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Everything posted by Smidget

  1. Well, as predicted, The Swarm track is likely to give me a headache But it suits the ride - I suppose I could shove headphone in whilst queuing
  2. I was lucky enough to get to ride The Swarm on Saturday, and after Josh's very much in depth cover of everything, I'm not really sure what to say! I was also extremely lucky to get front row on my first ride, on the right hand side, and I have to say the feeling of being tipped over the track and plummeting to the ground is indescribable! The first inversion was much faster than I expected, but that did not take any kind of thrill away from it. The right side itself is just brilliant, the interaction with the theming is top notch (if your arm is long enough you can touch the water by the helicopter), definitely a top 10 ride for me. I have somewhat of a conflict over which side I prefer. Whilst the RHS has the flip over the track and more interaction, on the LHS you can really feel the elements and it just seemed much more forceful (but in a good way). I personally prefer the RHS for the drop, but for the rest of the ride I am really undecided. Whilst the interaction on the RHS is amazing, the LHS keeps you higher for longer, and I really liked that too.One thing I cannot deny is how smooth the ride is. From the moment you leave the station the ride is just pure comfort. The restraints without a doubt are 10/10. There is no jolting about, the ride keeps up an excellent pace throughout, with the train passing through the inversions just slow enough to feel the effects of gravity. It is by far Thorpe's best coaster, and a huge well done to B&M!Oh and Josh, you missed the tiny Swarm alarm clocks! They're so cute, and I'm so getting me one next week
  3. The 16+ age restriction seems much better than an 18+. Yes, those members cannot drink, but they are what most people would consider old/responsible enough to be able to look after themselves at a Towers meet. Taking a younger member is quite a big risk in some ways (I don't mean that negatively on any younger members), and there is the chance that parents will not be happy letting them attend a meet where everyone (or at least most of us) will be drinking. Another thing to consider is that there are some members who live near enough to Towers to not need to stay in a hotel, so perhaps the age restriction should only apply to those staying over on site/wherever we end up staying providing this goes ahead?
  4. The reason why a 'where to stay' option was not added to the poll is because this is purely to determine levels of interest to see whether or not organising a meet would be worth it. If not enough members are interested/able to go around the same time, then there really is no point trying to figure out where to stay already. As for the age limit, I do somewhat agree with that. Parents of younger members would most likely expect the mods/admins and the older members in general to look after them, and as for travel I totally agree with Mer - it could be difficult unless lifts are provided, and even then the petrol cost will be high. The drinking is another factor - I can't see younger members enjoying themselves when everyone else is getting drunk! The trouble (I feel) with imposing an age limit is that it will single out quite a few members, which could just cause friction between people.
  5. My latest drawing It's not finished, and it's a pretty bad pic, but I'm still quite proud of this - I've never attempted a Day of the Dead skull before
  6. BRUMAnd I was Andy Pandy's biggest fan
  7. Smidget


    I love Air, although to be fair it is the only flyer I have done. I just think it's a nice relaxing ride, and the lack of theming doesn't bother me in the slightest, but I do agree that it sticks out like a sore thumb! The only complaint I have is that the restraints like to try and scalp me o.O
  8. OMG I REMEMBER THAT! I think it was them two yeah. If they did their wigs would go flying
  9. Ride photos of girls are NEVER attractive. Hair just goes flying everywhere, and we look a state when we get off them too! Guys don't know how lucky they are sometimes
  10. Well, Ian and I will be going to ERT, and as a result it is very unlikely we'll do the 24th/25th (I live near Thorpe, but not THAT near ), and the 17th is my brother and sister's birthday. I probably could go if the meet were to be that day, but it's unlikely as I am attending ERT. So maybe next time guys
  11. I should be able to come on the 17th, anyone getting the train and changing at Waterloo?
  12. Basically, this is just a quick and simple poll to figure out whether a trip to Towers this year could be on the cards!
  13. Well, that's a school day, but I may take a casual day off and tag along, we'll see
  14. Aww thanks I really like your pictures too, they're awesome
  15. I voted good. Having not done any other accelerators (yet!) I feel Stealth is a reasonable first experience of an accelerator. That and the fact that is scared the life out of me when it first opened, so much so that I rode SAW before I rode Stealth
  16. Oooh that looks awesome! Great find Liam
  17. I did Art right up until last year, when I dropped it at A2 :PAnyway, here's some of my work ...AndAndI've got some other stuff up on Facebook, but I personally think these are the best 3. Haven't really done art for a while, not since Christmas in fact - it's something I really need to get back in to!
  18. I agree. I don't see why the theming of something that is under our feet the whole time matters so much. Lets face it, it's only going to get destroyed by the numerous teenagers who are no doubt going to spit gum and litter all over it, so why bother going to the extent of theming something that is just going to end up looking destroyed anyway? We have a brand new rollercoaster with great theming surrounding it already, arguably Thorpe's best work - surely that's enough?
  19. Brainiac Science Abuse came and filmed an episode at my primary school when I was in Year 6, but unfortunately it wasn't my class, it was the one next door. No Richard Hammond though :(Other than that, I met Kat Von D (mega famous tattoo artist, star of LA Ink) in 2010 when she came to London to do a book signing!
  20. THE ZEBRAS Didn't see anything like that when I went, must have been a special treat for you Josh :PNone of the animals really did anything amazing when I went, but it was still a nice day out. Bubbleworks was a huge disappointment, but we only went on it as it was something else to do. Granted it's operating when the rest of Chessie is closed, but I personally find the ride a total bore anyway, and it's not something I would willingly ride when the whole park is open. Overall though it was a nice day out, and watching Ian stuff his face with doughnuts was a laugh
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