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Matt 236

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Posts posted by Matt 236

  1. I think what makes Storm Slurge gain its queues and popularity (if it has any) is due to being on one of the main paths of the park, being the group ride as said, being in the middle of the park as well as having a rather low throughput.

    If Storm Surge were to be in a different park location (one less in your face) as well as obtain greater theming, the ride probably wouldn't be shunned as badly by everyone for being an absolute awful ride.

  2. Despite having only done my top 10 3 months ago, I thought it may be time to update it after riding the Smiler, here's the current standing of my top 10,

    1/ Nemesis/ Amazing ride

    2/ The Smiler/ love the inversions and weightlessness of the ride

    3/ The Swarm/ Great drop and theming

    4/ Oblivion/ love the drop part

    5/ Stealth/ short but sweet

    6/ Nemesis Inferno/ runs amazingly

    7/ Dragons Fury/ excellent family ride

    8/ Colossus, love the loops and seems slightly smoother this year

    9/ Saw the ride/ good indoor section

    10/ Thirteen/ the secret drop is very good

    And there you have it, Smiler has knocked Rage of the top 10 and having ridden some coasters this year, it has changed my opinions slightly about them making them rise or lower on the list.

  3. For me, I think Merlin membership is a way to con people. Okay, you pay a certain amount a month and can terminate the package after 12 months. But however it's actually more than the passes to subscribe to every year and yet you cannot use it less than 12 months.

    Though it may be good for some, I'm sticking to my traditional method of buying a pass year in year out.

  4. I don't know what/why people don't like Slammer. I think it's a great ride giving a spinning free fall experience as well as the unnerving feeling you don't feel safe. The ride is very unique in terms of experience (especially with the one in Six Flags now gone). The ride is a one of a kind experience IMO.

  5. This sounds a very good idea although I don't why they couldn't just do longer open hours as its more money for a few more hours of rides. Even us pass holders have to pay for it and though its a little cheaper, it should really be free.

    Though its a brilliant idea, I don't think it's right paying that much more for the experience and I won't be able to do any of the days anyway due to commitments. Shame they couldn't go back to the later openings they did several years ago.

  6. Noooooooooo! I was hoping to ride it Saturday and looking forward to it as well. I surely hope the park can fix up the worlds only Sky Swat though I know it'll be closed for MOS :(.

  7. Though towers had two coasters in three years, I suppose that is different because of the five year gap between Thirteen ad Rita as well as the fact one is a thrilling family coaster whilst the other is a thrill machine (despite what the park's classification of Thirteen).

  8. Aggggggh, this is terrible news. No major coaster for possibly another four years plus more of the shipping container hotels. This is not good news at all and I can't wait that long til the next coaster.

    One other thing,is it just me or are the prospects of a permanent hotel appearing to have the chances of Thorpe getting a top spin ;)?

  9. When I was there Sunday, they played the ride theme in the queue. I don't think towers ever used the story audio in the queue. That said, my first visit to Towers was only last year so who knows.

  10. Providing its the 7-8th then I should be able to attend as long as nothing important appears.

    I will however need a lift from someone as I can't drive otherwise I won't be able to make it.

    The 28-29th will be a definite no as It will be hit with three bullets which will be at uni, work on the Sunday as well as attending a cousin's wedding.

  11. Can't wait for uni, start at Brunel in September.

    There isle problem I have is with accommodation. When I first started applying, I saiid wanted halls but have decided I want to stay at home now because the uni isn't too far away and it's very expensive for halls. I have no idea how this will work.

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