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Everything posted by HermanTheGerman

  1. It'll be around for a fair old while yet, mainly due to the fact the supports go right through the middle of Tomb Blaster, and there are a million reasons why the won't dig around in there. Its a shame really, as its so old now. Its becoming quite the maintenance nightmare. And for god's sake- Chessington needs some new hardware!
  2. That looks so... bland. It's worse than I expected, at least they've got some interactions with the tigers planned. Its a nice idea to drop through the mouth, but if they don't cover up the rest of the wearhouse?? What about fixing up and hiding the rest of the geotty bits? The lift hills have been without rockwork of disguise for years, as has the rest of the tomb building, specifically after the dragon tunnel section. Hmmmm
  3. That's been a rumour since the dawn of time my friend. The 2016 and 2013 coasters can tell you that...
  4. The trough wasn't actually replaced, it was reinforced and received new support beams which had rusted over the years. Dragon Falls will be around for a while yet sadly, which is a shame as that whole area just needs a proper redoing, not a series of mini fixups that leave it feeling queer.
  5. People do notice when things are good. They might not come out of the attraction and think "xyz was expertly timed", but their overall satisfaction with the attraction will be greater if it's looked after. The park just have the complete wrong attitude- if no one complains it's alright. Which is exactly why we have disasters like Vampire's station (and crypt, cave and queue for that matter).
  6. The irony here is that by blindly supporting an attraction because "everything in it is new", you end up the more typical fanboy... There's difference between cynicism and balanced analysis you know...
  7. Haha, who's idea was it to make half the path the same colour as the grass? Silly billies!
  8. Ugh, why do they have to go and slap the station music on everything? That piece is meant for a big sound hall, not tinny queue line speakers. Audio creativity has slipped quite a bit at Chessington recently...
  9. 2011 was the year it came back. Though it was redone for a second time in 2014 with a stereo version.
  10. I'm afraid it's just a sign of the times. This really isn't the park we all grew up with. A needlessly brand-centric one has taken its place. That's not necessarily anything new, but it really shows through in the way things are being driven. Transylvania was such a cool exciting name. A nice loud bit of fun for happy children. But why have drama and eccentricity when you can have generic brands and something as dull sounding as "adventure point"? Oh well, time to stop caring. Sorry, I'm out. Bye Chessington.
  11. Isn't that from the Penguin show? The swirl behind the doors whenever they open?
  12. I believe Back Buccaneer looks so fresh because its received a comepletely new shell this year; rather than just a normal repaint. I could be wrong though, they were after all supposed to replace the shell last year too...
  13. No, it's not coming back thankfully. "Ooh! We want it for eight seasons!" lasted so long. Good riddance
  14. My pyjamas told me their favourite cheese was Stilton. Doubt either are true...
  15. They were actually going to close Dragon Falls at the end of 2014. Its only due to this work that it was able to carry on. Its certainly very likely that its the same issues had on Loggers (rotting ride structure, mould and decay).
  16. Wowe, look how fun and quaint Transylvania is there. The colour pallete was so nice warm and really gelled together.
  17. Its like they've just given up hope of it recovering. Oh wait, they have.
  18. Haha, oh goodness. What has it come to when a park is celebrating the fact that its painted a stairwell.
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