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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Rich


    The red line I believe was for the onride speakers.
  2. To be honest, they prob won't spin unless passers by can see them. When your on the ride travelling at around 50mph or what ever it is (sorry don't know the speed) you won't notice them spinning as you are kind of still breath taken by the drop etc.
  3. Cobra: 220 Paultons ParkDragons Fury, not on the list!
  4. Rich


    Ok guys, to end the discussion about the size for once and for all, Huss only make one size Enterprise. Zodiac may seem slightly bigger because it's not built into the ground like Enterprise is.
  5. Unlucky for some? Your worst nightmare....?
  6. 30 or so posts about the video not showing up have now been deleted. It will come out when it comes out, ever thought the person who uploads them might have the weekend off? No I thought not.No more conversations about the video!
  7. The fact that oblivion is in your top 5 gives you 5 stars on your profile! :)

  8. Happy Birthday, hope you had a good day.
  9. They should be going off every year.... That is kind of the idea of the yearly maintenance. Nearly every part including parts that get put under a lot of stress will get removed for inspections etc except coaster track which gets thoroughly inspected over closed season.Anyway back on topic please.
  10. Yes, yes we did! x

  11. This picture is taken by me and was around summer time. http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/1430/diskocoasterzr3.jpg Supports for our one is blue while the track is orange. The car has arrived but haven't been near the site to take a proper look yet!. Might try to upload a picture later, was taken from a distance though.
  12. Ok, for anyone who cares the DiskO track at Paultons has now all arrived and they have finished building the track today! It's all up, didn't realise it would be that big!
  13. Rich

    Alright lil man! Do some work.

  14. Marc the one at the bottom says Mac not Marc.
  15. I don't think so somehow! I can be very stubborn!
  16. Well not everyone, people like me especially who don't have a passport and don't want one! :mellow:Anyway guys I'm working at hoot hoot land so have a good day!
  17. There is more than one speaker in the queue line, not sure if you mean the platform. I miss the old one too! I remember a few days in the past when it had its old music on and I could hear it quite clearly from Rush!
  18. Happy Birthday Chris! Have a good day!
  19. I haven't got a clue in all honesty! Anything but DiskO Coaster I hope!
  20. Rich

    Hello little one! Enjoying the last day of being 14? :P

  21. In other news, The mega disko coaster has started arriving from Friday just gone and is being layed in pieces on the ground ready to be constructed very soon at Paultons Park. It will be orange and blue!
  22. Rich

    This Or That

    Bus....Samsung or LG
  23. Dragon Falls is far superior to Loggers Leap and the water is a lot cleaner and smells nice! Also you don't get very wet which is why I love it!
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