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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Rich

    Well find something to do!! :P

  2. Rich

    That's not proper work is it! You can do that in your spare time... if you're sad enough! ;)

  3. Rich

    go and do some work!

  4. Rich


    I counted 4 as well, that is weird!
  5. Rich


    Mine was getting pretty long and it's now a lot shorter! Good luck!
  6. Rich

    This Or That

    Amazon, Denny.Asda or Tesco?
  7. Rich

    This Or That

    = Fabbri or Zamperla?
  8. No.... During busy times it has 3 trains out. possible of 24 per train, to put that into perspective, Nemesis Inferno holds up to 28 per train but I haven't seen a fully loaded train in ages with the odd seat left as there are groups of 3.Yes Ok, Nemesis Inferno can get through a lot more people due to the shorter track.I don't know Vampires capacity an hour but it must be close to 1000?
  9. Rich


    I quite like Funderworld when it comes to Bournemouth! Space Roller is worth the entrance fee alone!Dan_Rush: I think you would kinda like Paultons then because as far as I'm aware the "Wild River" is a Reverchon travelling log flume which Paultons has. They are getting a Disko Coaster next year! (one with the air time hill in the middle). They also have Go Karts and a few other attractions that you would probably enjoy!
  10. Babybipsey54, welcome. Please refrain from using capitals like that and use proper english. Failure to do this will lead to warns and bans.And I very much doubt you queued 6 and a half hours somehow!
  11. Your Browser is probably catching a old version of the page, try refresh or delete your cache.
  12. Rich

    This Or That

    Bacon Double Cheese all the way!!!Frijj or Yazoo?
  13. Rich

    Well do something else and stop calling me sir!! Lol for also dominating your comment box! :P

  14. Rich

    LOL God damn you! Go do some work mr!

  15. Rich

    This Or That

    Tennis!Rugby or Basketball?
  16. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay and hope to see you posting soon!

  17. Hey welcome to the forums! Hope to see you posting soon!

  18. There might be a problem now. I might be spammed by Chris so he can take over my comments box again! :P

  19. Lets not send links to each others warns shall we? You are aware other members can not view other members warns?
  20. I should hopefully be going in Feb as well! Anyway, we will leave this until we get a new topic for the next meet up! God I can't believe we are talking about it already!
  21. Nice to see you have finally logged on mr! :P

  22. Lets just all move on! People were having bad days etc, say sorry to Holly etc for saying about no friends and anyone else you wasn't nice too and move on!
  23. Can I just ask one question, how do you know people might have lower warns than you when you can't view other peoples warns? Just asking thats all.
  24. I removed it because I'm fed up of your attitude towards the site and the members.
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