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Everything posted by Emma1980

  1. Just another question (sorry if its been covered already). No online ticket printing - only collection from advance booking hut. Does this mean 1000's of people all queuing for collection of their tickets which lets face it, they ain't the quickest at churning out the tickets checking paperwork etc etc. Doors open at 7pm - could mean queuing for a while before you even get in to go on the rides.... I'm a bit concerned... I can't get there until about 7-7.15pm as I'm picking up a friend from the train station as he's coming in straight from working in London - by 7.15pm there will be a HUGE queue which will surely eat into roller coaster time! Any thoughts?
  2. I went on this with my 2 year old a couple of weeks back and the last time I had been on it when I was probably about 8 years old! A lot has changed!! What happened to all the bubbles I remember and the water fountains! Was massively disappointed with it to be honest, just going around in a round tub with loud music on - shocking!
  3. I'm just worried that as soon as I get the Thorpe annual pass I'll then be invited to other places with my friends and their kids who have the merlin passes as my daughter gets taller like Legoland etc - I also hate paying for parking each time it bugs me! paying nearly £60 for the amount of times I've been Thorpe with my merlin pass is a piss take especially when renewal for a premuim merlin pass is £137 only £26 more than the standard merlin pass at £111. But £53 is much more affordable.... and £80 less than a premuim pass. What would probably push me to get a TP annual pass is if they did a premuim one (which I see they aint) so I wouldn't have to pay for parking! I love Fright nights and go at least 4 times when its on in October...... Does the TP annual pass not entitled you to to Fright Night for £5 like the Merlin Pass then... ?
  4. Also there is the zoo at chessington but she really isn't bothered by animals at the moment lol
  5. Hi guys So my Merlin Annual Pass is up for renewal next month. I found out it will cost £111.something to renew for the year. Now, having had the pass nearly a year I've been to Thorpe about 15 times and once to Chessington. Bit of background - I work during the week and always go to Thorpe then and take a day's holiday as I have a quite a few to use up. I have a little girl who is 2 next month and only 90cm tall and a husband that hates theme parks. This is why I go to Thorpe with a mate during the week when a) its quieter and my little girl is in nursery when I'm at work or taking days off. Now I don't tend to use other London attractiions as I work in London and the thought of coming up to London with my little girl on my days off doesn't really appeal to me - also she is still too little apart from maybe London Eye and London Aquarium - to actually enjoy anything. I am 50 mins away from Thorpe and 40 mins from Chessington. I took my little girl a couple of weeks ago with friends to Chessington and she was still too little for a lot of the rides but went on Tomb Blaster, Flying Elephants and Bubbleworks. Now I'm telling you all this because is it worth me getting just a Thorpe Park Annual Pass rather than Merlin? My daughter I'm assuming is going to be free still for at least another year to get into places and I will just be paying full adult price for Chessington or 2 for 1. Is there enough offers to warrant not getting a Merlin Pass? I have friends with Merlin Passes who can get me in friends and famliy if need be.... What would you do? and whats the cheapest, most beneficial option for me? Em
  6. Well I guess X is inkeeping with the MOS event! I'm not surprised it was busy at that event! Well I'll be going on Stealth as many times as I can lol I only ever get on it once when I go as its always so busy and this is even at off peak times like during the week in the first half of the year when its cold! Made a massive boo boo going mid week last week as it was full of school kids! I think I might avoid July altogether next year as most people from uni and college and last year of school are probably finished and its heaving with school trips! I'm going to go back second week of September when I know everyone is back at school, college, uni and it will only be the odd people who don't work or have taken a day off work (like me) to go to THorpe ha ha ha !
  7. I've never seen so much water and thought jesus whoever that hits will get really really wet!! ha ha ha ha ! it just missed one of the boats! Yeah I know its in natural water, can smell it - full of duck poo!! EWWW! Yeah I guess you wouldn't want that chucked over you! It was immense watching it though!
  8. Thanks mate You could probably take X and Fish out of the equation although I would be going on them as equally as the others (ok may not the Fish that much lol) most people probably wouldn't bother and would head for Stealth, Saw, Swarm, Inferno and Colossus.......
  9. Emma1980


    I went on 10th July and definately different from last time - better light sequence and not so bright and the music was definately louder!
  10. Emma1980


    It wasn't open on 10th July when I went.... ! I think I've been on it once - it never really seems to be open when I go and I go at least twice a month!
  11. Ok so I went on this on 10th July - when it was MEGA hot and there were next to no queues - really surprised me - we were going round and round at least 8 times without having to get off! Also something I've never seen before - as you sit down and your about to leave the platform and go round the first corner - just above the fencing I saw a massive water cannon go off? It was mental! I've never seen this before and it only went off once whilst I was there for the day and I went on it loads as there was never any queues... Has the water cannon always been there? I'm guessing it has and its just never on.... !
  12. I asked the question on one of their Summer Nights posts about Rush and Tidal Wave being added as I heard (from here). Thorpe Park Official on facebook replied to me personally and said that they are NOT adding Rush and Tidal Wave to the open rides for Summer Night. They were avaiable at MOS but NOT summer nights. So not sure where you are seeing this but its only the 7 as originally planned! EIther way I've booked my tickets for 26th to go! Does anyone really know the limited number they will be letting in? How many in theory could it be to allow only up to 5 minutes queing time - realistically?
  13. I know its early but I am SOOOO excited for Fright Night this year!! Was my first last year and I'm addicted! I wore proper scarey make up and had zombie contacts the lot! The only let down was the crappy rain last year! Hoping it won't rain this year as my make up washed away ha ha ha (scarey in itself) and swarm in the rain hurt!
  14. Emma1980


    Really Ryan? I saw it being tested when we were there at 10ish and a few Thorpe Park people hanging around the entrance turning people away - can't say I looked again to see if it was working.... I do want to ride it again its been ages!
  15. Emma1980

    Logger's Leap

    Loggers leap was pants without the drop in the tunnel. Although I still went on 3 times in a row as no one was queing lol It ruined it a little bit for me, I hope the build a new one
  16. Its funny how every celeb see's themselves differently! It was lucky there were no queues and it took about 10 mins I guess they went on Swarm twice riding it backwards and forwards but let a couple of trains go inbetween. I didn't realise they were filming for their film - it was only LIam on his own with a load of guys/girls that looked "done up" with hair and make up - I did wonder whether it was his friends or just colleagues! Now I know! Ah well at least it was on a quiet day!
  17. First time we ate at the BBQ place on 14th March, was a bit cold sitting in the shade under the canopy but I can't fault the food - it was bloody lovely! Although the pump machines with coke etc in always taste like its been mixed with Tango - I've had it before at Thorpe where the diet coke tastes like tango! its gross! I've always handed it back and opted for a bottle!
  18. Emma1980


    Slammer wasn't working when I went on 14th March - they appeared to be testing it but it never actually opened. Was gutted as I haven't been on this for a long long time due to be being closed for ages! Oh well hopefully next time!
  19. Emma1980


    No, still the same and hanging apart from what I saw!
  20. Am I the only one that can ride Saw once and then have a banging headache after?! I've never known a ride to throw you about so much - the cushioning either side of you head might as well not be there! BUT I love the ride and wish I could go on it more than just once otherwise it ruins the rest of the day for me as I really does give me a banging headache! I also have to ride it last for fear of ruining the rest of the rides ha ha ha ! When I went last week I put my thick hoodie up and my hands either side of my head to try and protect and stop it getting bashed about.... it helped a bit but I still felt sore afterwards!
  21. RideAddict - it was probably the warmest its been at Thorpe since opening! The sun was out, it wasn't that cold, I even braved loggers leap, tidal wave, rumba rapids (with a poncho of course!) and storm sturge although still mightly pissed off that Storm Sturge was still going with tons of water in the bottom of the ride!! It was up to my shins again, I went to take my shoes off and they told me I can't go on there with no shoes on, so I got off and realised that I'd probably ruined my £200 pair of uggs - yes my fault for wearing them but I didn't expect the ride to be so full of water STILL ?!
  22. Was anyone else held up by Liam and his "chums" on opening day? Although there were no queues for anything, the only waiting around was when him and his mates wanted to ride alone and stop the ride a few times to go maybe twice in a row... The park was so empty he basically had free reign with no hassle from any fans! although towards the afternoon people realised he was there and he was getting hounded a bit. It just seemed that every bloody ride we went on, he had already got there first holding up the ride for 15/20 mins! All in all had a great day though, never seen Thorpe so empty! went on everything far too many times!
  23. I went on 14th March and it was empty (well apart from when Liam from One Direction and his chums stopped the rides to ride alone!), got to ride Swarm front and back 3 times. To be totally honest, I still enjoyed the front much more than the back, the first turn being at the front is amazing but not so much at the back, I didn't get the same feeling! and I didn't really get the same feeling going round facing backwards and not seeing the near misses and what was coming up. So for me, although going backwards is fun, I would still rather queue up to go at the very front! Definately not paying fast track to go backwards! Em x
  24. I will be going tomorrow and can't wait! Bit gutted that X isn't open, as I always go on that first, I'll have to re-think my strategy! ha ha ! Hopefully the rides will all be open first thing and its not too cold! suppose to be up to 10 degrees and sunny tomorrow! Em x
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