals with a scratched effect on the wall which gave that one away for me... The rest are pretty unclear though
  8. Sorry for the double post, but I just came across this old Fright Nights page. Linked below for anyone who would find it interesting... http://www.thorpepark.com/press/image-bank/images.aspx?cat=Fright+Nights
  9. I will try to do both sides on the day I first get to ride it. Preferably right first as you get the higher side on the inclined loop, corkscrew and first drop. This will be very re ride-able because of the difference in experience depending on what side of the car you sit on.
  10. JackR


    My 100th post according to my profile but only 94th according to the info bit by my avatar, and I'm having a Chinese tonight... O.oOh and Wild Eagle will be ready first, not as much theming and things like controlled fountains etc. to be installed. Which one opens first is a different question though...
  11. Because your on the sides of the track, the first inline is going to be a whole different experience. Similar to the likes of the blade rotation on an electric fan. The concept of getting a crazy amount of hang time and a decent view of all the scenery and a lot of the park as you twist upside down in a different way to usual is going to be immense!
  12. Great day at Fright Nights yesterday. Arrived 20 minutes before opening to an empty park and got on 16 rides and all five mazes!The day got progressively more and more busy and despite the roaming actors, the atmosphere was ****. Maybe a few smoke machines would have improve it, but nooses and barrels scattered around didn't do the trick for me. All of the mazes were very good (The Curse was substandard) and Other than E 10 we had no queues for them. One of the roaming actors stood on the barrels under the Colossus sign by the over banked turn after the barrel rolls and hit his head on one of the hanging balls :PThe day was very good in all, and after getting on a lot of rides and all four mazes, I look forward to getting back there again in the holidays.
  13. 1. Montu 2. Nemesis 3. Shiekra 4. The Incredible Hulk Coaster 5. Oblivion 6. Saw: The Ride 7. Air 8. Stealth 9. Nemesis Inferno 10. Colossus
  14. Iv'e been in twice, both times with out an adult and I'm 14... so you should be fine. They do sell a child ticket so I don't see why not To be perfectly honest, I found Death Trap very poor in the way of scares both times I tried it, compared to the likes of Scare fest or, and I feel that even more so after doing all of the mazes at Fright Nights yesterday. Even though I payed as a child (under 16) I feel even the reduced child rate of £9 was a waste of money. Ask at the desk for any discounts if available. Sometimes they offer 2for1 tickets or reduced rates, if you can't get them then you may feel it to be waste of money as I did.
  15. JackR


    The wanted to play online, not my choice they didn't have any problems in the end and played it whilst me and the others went in all of the mazes!
  16. I may as well write a review for Experiment 10 from last night yesterday.I was in a group of 5 yesterday and before 4pm 3 of us were already queuing for Asylum. The other 2 didn't like the mazes and we planned to meet them again an hour or two later. After trying Asylum, The Curse and Se7en one of the two boys I was with decided not to try E 10 so all of us decided to give it a miss. It wasn't until about an hour later two of us walked past the queue and realized it would be worth going in just so we can say we had done it (there was also some hot girls who had walked in just before us). :PAlthough the wait was long, unlike the other mazes I didn't mind queuing for E 10. The roaming actors and how to maze winds around the edge of the maze was really well thought out, and after getting a few pictures with an actor and spending some time talking to the hot girls, it was soon time for us to enter. The only thing that made me curious was me and my friend could hear 4 sounds in a row that consisted of banging on some metal and twisting a door lock thingy (it at least sounded like that). I knew what was coming and expected the sound effect to be actors shutting the doors you are locked in, however to my surprise the doors were thin, wooden and seemed quite flimsy . I wasn't to nervous about the maze so after the safety brief my mate, the girls and I entered in the conga chain which I was at the back and my friend at the front of. The level of theming in the first room really took me by surprise. Even though it was some CCTV footage on some TV monitors and a row of M16's stacked on a wall covered in blood, the dark humor and hints of what was to come in the speech the first actor delivered really tied in with the theming. There was 10 people in our group and we were split into a left and right group and before we knew it, we were standing in a smoke filled corridor standing against the appropriate sided wall. I've never really been touched too much in the mazes, but after annoying one of the men in a NBC suit he grabbed my chin and started examining my teeth... The room sure filled with smoke from the roof and the lights flashed on and off and after about 20 seconds we were being rushed down a long corridor with doors on one side.I walked down the wrong corridor so was segregated from my friend and the girls, and was locked in a surprisingly small room on the right hand side that just so happened to be the last one in the corridor. My initial thought was that I could feel a door to the side of me and a door in front but after about 5 seconds I was sure I could no longer feel the wall to my side. The screaming SFX played and as it was pitch black, I was almost certain that the wall/door to the side of me had been opened, making the room larger but not letting me exit as the other door was still locked. I curled up in a ball in the corner and waited for another actor to open the door I would exit through and I was soon crawling through a confined tunnel after a lot of confusion and some acotrs screaming at me as I ventured down the other side of the corridor with the doors alone,I reunited with the girls and my friend and we were soon back in a conga line slowly making our way through the rest of the corridors. After passing some more impressive theming and well trained, enthusiastic actors, we were lead into a white corridor with blood smeared on the walls. A heart beat SFX was being played as we walked down the corridor and at the end there seemed to be two routes we could take. One was a dead end with an actor waiting but before we reached the end of the corridor, the SFX stopped and so did the girl at the front of my group. Waiting there in the silence knowing an actor would soon pop out was even more tension filled than being locked in the small room! We soon walked into another room where a man started barking at us and we run out the maze laughing (except one girl who was crying) and we went to collect our bags.Over all, I think E 10 was extremely impressive and very different to any other maze I've tried. The way it plays on every fear really shows it was well thought out and the tensionate approach makes it equally as scary as Asylum! I would rate E 10 9/10 for its amazing theming and great actors. The only thing I would fault was the actors who locked us in the rooms didn't sem overly enthusiastic and I was expecting them to be more loud and crazy trying yo rush us through the doors.
  17. I had a fantastic day at Fright Nights yesterday, I didn't find Experiment 10, Asylum and The Curse overly scary just very jumpy and more funny to walk through, but I was on the verge of tears in the first room of Se7en... The rest of it was fine but that first room made me so scared I had to bury my head in some random girls back. Not sure what it was about it but something made me really uneasy and I found it hard to even look at the actor in the room with out feeling the need to cry, which is unusual for me... O.o
  18. This site says it doesn't run A 03:00: http://www.travelinesoutheast.org.uk/se/XSLT_TTB_REQUEST?language=en&command=direct&net=set&line=06950⊃=%20&project=y08&contentFilter=TIMINGPOINTS&outputFormat=0&itdLPxx_displayHeader=false&itdLPxx_sessionID=SEWEB14_150558015But this page has loads of info:http://www.thorpepark.com/plan-your-visit/how-to-get-here.aspx
  19. I don't mean to sound cynical or anything but if you zoom in it states the camera is being used for Legoland... It is, after all, placed in Berkshire and right next to the site Legoland is situated
  20. THE SWARM - Developers DiaryWe have installed a time-lapse camera for you guys to track the progress of the ride erection. It is a small but expensive (£6000) piece of camera equipment that takes a still photo every 15 minutes. This will look great once its all sped up and played back. The full version of the video will be available in 2012. For now check out the pictures on this page to track the progress of THE SWARM….WAR IS COMING!!!!Credit to Beans from Coaster Force...
  21. Ahh cheers, and I saw that too it's going to look so big if it's that steep and only half of the lift hill is done... I can't wait to be riding The Swarm now, I love steep lift hills
  22. Looks amazing where can you find this time lapse?
  23. JackR


    This is going to sound beyond random, but is there wifi you can connect a DS to the web with at Thorpe? I'm not sure if anyone would know but me and some mates are going on Friday and one of them wants to bring his DS so he can play on line Mario Kart if he gets bored of queueing.... Is there a free connection available in Thorpe to allow you to do that?
  24. It doesn't say anything about it not being valid on a Fright Nights on the Thorpe Park site... your best off buying the fast track at the park though just to keep on the safe side
  25. Very true to be honest, but then on the other hand I only accepted to see what other things the app has to offer. I'll delete it before my next status comes out as something to do with The Swarm... O.o
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