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Everything posted by JackR

  1. I'm excited to see the helicopter now, if the plane is anything to go by then it should be amazing! As long as nobody argues about how the wingspan of the rotor blades alters their opinion of what model it is...
  2. JackR


    As much as I love Skrillex, I'm still not sure why an American artist like him is on UKF. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I'm sure it stood for 'UK's Finest'? Still loving that remix though, and on the subject of sexy remixes, I'm also quite enjoying this at the moment: :wub:I also never realised UKFDubstep is the third most subscribed YouTube channel of all time :oEDIT: I'm kind of into dubstep, but this Skrillex/ Nero impersonation had me in stitches http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhIr_aTBaE0&feature=related
  3. I was given it by my uncle a while back. I don't usually buy such expensive moisturisers because, as you said, it's a waste of money. Seeing as I had it for free and my uncle passed away not too long after he gave me it, I prefer to keep it for myself. I also only buy designer aftershaves because as you may know Sidders, I'm incredibly materialistic and tend to waste my money on branded items. They also smell irresistible Usually it isn't a problem but I paid a lot for the aftershaves so it seems a massive waste if my sister is using it. Plus I don't see my uncle coming back from the dead and giving me more moisturiser any time soon so I prefer to keep that to myself as well.EDIT: This isn't meant to come across as really negative even thought the subject is a bit grim, It's just an elaboration on my earlier post and the reasons behind it
  4. Dear Skyrim players,With all due respect, I don't care if you took an arrow to the knee. If you carry on spamming YouTube with your annoying comments however, sh*t will go down...
  5. JackR


    I know perfectly well the lyrics are wrong and have done for a while. The reason they are wrong is because my mate sung them wrong a while back and I took the piss out of him for a while. I then told him about my account on here, as an explanation as to how much info I know about The Swarm but he didn't believe the account was mine. I purposely wrote the lyrics wrong as it's only something he and I would get and would ultimately prove the account is mine next time he looks at my signature. Yeah he's been taking the piss outta me for being on here, but none the less it was to prove to him this is my account and by purposley writing the lyrics wrong I could prove to him I'm in control of this account. If any of you happened to read my post in 'Rant' as a reply to Lauren's post about how her dad told her bf she was on here, you may know about the friend who took the p*ss out of me and just so happened to be on here himself, well that's the friend. Well spotted though I guess Fred ;)EDIT: Hopefully that should prevent me from looking like a mug for any longer, and I'm not going to change the lyrics even though it has been touched upon. :L
  6. JackR


    My dog wee'd up the Christmas tree last year...
  7. JackR


    And a slightly inferior version of the rather old fashioned original, but the rapping part adds a nice touch in my opinion:
  8. JackR


    Analyzing a poem today in which the metaphors describing love strongly resembled a penis and it's use in women.''Hard and Steep, painful and something I can't remember, it requires effort and hard work and you may experience high points''. Our teacher thought we were laughing due to the cheesy lines...
  9. JackR

    Youtube Videos

    http://www.youtube.c...d&v=cQzPNT780bs Doesn't let me embed the top link, never mind. Still funny none the less...
  10. All my mates know I'm a roller coaster geek, they just don't know I'm on here. Once whilst ascending the NI lift hill, my mate asked me how I can remember all the ride names and manufactures etc. I just replied: 'How do you know the names of footballers and the teams they play for, and how do you know the name of certain guns in Call of Duty?'' None of them really mention it now, apart from when were at Thorpe they always ask me if I have a boner over The Swarm... But I don't really care You should be the same Lauren, I agree with everything Benin said and if you'r boyfriend should accept you for who you are and so should you'r dad. If your bf don't like it then dump his ass and if you'r dad doesn't like it then put laxatives in his food...
  11. I'm happy with the current Harry Potter land and stuff but if another park is to get a Harry Potter section, shouldn't it at least be one with a area themed to Warner Bros movies? I understand Universal bought certain factors and rights, but it still makes no sense to me... I think a Transformers ride would be great. It could have a similar plot synopsis to Jaws as well. Travelling around a city and then explosions and Transformers fly every where. It's the sort of ride that goes well with Universal. Plus Islands of Adventures is aimed at more fantasy areas (Harry Potter, Marvel Land etc.) where as Universal has some more realistic selections (Jaws, HRRR for music and Twister and Earthquake for natural disasters). A Harry Potter Land in the studios would break the consistency of the studios rides even if it did bring more revenue...
  12. I haven't told anybody I'm on here. My best mate found out and took the mickey for a while, but then I found out he's on here too... Tobzz7 if anybody is interested
  13. Not until it's been open for a while. I'm not one to speak as I'm awful at this sort of stuff, but whoever is making The Swarm model will have to wait for it to be open to get the right sort of textures etc. Plus an update of Google Earth/Maps needs to be done, so the birds eye view of the park is up to date. That way the person knows where to place each track piece, support or scenery item. Same goes for Storm Surge, if somebody was to make a 3D rendering, it would be on top of Octopus Gardens which is no good!
  14. JackR


    Hence I put it in the random topic..?Anyway, I tried to click on his channel this morning and it said it had been removed for various reasons. The channel is back up now, but you can't see his latest video as that was the primary reason his channel was removed in the first place.
  15. JackR


    RayWilliamJohnson's YouTube account has been removed for several severe violations of the YouTube terms of service... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :'(
  16. Sorry for the double post but I'm really angry. It annoys the f*ck out of me when people use my stuff with out asking. Somebody has used loads of my moisturiser and lots the box it goes in! They didn't even ask and it's now gone from being half full to having to squeeze the tube really hard because there's nothing in there (it's in a tube). I reckon it was my dad and he doesn't even need it! He always used to wear my Ralph Lauren aftershave which cost me a lot of money, especially when he doesn't need it, every day when he went to work it would be in a different place and you could tell it had been used, just like my moisturiser!My sister does it as well, her and some friends came into my room when I was out and started smelling my aftershaves then used my Hollister one. As far as I could remember, they were girls and I buy men's stuff, so why they were using my aftershaves I don't know... I only found out because she told her Geography teacher who passed it on to me. It just annoys the f*ck out of me when people use my stuff without asking, especially in large quantities, especially when they are expensive! And to make matters worse I always hold a grudge over this sort of thing so I will be angry for the rest of the night now... GRRRRRRRRR :@
  17. For the sake of my stupendous idiocy and the fact that I've mugged my self off to Lauren and everyone else, I will try to keep my dignity and just shut up now...
  18. I've been on it enough times already, I'll make sure I go on it enough times as well in February just to rub it in...
  19. You can see in the picture that there is a cable still attached to the end of the wing coming from the big green crane. This also implies the plane's fuselage is properly being set into the ground, which means the whole piece of theming may not be completed. It all makes sense that the right hand side propeller is not fully connected to the wing which explains the grey support under it.Also, is that some bricks I can see being unloaded next to the van..?
  20. JackR

    Forum Posts

    Sounds pretty logical to me, thanks for clearing that up
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