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Everything posted by Smidget

  1. Thinking I should actually man up and start posting stuff! :P

  2. I remember a few years ago our group of friends had long suspected that one of our friends and another girl had a thing, but never confronted her because we just didn't know how, and didn't want to her offend her or anything. When she did eventually come out as being bi, the whole school found out and she got bullied like mad because of it. We were year 10 at the time, and she had year 7 kids coming up and ripping it out of her. It got so bad she ended up punching one kid who just wouldn't let up! It was genuinely horrible to watch her go through that, and it put a strain on her relationship with her girlfriend. Now we're in year 13 and no one cares any more, because at the end of the day she's still the same person, she just finds girls attractive too! I also know a guy 2 years younger than me who is gay, he's come out to his friends (some of whom I'm friends with) but I'm not sure if anyone else knows. Either way he's a victim of vicious rumours atm, and it's quite distressing to hear about it. I don't understand why people think it's funny or 'cool' to bully people who have a different sexuality to their own - it doesn't affect them physically or mentally, so why bully them?As for me, I'm straight, but I have numerous bisexual friends and although I'm not sexually attracted to women and would never have a relationship with one, I'm sure as hell not shy when it comes to saying if I think a woman is hot (for example, Katy Perry).It's such a shame sexuality is such a controversial topic, although at least now it's far more socially acceptable
  3. Smidget

    Nicki Minaj

    Sorry to those who like her, but imo she seriously sucks. Like majorly!
  4. I was a right little PS3 fangirl, seeing as I had only ever really played the PS2 and never bothered with the original xbox, however my boyfriend has managed to convert me to 360! It just plays so much better and I've come to prefer the controls. So yeah, 360 ftw
  5. Omg I'm going to the park that day anyway! I'm 17 but I haven't gone to Fright Night before though
  6. The worst Colossus has done to me is bash my ears when I've stupidly left my earrings in (and I have quite a few in each ear so it's pretty damn painful) when going through the cobra roll. But the corkscrews and rolls have never hurt me - then again I'm pretty little, maybe that has something to do with it?
  7. Smidget

    SAW: Alive

    I can't comment on what it's like after the fire as I haven't been on it since then, but IMO it's not something I would go on again and again. My friends and I all agree it is something you experience once and don't necessarily need to on again. But that's just my opinion on it, I know other people will disagree. I wouldn't go as far as to say it was rubbish - it wasn't, and I did jump out of my skin at a few points, but I just don't feel the need to go on it again
  8. I LOVED the music played when walking through the entrance of the park! The first time I remember going to park was 2001 when I was 7, and hearing the music when entering the park always took me back to when I went there as a child. But now they play chart music so whenever I go I don't get the same feeling I used to - the park is beginning to feel like a different place completely, but that doesn't stop me loving it any less
  9. I went to Thorpe a few years ago on a school trip, being a school day the park was pretty much empty! The longest queue there was Stealth (this was back in '07) so my friends and I went on Colossus 4 times in a row and Nemesis Inferno about 3-4 times. Such a rush, but it made me feel pretty rough afterwards. I've also ridden Slammer 3 times in one day, but haven't got on it once since then (it scares the crap out of my to be honest). Last year I rode Stealth twice, not very impressive but considering how long the queue line can get :)I'm going to Thorpe Park for the second time this year on Thursday - most schools will be back by then so fingers crossed for short queue times! Maybe I'll brave up and ride Slammer this time, who knows?!
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