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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. 5 minutes ago, A.T.I said:

    I hope that the new coaster will be a B&M or a kind of Intamin family coaster. I predict that the net new coaster at Thorpe will open 2019/2020, cause I've heard people saying that Derren Brown's ghost train cost as much as a giga.By the way, can someone tell me what LC and WC mean? Cause the Swarm was codenamed LC 12 and DBGT WC 16. I presume its similar to Alton's Secret Weapon series.

    LC was for large coaster (I believe) and WC was white chapel. Saw had the code name Dylan. Unlike Alton towers Thorpe's are quite random.

  2. 4 minutes ago, RobF said:

    Throughput would be awful surely ??

    It wouldn't be too bad. Its capable of 2 trains so imagine it would have a similar throughput to a normal flat ride like rush and it would be higher than whatever slammer did. If throughput was there goal though they could go for the skyline attractions skywarp.


  3. Well the ride would have to go all the way from slammer to rocky express so the toilet block and that food stand would have to move.

    I'm not suggesting that it's a likely replacement, more it would be nice to see them get one. 

  4. Repainting vampire wouldn't cost as much as some other coasters due to its close proximity to the ground. They repainted nemesis so Merlin are perfectly capable of doing it. But there is no return in that sort of investment so I doubt it will get done anytime soon.

  5. 24 minutes ago, mrmonkey said:

    Also there are many parks especially in America that have multiple woodies in the same park, which all ride differently and compliment each other - so Alton & Thorpe both having a woodie really would not be flooding the market!

    You have to consider it from Merlins point of view. They spend millions on a ride where its USP is being made of wood. Opening another ride with the same USP or a similar superior one like an RMC would mean Thorpe ends up stealing customers from Alton.

    SW8 wouldn't boost visitor numbers as much as it could have without competition and so it would be considered a poor use of funds.

    While Thorpe may get a woodie at some point I highly doubt it will be any time soon.

  6. I think the best choice would be a thrilling family coaster focusing on airtime around loggers leap. A woodie wouldn't make sense as one is opening at Alton next year. 

    They might want to take on Blackpool with a multilaunch but then again that would also be a reason not to go with one. 

    I'd love to see a RMC T-Rex replace Colossus but I highly doubt that would happen anytime soon.

  7. For a new coaster to open in 2018 they wouldn't need to start vertical construction until about November for a march opening (Merlin seems to aim for May anyway). Steel construction is very fast and as Thorpe is very flat the foundation's wouldn't be complicated to construct. The thing that would take the most time would likely be the planning permission which they still have time for.

    That being said they spent a lot of money DBGT and I suspect 2018 is a low investment year. So I would say 2019/2020 is when the next coaster might come along.

  8. They should have all been open by 10. There chance was to have yesterday as a one off but clearly that isn't going to be the case.

    The GP will always want to blame someone and that unfortunately is the first person they see. They have every right to be angry when they are paying £30-£50 to get in and half of the park is shut. It's just a shame that anger is directed towards the hosts rather than the managers.

  9. Management will know the blame is on them and will be working on fixing it. I'm quite sure someone very high up will have arranged some kind of meeting about the shambles of today. Probably not Nick or the COO but I suspect they would have been told. 


    Unlike other problems that cost the park in the long run this would have cost them a lot of money and generated a fair amount of negative reviews instantly. On top of that this problem is 100% completely their fault. So management must report why it happened and what they are doing to prevent it from happening again.

  10. I strongly believe that VR will never be up to what they want it to do. The 1st generation headsets were never designed to be running all day playing the same thing over and over, and no generation of headset will be designed for that either. 

    The graphics will age horrifically as graphics always do, the hardware will become tired and outdated faster than Merlin will be able to keep up with, it's got an IP of a man that in a few years will be completely irrelevant and the ride system is so under used and stuck as a VR tech demo that they might as well just use the chairs from angry birds and be done with it.

    It is possibly the single most short sighted investment Merlin have ever done and all the problems the ride is giving them they truly deserve. 

    It could have been so much more and a fantastic ride but they had to go with every idea on the table and then throw in some VR so people think they are innovative. It's a flawed concept and a ride that will forever be stuck with the thought of it could have been so much more.

  11. That would be a lot of continuous investment for a diminishing reward over time. 

    What I suspect will happen is the rise of the demon will result in guest satisfaction going up slightly and them leaving it at that. I highly doubt it will be as successful as they had hoped and I suspect a fair few will still dislike it. The ride is a flawed concept which I don't think they are able to change now it's been built.

  12. 1 hour ago, 'Airtime Falcon' said:


    • Lap bars - just imagine, 367ft face down, arms up with no shoulder restraints!
    • Smoothness - Kingda Ka isn't too rough but it isn't really smooth either, this new Intamin is more or less guaranteed to be perfectly smooth.
    • Theming - Not a deal breaker for me, but could potentially give a pleasant atmosphere

    TTD has lap bars and is much smoother than Kingda Ka , it's "theme" is also more pleasant. 

    While it's got potential to beat Kingda Ka I don't think it has much chance at beating TTD.

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