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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. 1 minute ago, Ian-S said:

    I think it goes to the Council who ratify it (same Council that will authorise or deny our request to withdraw should we vote that way) then member states have to implement it, there is little choice involved, some Countries (like us) have vetos but most don't.

    A law is come up with by EU officials (not elected) who then give it to the EU parliament who vote on the matter. Then the law is given to the council (not elected) who then decide on the matter. If in agreement the law is passed, in disagreement the council can either completely ignore the parliaments decision or change the legislation and send it back to parliament once the European officials have approved it again.

    The parliament can not suggest new laws nor can it get old laws removed. All it can do is approve or deny legislation from the officials who create these laws in secret (legally must be behind closed doors) and even then the council can ignore parliament anyway. The 72 times the UK has voted against EU legislation it has won 0 times. 1 in 5 EU workers gets paid more than the UK's prime ministers salary and on top of that I am 99% sure that without looking it up no one can name me more than 3 EU officials. 


  2. The hitler comparison does have truth to it and the complete overreaction seems typical of the media to anything the leave campaign says. 

    The issue with banning the sale of high powered goods means even more redtape. There is so much regulation it is hindering development and the economy. For example there are 31 regulations for a toothbrush alone. 170 for a mirror. To develop a new product and sell it you have to know all these regulations which small business don't. Dont get me wrong some are needed but you could do the same with half the ammount. 

  3. Interesting EU article emerging which is about the EU planning to ban the sale of high powered inefficient electrical items such as kettles and toasters. Part of eu environmental targets the bill has been delayed until autumn to make sure it doesn't affect the brexit outcome.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Morgan.B said:

    The blades won't be running until next year, unfortunately, as it needs some work doing to them.

    A motor and possibly some gears. That is literally all I can think of that makes up the blades mechanism (do correct me if I'm wrong).  Did they give any more detail in why that will take a year to fix?

  5. 1 hour ago, Mark9 said:

    How often do you think that works LC?

    Pursuing legal options of corporate damages and defamation against media companies often leads to follow up news articles being pulled or edited. The story grows much slower and forces reporters to get facts right. Presumably merlin is not following this course of action because legal fees are high and its bad for share holders in the short term. However this course of action is damaging in the long term as stories continue to grow with more and more ridiculous outlandish claims (Galatcica getting stuck upside down) and damaging customer satisfaction as now rides need to close in light rain in a city where it rains 106 days of the year. 

    I personally have thought for years that Merlins PR team aren't the best in the world and that dealing with situations like this is poor. Its gotten far worse over the last year as the frequency of these situations have increased drastically. The main issue I have with them is that they are so slow. It takes them days to get a response out when stories like this need a response in minutes and hours not days. On top of that the response given comes across as apologetic when really they should be defending themselves. 

  6. Well it is ridiculous seeing as in infernos 13 year existence it hasn't ever had to close for light rain. I would understand if it had always been a policy but it hasn't been and there is no good reason why it should change now. This is some over the top knee jerk reaction from the weak Merlin bosses. They have had time and time again to correct the media when they have said something stupid but they always do it way too late.

  7. £13m seems more and more likely to be the real price. Seeing as Thorpe are most likely the people who gave them that figure. To me it implies the budget has been slashed from its original target which given previous examples (zufari) doesn't rest very well. Then again the orginal £20-40m figure could have just been said to get fans hyped so who knows.

  8. I'm glad to see that in the space of 10 years the design of the hotel has hardly changed at all. 

    From an engineering point of view they could save a lot of money making this like most modern hotels where you precast sections off site and then move them on to the site and just slot them into place. Seeing as there is no overall repeating patten it implies that this will be built the conventional way.

  9. Well both result in death by Hershey, so instead of starving to death in a park I shall go with being crushed by food.

    Guilty until proven innocent or innocent until proven guilty?

  10. 9 minutes ago, BaronC. said:

    If you want to be facetious and pessimistic though, your favourite (steel) roller coaster is just metal shaped and joined in a certain way. :)

    Steel engineered in a way to withstand extreme stress and strain with each component having months of work spent on it.

    What I am trying to do is shine some light on people obsessing over a light behind a sign. I understand it is a nice looking sign but at the end of the day it is a sign. 

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