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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. Actually multiple polls now have brexit ahead. I suspect it's because of Camerons terrible performance on sky while Goves was pretty good. 

    The remainiacs endless economy doomed is wearing off as no one believes it to be anywhere near as bad as they are saying. Meanwhile Leave is focusing on immigration which is an argument they clearly win. 

  2. Parks will develop multiple layouts in multiple locations. So that when things happen they can still push out a new ride when its needed. An example is the provisional designs of LC12 where on a document you can see 3 coaster layouts all with a similar design and clearly all wing riders. Eventually they settled on the swarm and was not too different from the design on the document. I suspect what has happened here is that there were 2 or 3 designs in different locations for a wooden coaster and after the crash they ditched the ride at ripsaw for whatever reason and went with the flume site.

  3. 30 minutes ago, ThemeParkCrafte said:

    First UK coaster to be fully themed with an explained storystory, preshow and dark ride section. 

    The "dark ride" section is literally a couple of meters long as it passes under the station building. A preshow is nothing to really wow about it just sets the mood.  

  4. That image is from a while ago and the creator was pretty much guessing heights. Hence why the lift hill looks so odd. I'm sure someone is working on a more upto date version. 

    I can understand the negative reaction. My concern is it will be a bit like the swarm with a good layout and good theming but comes across as too short. Especially if that lift hill is launched.

  5. They will have general spare parts for items that regularly break or need replacing. It is not economically or practically viable to store spares for everything. Just be relived that stealth doesn't have the reliability of TTD or the operations of Kingda Ka. Launch coasters are very complex and lots can go wrong.

  6. 2 hours ago, Benin said:

    Poor design is not the same as opening unfinished... Not sure where that idea has come from...

    Well I originally said that sub Terra was a terrible experience which could contribute to why they don't want to open dbgt early. Word of mouth and all that. So that idea seems to have come from people misunderstanding what I said.

  7. What could be done which I imagine is quite appealing in merlin's eyes although may not compensate guests very well is if they gave out discount vouchers to be used in park. So they give you a xx% off voucher to be used in a merlin owned shop/restaurant/fastrack. So the customer feels they have got something meanwhile merlin makes money off of it. No idea how guests would respond to it or if it would work but it is only a suggestion.

    Really the issue with priority passes given out is that they don't account for it when selling fastracks and they give them out for pretty much anything. 

  8. The ride has to be the best it can be. When you spend huge amounts on a ride it has to be good or word will spread. Nemesis sub Terra had a bad word of mouth and look at it now. Merlin don't want a repeat of that, they want an attraction to pull people through the door to make them money. The creators will want it as good as possible as it's their child but management are money focused.

  9. The European official's with the council's backing can enforce what ever they like and completely ignore the European parliament. The UK has voted against the council 72 times and has lost on 72 occasions. We are pretty much powerless to stop new ridiculous laws being introduce. The only way we can stop stuff is using our veto of which it seems Cameron has actually given some of our veto powers away.

    The eu has quotas on how much we can import from country's outside the eu. Pushing prices up as cheap steel cant be imported to make cheaper goods. Same with food and other goods. So we are locked in the trade area of inefficient production unable to be competitive on the global market because of being in the eu so we must trade with the eu as everyone has the same high price problem. Leaving will cause an economic shock but we will recover and able to trade globally instead (Switzerland is a good example of this). So the economy will end up performing better and we will have control over our government. A government we can change every 5 years unlike the EU where you have pretty much no influence at all.

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