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Matt 236

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Posts posted by Matt 236

  1. I do think the queue line worked better in its original form where it worked like the other coasters, dispatching was faster, queues were more organised and it was less confusing to guests. Now it's just a complete mess there.

  2. This all sounds very exciting, four mazes themed around big horror films plus the return of Saw Alive. If this is done right, in theming, atmosphere and setting, then it could be one amazing event and maybe the best event yet.

    I hope they don't charge for all the mazes as the old ones used to free so hope it will all be included. The factor of maybe more to come is even more exciting. Can't wait for this years Fright Nights.

  3. Wow, Chessito. Really need to sort out their ride operations and throughputs out. 2 mins 30 secs dispatch time is shocking and I bet that 2nd train was waiting in the brakes for a while plus over two hours on furys queue is crazy and Kobras is just as bad (if worse).

    Sounds like Chessie is horrible during busy peak season with their dire throughputs. One hour for a little kids truck ride, seems a reasonable queue time to me ;).

  4. These hints all sound very interesting. It seems we may be getting a whole lot of lions gate horror film packages for this year which is either a very good or very bad thing. A maze around the CCR route could prove very interesting and full of potential if this happens.

  5. Thorpes current entrance is certainly in need of revamp.

    The front entrance is swarming with crowds and everything is congested around the booths and turnstiles as there seems to be battle these days at the turnstiles. Thought the entrance had a minor revamp a few years ago, I do think it is in need of a fairly major facelift. This may involve pushing he entrance out slightly further and slightly altering the car park layout with more booths, a new pass building and extended ticket collection too.

    The turnstile area along with the bridges could be widened too so it can take the crowds easier too. The dome can stay, for now any way and also because of its values to the park. In terms as an entrance, I did work quite well in the old days as a world to a magical island (in the pre-Tussaud days) but I don't think the entrance has justified the current Thorpe in its current shape for the last 4/5 years.

    Compared to the other parks, it is probably the most in need of a major entrance facelift as it can't handle the crowds it receives nowadays. Towers is perhaps the only park currently with an entrance that is fulfilling its requirement whilst Chessingtons & Legos do have their share of issues but are tolerable at the moment.

  6. Watched Kick-Ass 2 today as I was invited to watch it with some old school mates.

    As I don't know much about it, I wasn't expecting it to be that great, but it was fairly good. There was loads of action and violence in the film as well as quite a lot of humour as well to the film. The film is mainly about a super hero who tries to achieve good things whilst staying behind the back of his dad as well as an array of other superheroes. The main antagonist seeks revenge for his father who presumably died in the first film being the main antagonist too which I haven't seen. He comes up with a plan to revenge Kick-ass and comes up with the rudest name. So rude I would probably get banned if I mentioned it so I suggest looking it up if you wish to know.

    The 2nd half of the film becomes slightly darker as the antagonist forms a gang of super villains who seek revenge and in the process kill several people including at least two secondary protagonists related to Kick-ass. I won't spoil the movie too much but will say its full of lots of fighting action, fighting violence and also the fair bit of humour. I like slightly different & humorous take to the superhero genre and the mixture of action and real life involved in the film. If you're in to action,fighting and super hero movies, this s one movie you will probably enjoy.


    This is a movie I like.

  7. The pros & cons if this system ever happened.


    Better guarantee of going on the ride you want (e.g Swarm forwards)

    Less queuing for rides

    Plan your day out better

    Better than fastrack

    (Currently) free to guests


    Could disrupt normal queue down even more if fastrack (and normal queue) still exist

    May congest further park areas

    Could be problematic when a ride breaks down

    Won't work on all rides (only primary (and maybe secondary) rides)

    May be useless on off peak days (and perhaps even salt the wound)

    Might make the ride less impressive to 1st timers (the build up)

  8. I think if the planned theming hadn't been dropped from the ride (which was due to it reaching the budget early), then we may be seeing this ride to be slightly better than it currently is.

  9. This sounds very interesting in terms that it would work that you can book a time slot to ride. I do see this as kill or cure though. Kill, if the system is over booked or mutates in to a fastrack variation, Cure if this eliminates most queues. It has quite some potential this. I hope people without smart phones can do the same too.

  10. It really frustrates me how Tomb Blaster is being handled badly these days, with the air vents being open and effects broken again, it really detracts the experience of the ride and it was just a year ago when they fixed all the ride up back to its former glory and now it sounds like they're ruining that.

  11. Yeah we definately need a new one I mean both X and astro storm are meh.

    Yeah especially as X is questionably the best dark coaster we have now and the fact excluding Astrostorm which is the relocated Space Invader ride, the last uk dark coaster built was 14 years ago and that was that strange coaster at Gullivers.

  12. Thanks for these amazingly awesome pics Pluk. It's amazing to see how Chessington has changed in all these years how back in the early 90's how there wasn't near as much vegetation near Transylvania, the fresher looking rides which now look quite old and worn (ahem Skyway) and the shocking scale of animal closures which would surely not be allowed now.

    Looking back now, the zoo has certainly improved interns of animal upkeep and experience whilst the rides haven't so much which s a shame.

  13. To my knowledge, all the currently existing dark ride coasters

    X/ Thorpe Park

    Astrostorm/ Brean leisure park

    Raptor/ LWV

    Cheese Factory/ Gullivers MK

    Plus Clone Zone at Milkyway which seems quite bizarre.

    Don't think there are any other uk dark coasters now as Black Hole and Thunder mountain closed in 2005. The uk could do with another major new dark coaster as only X and Astro are really the only big ones and I doubt they're a patch on other dark coasters in the world.

  14. Hi all, I've thought of this new game called Movie/Tv star TPM game.

    The game will work in a similar way to the banning game but instead of a member saying the last one to post is banned for a specific reason will instead post a TV or film character name and/or photo that they believe the above member reminds them of. These could vary from Gandalf in Lord of the Rings to Shrek from, well Shrek.

    Here goes.

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