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Everything posted by MachoMachine

  1. Sausage dog hotel??!! ....16, go to the sausage dog hotel
  2. Bit bored, let's do this. 1. Learn how to drive confidently 2. Actually drive long distances... 3. Stop relying on medication and feel better about myself 4. To move away from Somerset to Surrey, or near a city up North 5. To work on horror films doing SFX make-up (or have the chance to be on set for at least one) 6. Get some dogs (preferably a sausage dog or a pug with a funny nose) 7. Go to America! 8. Go to America without having a breakdown on the plane 9. Get a decent job in the creative industry teaching and working on things I love 10. Meet Robert Englund, Tobin Bell and Greg Nicotero 11. Have 2 little humans and get married 12. Take those little humans to some theme parks (for their enjoyment... Maybe) 13. Go to the Sloth Sanctury in Costa Rica 14. Get some really cool tattoos 15. Do a road trip around Europe going to allllll the Theme Parks (maybe) (if I get rich) (probably)
  3. The majority of new 'horror' films seem funny!
  4. Just until the 'foreseeable future'. Wouldn't get your hopes up, but there are many others to enjoy!
  5. Pretty sure I've seen worse stickers on people's cars...
  6. Related to the app, does anyone know where you can view the photos of the rides they used on it? Just had a quick look through and they've got some really nice long exposure shots of Nemesis Inferno, would be good to see them in good quality!
  7. http://metro.co.uk/2015/06/22/alton-towers-slammed-for-selling-t-shirts-emblazoned-with-the-slogan-ride-me-5258188/ Are people just trying to find more reasons to make people hate Alton Towers? 2edgy4u
  8. *coughs loudly* if none of you are working from 10th-13th August I am down (meaning Surrey lads) and I would like to explore. Someonebemyfriendplz. *cough Paige cough*
  9. Does anyone remember that guy on Twitter that went to Thorpe Park with crutches and got a disabled pass then bragged about it online because he wasn't actually injured? Then he got banned from all Merlin parks for a space of time? That was interesting
  10. I suffer from extreme anxiety and I'm on anti-D's and beta-blockers to help reduce this, but sometimes it gets so bad that I freak out even in shops if someone comes too close. Luckily for me, as I know Thorpe very well and have someone who can put up with my anxiety I don't freak out unless someone pushes infront or gets too close to me. Unfortunetely, in other situations (such as gigs and festivals) I have major panic attacks, I actually got lifted over Reading fest barriers last year because I was screaming and crying. I can empathise with those who do have anxiety and can definitely understand how they'd feel queueing up for a ride which itself can build up anxiousness (even if you are used to them). Like it's been noted above there is a system and there are restrictions. For people with ADHD and autism etc they probably resort to having a pass to not only make sure they feel comfortable, but those around them in the queue are comfortable. Just because it's not there visually doesn't mean it's not there
  11. Just saw a video advert on YouTube promoting this. Looks like they're using the footage when The Vamps went to Thorpe the other month.
  12. Why isn't it round. It's a movie about birds that try and kill pigs it's not a realistic thing. Why are they trying to make it realistic. Angry birds 4D will be better than this
  13. Outside Staines train station is the bus station. The Thorpe buses are very easy to notice! You buy the tickets when boarding the bus. It is not very expensive but if you and a few others are going then I say take a taxi (they're dotted around where the buses are too!) I believe it's about £10 one way so £20 return. If there are a few of you it could work out cheaper than the bus.
  14. http://m.burtonmail.co.uk/8203-Alton-Towers-Girl-leg-amputated-Smiler-crash/story-26670847-detail/story.html Good to hear that the recovery is going well!
  15. I finished my GCSE's during this week last year. Can't comment on whether they're finished now but I think some A-levellers have some exams left?
  16. One Direction's Louis Tomlinson has wished Leah Washington to be home soon. Also, it seems that the One Direction fans are trying to get One Direction to visit her in hospital. I really hope this can happen for her!
  17. I really hope the Media coverage does die down and leaves the families to have at least a some form of privacy. Them targeting them could trigger PTSD which'll be awful and make it even harder for them to recover.
  18. A beautiful piece of art. I personally enjoyed standing around for 15 minutes not knowing where I was going. Spectacular.
  19. http://news.sky.com/story/1498207/alton-towers-crash-victim-has-leg-amputatedHas news on all those with serious injuries. So sad, I hope they can overcome their injuries and get all the help needed.
  20. The park's reopening tomorrow, aside from X-Sector!
  21. I have a really bad phobia of vomit, if I see someone throw up I will gag and cry and get insane anxiety. If I hear of anyone throwing up on a ride even though I know they clean it up and it'll be the cleanest seat I still freak out. I also have trypophobia. Seriously, google it. It's so gross the only thing I can handle like that is crumpets
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