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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. Angry Birds 4D Experience (5)

    DBGTROTD (4)

    Depth Charge (5)

    Detonator: Bombs Away (5)

    Flying Fish (5)

    I'm A Celebrity (5)

    King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5)

    Lumber Jump (5)

    Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5)

    Nemesis Inferno (5)

    Quantum (5)

    Rocky Express (5)

    Rumba Rapids (5)

    Rush (5)

    Samurai (5)

    SAW - The Ride (5)

    Stealth (6)

    Storm In A Teacup (5)

    Storm Surge (5)

    The Swarm (5)

    Tidal Wave (5)

    Timber Tug Boat (5)

    Vortex (5)

    X (5)

    Zodiac (5)


    Stealth +

    Dbgtrotd -

  2. Angry Birds 4D Experience (5)

    Colossus (2)

    DBGTROTD (5)

    Depth Charge (5)

    Detonator: Bombs Away (5)

    Flying Fish (5)

    I'm A Celebrity (5)

    King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5)

    Lumber Jump (5)

    Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5)

    Nemesis Inferno (7)

    Quantum (5)

    Rocky Express (5)

    Rumba Rapids (5)

    Rush (5)

    Samurai (5)

    SAW - The Ride (5)

    Stealth (6)

    Storm In A Teacup (5)

    Storm Surge (5)

    The Swarm (5)

    Tidal Wave (5)

    Timber Tug Boat (5)

    Vortex (5)

    X (5)

    Zodiac (5)


    Stealth +

    Colossus -

  3. All 3 layouts were wing coasters featuring swarms drop and were meant to be a guide to what the park might build. Thorpe does have height limits as set out in the mtdp. They are allowed upto 50m on the island behind swarm. The other sites I believe are restricted to 40m. The mtdp didn't outline any developments of coasters at the loggers site so the height limit on that side of the park is unknown, but looking at saw and Colossus I suspect it would be around 30m. 

    The MTDP also gave a guide in how long the coasters would be which were 800m and 950m. Swarm turned out to be the 800m coaster at a length of 750m. 


    The mtdp is almost at the end of the time period it outlined and at this point due to the swarms "failure" and Merlin's change in development I suspect that the mtdp is now a very very loose guide which the park is no longer following. 

  4. What an absolutely mental decision.

    I would have loved to have seen that meeting where they concluded the best way to make the park more family orientated was to retheme a family coaster that can't have single riders to the walking dead. 

    All this will result in is ruining guest satisfaction as they hype up a walking dead coaster that can't possibly fulfill the media hype while at the same time reducing the line up for younger guests. 


    It's just constant short sighted decisions resulting in higher running costs which when accompanied by the reduction in spending on the theme park division can only end badly.

  5. The drive for increasing profits has been reducing the guest experience and ultimately I feel Merlin have forgotten what they are actually selling to the consumer. There is no point in a load of hotels for guests to stay if they have no guests. 

    They are clearly trying to increase the amount spent per person but have inadvertently reduced the number of people because, in my opinion, they lost track of the basics.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Marc said:

    Everyone would just complain how they are ripping people off making as much money as possible etc ;) 

    Very true. 

    Iwould like to think I wouldn't mind if Merlin did it as it seems like quite a good idea to make more money without disadvantaging the non paying guests. 

  7. I don't see why you would want to visit during weekends in august seeing as you can go any point in the year but nonetheless it's another step of devaluing the standard pass.


    Assuming you would buy tickets online (about £30) without a pass and the cheapest standard pass is £139 it still pays for itself in 5 visits. 

  8. I quite like Mavericks launch not because of its force but because of the reactions you get from people on the train as it takes them by surprise. 


    But I think best launch I've been on would be TTD and Kingda Ka. Its the build up to launch and then the incredible speed it reaches.

  9. The whole worlds first nonsense has to end. If Merlin actually surveyed people I'm almost certian they would find no one cares if its a worlds first when the first it is on about is something stupid. I'm assuming its not the marketing team that decides to use the Worlds first slogan all the time and is actually something Head office makes happen because no marketing expert could possibly think at this point that the worlds first slogan is effective. I'm sure it worked on the smiler (although I think they used world beating) and possibly Saw but everything else they have made it has been completly irrelevant or in 13's case damaging to the rides reputation. 


    This new for 2018 "world's first " I'm almost certian will be just a stupid tag line like worlds first horror maze themed on season 7 of the walking dead. This is either going to ruin some existing ride, be a overhyped flat ride with some IP tagged onto it or some new VR sequence on DBGTROTD that gives it a really obscure worlds first.

  10. Unfortunately Merlin won't sell them. They represent a very large asset, valued in the hundreds of millions, which if sold share holders would panic and the share price would fall drastically. 

    The only way they would consider selling them is if they had consecutive years of negative growth and financial losses. Even in that scenario no one is likely to buy them due to the high cost and poor looking balance sheet. 

  11. The reduction in capex is going to hit the theme parks hard on future projects and I'm willing to say that Thorpe's next ride has just taken a budget cut or worst case cancelled all together. I highly suspect DBGT didn't perform as well as they hoped and it's no secret that the swarm didn't either. Which put together is going to paint a picture to Merlin that large investment at Thorpe doesn't pay off. 

    The lack of investment is going to put off visitors as there is nothing new and quality is already low at the parks. The terror climate is unlikely to improve so that will continue to deter guests. All of that adding up and it will not surprise me that in a few years there is negative growth in the parks and that really won't please share holders. 


  12. The price of a night stay at the hotel will have been worked out and I suspect that opening it at a discounted price would have made it difficult to turn a profit with the average demand the hotel normally gets at that time of year. 


    The reason they gave for falling visitor numbers is concerning as it's unlikely to be the truth and the action they are taking to "solve" the problem is even more concerning as it is damage limitation.

  13. That announcement has a rather negative outlook for the UK midway attractions and the  theme parks. 

    The share price would have dropped because of its pessimistic outlook will have spooked investors. It saying trading towards the end of the season dropped despite record high number of tourists will also have worried investors as well as them reducing capex in its struggling theme park division probably won't help.



    "Analysts say Merlin's explanation for the dip in popularity of its UK attractions is at odds with official figures which show the number of foreign visitors to Britain over the summer rose."


  14. I have pretty much the exact same complaints. 

    The food in the park is dreadful, having tried pretty much everything they had to offer I can confirm that every restaurant there serves inedible food. The staff are completely incompetent and rude. The lady in guest services was also rude to us but compared to the ride hosts she was the best service we had at any point while there.

    I have no intention to ever return to the park and seeing as you 2 have the exact same complaints id advise others not to bother visiting.

  15. I think it's pretty much certian that it's never returning. The work needed to be done costs more than Merlin's stupid formula allows. The only way the ride is ever reopening is a complete retheme so they can market it as brand new worlds first nonsense.

  16. I'd say I just have a strong dislike of Merlin rather than an agenda. Merlin can sometimes do good things but there marketing hype and constant errors have led me to not visiting anymore. 


    I had an agenda against reserve and ride as I'm sure many people picked up on. But currently I do not have an agenda against Merlin Entertainments.

  17. The fact it doesn't have banking implies it's lost all of its speed by then so now I'm not only concerned about the rides short length it now also seems the pacing might not be very good either. 

    It's safe to say that I'm not expecting very much from the wickerman. 

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