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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. The problem with a refurb is it doesn't bring in new people and so doesn't make any money in the short term. As a result Merlin were never going to spend the money and so it got to a state where it was run down its popularity dropped and now it's closed. 

    Merlin is so focused on the short term that I am certain this is just the next ride to suffer this fate in a long list which will form over the next few years.

  2. 1 hour ago, Weeksy said:

     In fairness to Nick and Merlin, the way they handled the Alton accident was textbook, took full responsibility and seemed to really care. 

    Yet failed to call the emergency services for 20 minutes. I wouldn't call that textbook. Taking responsibility was really they only thing they could do. If they blamed Gerst then they would have had a lawsuit on there hands for defamation.

  3. Well SW8 is for 2018. It won't take that long to remove a flume.

    The amount of closed rides is excessive and really puts me off from visiting. They already had a great lack of flat rides and closing more was never going to help.

    Merlin went about the wrong way to fix it after the smiler issue. They chose the money saving solution rather than convince the people back solution resulting in a loss of "magic".

  4. Is there much that can go wrong with 2 lights on a pole? It seems a pretty simple thing. I suspect it's more the engineers have far more important things to be working on. Which was a concern from the start.

    The only concern about the attraction that has not yet come true is the disappearance of actors which I'm sure is just a few years away.

  5. 2 minutes ago, adam_sparks1 said:

    Yesterday was a nightmare for me... queued for a hour at 11 being told it was opening for them to turn us away as it was far from opening... Come back when it opened at 3 ish, queued for a hour before it broke down again. Stayed in the queue for another half hour before it started up again; just for half hour later to break down AGAIN! We left the queue and got on with the day and got some free return to Derren Later. At 8 we finally got on the ride just to get evacuated on the first train... and not to get on it again. And all we got was 2 fast tracks which we couldn't even use on the mazes. Fun!

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

    I would send an email to guest services. If Merlin want to "push the boundaries" with new technology then when it goes wrong they need to pick up the pieces. To queue up 3 times and waste a huge amount of time to not even get on it once is a joke. 2 fastracks that can't even be used on the mazes is a bit insulting in my eyes.

  6. Is anyone really surprised it's in this state. Nearly every issue it has is standard Merlin problems. Failing to maintain and overlooking details in planning. Their obsession for it being easy to advertise always hinders them. The need for new technology and worlds firsts never seems to pay off. It always plagues their attractions with problems and the only people to blame are themselves. If the marketing team stopped spurting out utter nonsense and understood what they are trying to sell then maybe Merlin would consider a decent ride rather than a stupid gimmick. Sw8 will have some stupid gimmick strapline and so will thorpes next project. 

    The fact people are surprised and have hope that the ride will become perfect next year need to wake up. The problems are with the initial design and ones that can't be fixed easily.

  7. May did say that they can't have another referendum and with the fall in oil prices Scotland's economic plan (if the same as last time) is abysmal. Even if Scotland went independent there is still no garuntee they will be allowed to join the EU.

  8. Nice to see the SNP wanting a second referendum because they didn't get the response they wanted the first time. 

    Very odd Nicola doesn't want laws imposed by Westminster but perfectly happy to have laws imposed by Brussels. Strange that her arguments for leaving the UK are the same reasons to stay in the EU.

  9. See it as a rectangle just like others have said. You get on at the bottom right corner (Victorian shell). This moves to the bottom left corner (tube station) and you get off. While you experience the live actors the train moves to the top left corner. You now get back on the train and it moves to the top right corner where the majority of vr 2 takes place. Then right at the end it quickly moves back to slightly left of the bottom right corner, let's you off then moves backwards to the bottom right corner/Victorian train shell. (Unless you get let off in the Victorian train shell - to be honest I honestly can't remember which really says a lot about the change of locations and the fact I spent a lot of time convincing the people I rode with the train actually moved)

    All this happens while 2 other trains are doing the exact same thing just a section/ corner ahead.

    It's not possible to run 4 trains as they would effectively be grid locked.

  10. 1 minute ago, BaronC. said:


    I'm probably just being a bit slow here, but I really don't get what you're trying to say here?


    Are you saying that having RnR on the major rides (which are also the higher throughput rides) drives people to the lower throughput rides, counteracting the worthwhile-ness of the system?  If so, then yes, that's a fair point, but that's not to do with the maths for the system, more just the logistics of it.

    That is what I'm trying to say (I did word that horrifically). I meant the maths in the system as the probabilities of what they do when not waiting for a major ride and so you are forcing all those people to other smaller rides which would make a bigger queue. So an hour queue on stealth is the equivalent number of people of a 2 hour queue on rush (roughly).

  11. 3 minutes ago, BaronC. said:


    Mathematically speaking, the system can work. From a purely theoretical perspective, Reserve n Ride was a brilliant idea.

    Mathematically works and is a brilliant idea providing you make some pretty big assumptions like people waiting for a coaster on the system will then go and wait for a different ride with the same probability as if the system wasn't there. Where in reality people would be far more likely to wait for a ride that wasn't using the system which would force people to the low throughput rides which is just not what you want to happen.

  12. 1 hour ago, ThemeParkCrafter said:

    I understand there were those issues but Thorpe didn't iron them out to make it work well

    They would have had to invest in multiple shows, many restaurants, more supporting rides and a few very high through put rides all of which cost way more than just keeping throughput in mind when making new rides. It was always doomed with the amount of money they had (that and the fact the maths for the system just doesn't work).

  13. 9 minutes ago, ThemeParkCrafter said:

    A Disney fastrack system would work well for dbgt I think, since it tends not to breakdown now and would keep people happy.

    You have missed many "discussions" on reserve and ride. Maybe go and read that thread seeing as it was basically identical to Disney's and then you might see some issues with the system.

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