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Everything posted by Jordanluke2009

  1. It's not open tomorrow the only bit open will be the inside park.
  2. It's September and both standard and premium can go in. Standard pay a £1 booking fee.
  3. They are aiming to get it open as soon as possible. But if I've heard correctly HSE haven't given them the go ahead to reopen
  4. ^ oh babe that list will never come to me.
  5. ^ but if your going by that ticke last year that cost something like £50-60 for the whole event it's still going to be cheaper. But your still going to get inconsiderate people wanting to spend that sort of money for someone not to go.
  6. I've never heard of him explain the legend Ryan.
  7. Regarding the booking fee people could still book all days though that's the thing so it makes it redundant.
  8. Ahhhh Ryan I love you too much but your not a girl I'm afraid so you can't be a mod.
  9. See I think the guys do lovely job this is actually a great forum. I'll use one forum for example they have a Social Media Team comprised of 2 female members that help the hive of the forums and it makes the females feel they have a role sort of thing. But as you've said you have females behind the scenes but as I've said I can't fault what the mods do they stop bad things from happening, love having words with me and for that I don't mind that it's run by guys.
  10. A guest asked a staff member and posted on facebook.
  11. But that's the thing to give an edge on a Standard and Premium Pass is one shouldn't pay nd one should pay. Standard is the most basic form of pass so should be paying and Premium and Vip shouldn't pay. If they were worried about people booking multiple times and not turning up they would of did it for summer nights.
  12. So a guest asked today a member of staff standing outside the ride when will it open again apparently it's reopening Tomorro...
  13. No they were all in costume thankfully.
  14. There one in cabin I managed to find it last year and get chucked out the exit by a gang of actors. Cabins one is just a cloth.
  15. So when I get a premium pass they decide to put a booking fee in. At least it's not standard pass prices.
  16. I would actually like to see female mods. Even though the guys do a great Job it does feel abit lopsided that pretty much all the mods are male give one of the regular female members that posts well and is liked as a mod.
  17. Jordanluke2009


    No, that's why pretty much everyone has said it hosts ops and managers.
  18. Jordanluke2009


    Apparently it was supposed to leave last year for the dark ride and it was going to be bigger, but they couldn't get it sold.
  19. Jordanluke2009


    Nothing changed this March Josh lol. There won't be indication of course but when I was talking about it with someonde who works there he said you wouldn't see any of the theming elements on ride which made me think more that it was virtual reality.
  20. Jordanluke2009


    Tbf Ive known since March it's going to be VR but weren't allowed to say much except teaser it. I don't think they would make it 2 experiences just make it one full experience because if they are going to so much trouble to do it then they will want to mark it out as something like worlds first virtual reality flying coaster.
  21. Jordanluke2009


    Rumours have been going round more the past couple months about it leaving fairly soon, most of the people that ive talked to about it said that it would start to slowly happen this year maybe next year.
  22. Jordanluke2009


    Imagine if a flyer became a virtual reality experience. I know alpenexpress at Europa is getting it but what if it happened to just say Air or one of the American flyers.
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