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Everything posted by J.S217

  1. J.S217

    TPMs resident DJ

    Your Hottest Record Right now Greek Fire Top of the World it's just inspiring
  2. J.S217

    TPMs resident DJ

    First Record ever bought Yep busted year 3000
  3. talking loyal ive had a pass since I was 3 or 4 and I'm now 17 going on 18 that is a loyal customer and doing this really is a slap in the face
  4. Home Is behind you the world is ahead, Gandalf the Grey The Hobbit An unexpected Journey
  5. I would defiantly be interested in helping out and it may also help[ with some of my experience behind the camera and infront of the camera I am also doing Media BTEC and would gladly help out
  7. HOBBIT RIDE please I mean it's a just finished IP and erm being chased by Smaug will be frightning
  8. J.S217

    ...Of The Year

    Film of the year as of now December 4th: Guardians of the Galaxy or How To Train your Dragon 2 or The Hobbit Desolation of Smaug Extended edition Tv Show of the year: Sherlock series 3 Personnel moment of the year : getting a job Game of the Year: Plague Inc
  9. IK what is new for 2015 I will arrive at Thorpe with no debt YAY XD
  10. J.S217


    A judge asks a defendant to please stand. "You are charged with murdering a garbage man with a chain saw." From the back of the courtroom a man shouts, "You lying bastard!" "Silence in the court!" The judge turns to the defendant again and says, "You are also charged with killing a paperboy with a shovel." "You tightwad!" blurts the spectator. "Quiet!" yelled the judge. "You are also charged with killing a mailman with an electric drill." "You cheap son of a... " the spectator starts to shout. The judge thunders back, " I will hold you in contempt! What is the reason for your outbursts?" "I've lived next to that lying b*****d for 10 years now, but do you think he ever had a tool when I needed to borrow one?"
  11. Try that on rides like Inferno and Colossus
  12. do you think it will be Oceaneering
  13. Thorpe are not happy that enthuiasts are not excited for the 2015 wooden coaster ahh well topspin it is
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