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  1. Banned for having a picture of Saw and not Rocky Express as your picture
  2. ''God Karen you're so stupid!'' -Regina George (Means Girls)
  3. Bobo91

    Logger's Leap

    I was more thinking just about every 'intelligent' post you've made in this topic so far.
  4. Bobo91


    If you are referring to the brake runs then thats how it's supposed to feel. People must like it, if no one went on it then Thorpe would have gotten rid of it ages ago, just saying. Now please tell me how that would fit into Thorpes kind of themed areas? A space ship flying around Colossus? Hmm.
  5. Bobo91

    Logger's Leap

    End of the day, it has to be removed for some reason or other. It's Thorpe it's likely because they have sat there and been like oh the roof stuff can wait one more year and now they are trying to remove their feet from their mouths... It's a common problem within Businesses, trying to prioritise budgets, if you would like me to give you a source for that I refer you to any AS level Business Studies book which contains a chapter on budgets. Might learn something. You seem so sure of all this, maybe you would like to produce some sort of proof one day? I for sure will be waiting...
  6. Bobo91


    Wild mouse blates. It won't be going for a while, it's still a crowd pleaser.
  7. All staff will be trained at all times. Consider the fact that if a ride goes wrong people could be killed, I think that the staff will be trained don't you...
  8. I'm just going to throw this one out here, fastrack or no fastrack running reduced capacity of rides is a bit pointless unless it's the start of a day(not ideal) or end of the day. That was it deals with the 'hour peak' queue and the 'barely there' queue. As for the trains, in a nutshell, Colossus is broked others aren't. There is nothing that would make a train go in for maintenance early unless it broke. Just basically summing up what everyone's saying, so fastrack?
  9. Bobo91


    It's also down to Thorpe, they have actually thought of the guest experience for once. Stops people fainting, as Fred said stops over heating etc it's for both purposes.
  10. Bobo91


    Yes but it's Thorpe's personal preference...
  11. I have a soft spot for Crush's coaster, if you have the right weight distribution one of the drops is a killer!
  12. That attitude is what starts fights... Now your banging on about Duty of Care and all, now from my experience with law by providing adequate security Thorpe are fulfilling their Duty of Care. Now who decides what the word adequate means? That would be the park drawing on previous years research and saying ''right on these weekdays we have x amount of security and on weekends we have x amount'' You cannot sit here and possibly try and say they are failing their Duty of Care as if they were, they would have been stopped by now even as its only been a few days. To be guilty of omission through Duty of Care Thorpe will have had to be having a proper 'we don't care' attitude and not be providing security at all. You are blowing this out of proportion, if you would like to complain more feel free to tell the park as they will say what we all have been saying...
  13. If you want to personally pay for it all be my guest... Do you have any idea about running a business?
  14. I think you'll find that a 17 year old girl can do so much more than you think. I know I could have at that age.
  15. Bobo91


    Tpkabz, remind me how many sky swats there are in the world? Remind me how many of them are still going? Of course it's going to be rubbish, but the fact that after so long Thorpe is still managing to fix it. After reading some of your post, christ I would love to see if you could do a better job.
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