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Everything posted by Jordanluke2009

  1. Suppose I better put it in here, what restaurants will be open I'm hoping Calypso BBQ is open.
  2. Monday: The first record you ever bought. Hey guys Dj Jordan here. I remember buying 5 tracks in the same day but I'll do 2 from my CDs and 3 from my iPad. One of my favourite Songs from one of my favourite Bands. It was back in the summer the first time I heard this and always used to sing it and still to this day sing it. I saw them 2 years ago as a 4 piece and loved it so this year, I'm going to see them again but this time as a 3 piece Scott, Sean and Ritchie, I wonder what they're going to be like now. Another song that I love as well, I also liked this band when I was younger I would of done year 3000 but I didn't want to be mainstream like everyone else lol. I saw them as Mcbusted last year and found them to be an amazing group together, I'm also going this year to see them. My IPad has mostly all the time got this song on at full blast near enough all the time. I didn't really get into this band until after my cousins wedding and since then literally I am really happy when it comes on. I love this Song so much it reminds me of the days that I used to bmxing and Sk8borda at Adventure Island even though it doesn't play this song it's just upbeat and rocky. Last but not least my first Theme Park Related song and I highly doubt my last. [/url] This song is played on Sk8borda at Adventure Island. Literally this is one of my greatest memories of being at Adventure Island in the last 5 years. Mods its only showing the link could one of you guys help me with it.
  3. Do I really want to go down to my uncles park. I'll think about but I'll say maybe at the moment.
  4. Banned for working at the same place as me
  5. I'm not saying nothing but Lego City is now Lego Friends. We don't even know what the attraction is only Marketing and departments necessary will know.
  6. Please get rid of Digger Challenge.
  7. So how many people per Phone. I bring my phone to theme parks like Thorpe Park but I don't want to spend all day reserving rides when I can be spending more times with friends and family.
  8. Matt more like Space Mountain 2.5 nothing is really happening to it. I would go but I've got Plopsa de Planne in April.
  9. 1. My first rollercoaster was mighty mini mega 2. I love waltzers 3. My first B&M was Nemesis Inferno
  10. Meh I'm still in 2 minds about it. Hell I could even go 5 hours out of my way and go Towers or even Pleasure Beach
  11. Just thought I'd put it out there Matt. Some days in the summer lego was open till 8. Even at Halloween I remember leaving work at 9 because we were open until 8.
  12. This is a quick project and something I'm not coming back to because I'm interested in building other coasters. Ladies and Gentleman I present to you Okami Vs. Orochi Battle For Nipon... A B&M duelling coaster
  13. If this was me I would put it as Entrance Price at quite a varied price such as £6 for a Child under the age of 16. £8 for 16-18 year olds and then £12 for Adults. After this Flat Rides such as XXL and that at a price of around £5 it's abit cheaper and to make sure it's getting a fair cycle. Coasters at around £4 because even with a good queue, face it there not good enough for £6. And then for the fun houses and little flats such as Barrel of Laughs around £2. That would be my way of doing it and see how that would work for next year.
  14. Banned for being a Thorpe Park Fan Boy.
  15. Robb Alvey is not welcome. I would like Hollenblitz but if it comes with this guy I'll make sure it never comes to Winter Wonderland. I heard in the next few years they wanted to maked it ticketed.
  16. I love this song. Going to see them live twice this year. Thanks Jack. Can I be a DJ later.
  17. Theres a pub that does this dessert challenge.
  18. I'll help josh out 1) Slammer 2) Nemesis Inferno 3) The Swarm 4) Stealth 5) Colossus 6) Rush 7) Rumba Rapids 8) Detonator: BOMBS AWAY 9) Saw - The Ride 10) Tidal Wave 11) X 12) Samurai 13) Depth Charge 14) Loggers Leap 15) Vortex 16) King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems 17) Quantum 18) Flying Fish 19) Rocky Express 20) Storm in a Teacup 21) Chief Ranger's Carousel 22) Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride 23) Zodiac 24) Storm Surge 25) Angry Birds 4D
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