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Everything posted by Smidget

  1. Val! *steals a hug* :D

  2. Smidget


    I'm not really one to listen to music like this, but this song is just amazing!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE6C0p46Y6YFigured I wouldn't post the actual video as it's a bit raunchy
  3. Stealth > SAW purely because Stealth is just a rush of adrenaline, and you can't get something quite like that anywhere else on the park.SAW > Tidal Wave for the simple reason I HATE water rides with a passion :PSAW > Colossus, but only just! I love the way Colossus interacts with non-riders, but I've always found it to be rougher than SAW. Plus, I'm a sucker for the SAW franchise
  4. This popped up on my Facebook
  5. I have a few ...1. Getting a mock test on something you haven't been taught. I mean, what? That's just stupid, they can't test you on something you don't know!2. People who don't practice what they preach. If you're going to go round telling everyone they should do a certain thing, at least have the decency to do it yourself.3. People who say things, then when it suits them turn it around and pin all the bad stuff on you, making you out to be the bad guy when in fact you've done nothing wrong. Moreover, they then use it as an excuse to treat you like a piece of rubbish, something they can just toss away without a care in the world.4. People who say one thing, get your hopes up, then crush you without warning or explanation.As you can tell, I'm having some 'people' issues as of late. Not a happy bunny!
  6. Seeing as Val's was ignored, I'm going to rate his too :)Karl Pilkington, so automatic 10/10Kevvy K: Looks like a jacked up Mickey Mouse, and I don't really like the music either, so 4/10
  7. Individual differences mean that no two people are exactly the same. What one person may think/feel at a certain age another may not.
  8. Smidget


    Omg that is so cool!
  9. People who treat people like they are absolute idiots and who always talk down to others. There's really no need for it is there?
  10. Post more stuff and I'll rep ya till you're on 30 :P

  11. I think we all should do that! Or this one:
  12. People who just irritate the living jeff out of you. And family that completely ignore you after you put in effort to talk to them. Do one.
  13. Yes? :PFor the sake of carrying this on - is the exact same age as my best friend.
  14. Smidget

    Youtube Videos

    Agreed - Sidders makes an amazing Salad Fingers
  15. It really is :| and by the sounds of it, they're not too good at the game either ...
  16. :(At least he lived a long, full life though?
  17. Sure Jack, I bet that will get you all the ladies
  18. I rarely play RCT3 for the pure and simple reason it lags far too much on my laptop.Must say though, I was a boss at those scenarios
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