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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. The police force take no action on speeding in 20 zones (equipment isnt accurate enough) which currently is the whole city. The police informed the council of this before introducing it but ignored them anyway. So the council spent ten's of thousands on painting 20 everywhere. There is 4 20's painted on my road just incase you forget the speed limit every 100m.

  2. Well the opinions voiced in comments on various matters tend to the left or right wing. Enough posts and a good memory you can work out where someone is on the political spectrum and make an educated guess on who they would vote for. It's not the most accurate thing but I know who most likely would back me up in a political debate.

    I can't talk for Tommy but that is what I meant by my statement.

    I class myself as very political (like an argument too much) and as a result I try to profile people. I would love to be an MP so drawing political opinions from all sorts of places is something I like to do.

  3. I'm rather curious to find out what the forum thinks of the green party. Having a green MP and a green council my views on them seem to be against the norm to those who don't have them in a position of power. I guess I want to find out if my opinion on them is actually different to the GP.

  4. This is a single track wooden coaster by the looks of things. Zooming in on the station there is only 1 line and the words 'Station Slopes downwards' and then states the heights of either end which works out as 0.5m difference . Something very common for old fashioned wooden coasters.

    Something also to note is the high point of the ride is 18m with the rides station being 0m.

  5. That is a very short circuit after the lift/launch. The corners are that you would find on a Woodie and would explain the wideness of it. Likewise it could be something completely different.

  6. Corbyn is living in an idealistic world where money grows on trees and no one has any bad intentions. Some of his policies are a good in theory. However I seriously doubt they work in the real world.

    On top of that he has already proven he can be bought out and is happy to abandon his ideals at a drop of a hat. I don't want a spineless prime minister like Cameron or if he won Corybn.

  7. I am a central/right wing supporter and I would agree the labour party has gone too left. Along with the conservatives new leader and the potential fall of ukip the labour party will have a hard election on their hands. That isn't even including the rise of the greens taking labour votes.

  8. I am very much for out of the EU. Unlike the people portrayed in the media as brexit supporters my reasoning has nothing to do with immigration. Immigration is needed for stable growth when the country is at full employment which currently it is.

    One reason is the £350 million a week we spend on it and not getting that much back unlike almost every other country in the union. That money can be spent far better on things Britain wants rather than what the EU thinks Britain wants.

    Leaving would also meaning the fishing industry which the eu seems determined to kill would be lifted of stupid regulations which results in caught dead fish having to be thrown back.

    Leaving also means that the eu won't be able to tax the city of London which would serverly damage trade there.

    We will be able to set our own laws and not be forced to follow what Europe wants. Such as guilty until proven innocent or prisoners having the right to vote.

    We will no longer have a political influence from the unelected leaders of the eu (Junker and his friends). If the people don't like the European government they have no way of being able to change it.

    We will have a chance to build up the British Commonwealth once more and strike trade deals with countries like India and China (something Osborne has already been working on).

    I'm going to stop myself here for now but I will happily expand on points or give more if anyone is interested.

  9. Whilst a conservative I am certainly not a Dave fan. He is a spineless prime minister giving into large companies. However the same can be said about corbyn and Osborne.

    The conservatives have never been good with education and hopefully when Boris is PM something will change for the better in education. Assuming David quits after the eu referendum.

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