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Everything posted by MachoMachine

  1. Still shouty. I shout your name in my head. Shouty name. Shouty life
  2. I don't know what you're talking about, Josh. :) I definitely did not miss out Thorpe Park and had to edit it back in. Definitely not.
  3. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3PP2633 Have to do something like this for data collection. Think I got most UK parks in, but just incase I've got an 'other' bit. Thanks
  4. Haven't been there since I was small, not too far away from me, will have to go soon! looks lovely
  5. If creams isn't open by then I'll be crying as I won't be able to fill my craving for over sugary food. Looking forward to my first meet!
  6. Just saw an advert including a little voice over to do with this!! I hope they include the vegimals in this. They are the carrots and other vegetable things that have animal faces and have no relevance to the actual show aside from they just kinda pop up every now and then.
  7. Without the IAC IP? Maybe. With? Wouldn't suit. I'm a celeb is more about watching people go through gross things for no particular reason rather than bugs taking over.
  8. It's looking really good from the few BTS photos we're getting, despite a lack of love for the whole I'm a Celeb thing going on it'll still be a good expirience. Can't wait to see the finished product now!!
  9. I get the whole 'it's quiet' thing but if they advertise 97% (or whatever they said on Twitter) and that doesn't happen, people are gonna be upset. Just because Thorpe aren't Disney doesn't mean that it's fine for them to do things like that. Hopefully with patience everything will be up and running soon, but they have expectations they have to achieve.
  10. Would rather just stick to Thorpe, don't fancy having to submit more paperwork for a Park I'm not even going to talk about (as a whole)
  11. Which is the closest airport and how easy is it to get to Europa from there? Could be a spontaneous trip happening
  12. Europa is one of the parks I need to go to, just by reading people's posts about it makes me go all tingly. Someone smuggle me in their suitcase, I'll buy you a beer.
  13. On a warm bus with mini eggs #justgirlythings
  14. Going out for pizza? I'm making pizza muffins. #LiveLaughLove #peace #happiness
  15. I don't personally agree with filming on rides unless it's approved and it's secure. It's nice to watch POV's on YouTube by channels that are professional with it but any amature video makes me shudder. If anything it reminds me of Final Destination (which obviously is extremely dramatised and is very unlikely to happen but still.) That being said, hope everyone enjoyed the weekend!
  16. I've been on Colossus twice. The second time was to remind myself why I don't go on it.
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