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Celia Mae

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Posts posted by Celia Mae

  1. With 12 years until I'm 30 I'd be happy with doing this in my life :)

    1) Get my American passport renewed so I can go there.

    2) Understand UK/US dual citizen double taxation laws.

    3) Visit where I was born in America and pop down the road to New York City.

    4) Actually learn to ride my motorbike.

    5) Get a full-time job I enjoy.

    6) Marry, and not divorce.

    7) Adopt a child?

    8) Visit Venice again.

    9) Go to Florida.

    10) Learn to drive and get a car.

    11) Get back into running and rowing.

    12) Go to Glastonbury.

    13) Get a pet terrapin.

    14) Watch the British Grand Prix.

  2. Okay so I've worn glasses for reading and close up stuff for like a year now. In the past week my eyesight has deteriorated rapidly to the point where now I can't even send a text without wearing them without giving myself a massive headache. My mum also lost her eyesight at around my age when she was younger and I'm kinda worried I'm gonna end up like her and only be able to see shapes and colours without glasses.

    And the worst thing is I really don't like contact lenses and I don't know how my geekiness will survive with having to take off glasses and put them on again with every ride... :o

  3. Back on the topic of WC16... Lots of activity on site today... Saw a big hole and foundations going in from Slammer, plus got a few photos.






    A moving digger moving piles of dirt higher than my head!






    Cement mixer and the drill (not drilling today). Plus one of the last-surviving pieces of arena fence! Still standing... Just.






    Blue fence trying to hide the hole they're digging for foundations... A very station-shaped hole.





    And finally...




    This is why Thorpe can't have nice things.

  4. Ryan is just saying they can both be dealth with with the current system. I don't know about this emptying a cattlepen thing, they didn't do it when we were at Chessington or we at least didn't notice, so evidently it doesn't cause that much stress.

  5. It's not patronising, people just need to realise that they can actually find it harder than a lot of only physically disabled people because they see and understand and interpret different things in different ways to non-mentally-disabled people.


    Don't take this wrong, I agree with you that they are completely different.


    But didn't this whole argument come up because it was assumed they were positively discriminated against by effectively getting free fastrack? Well as Ian said and I've shown, they don't. They just have a different way of queuing. And as Ryan said, all disabilities should be treated the same, because whether they are different or not they all mean that the person affected cannot deal with some things (like queuing) like a majority of the GP.

  6. The thing is, the Ride Access Passes are effectively a system like you're all suggesting, but on paper.


    This is one of the passes used by the charity I work for when we took a group of our disabled young people to Chessie for the day.


    As you can see, when they let you onto a ride they look at the queue time for that ride, add it to the current clock time, and write that in the next box. You then cannot go on a ride until that time is up.




    And on the topic of making sure you have a disabled person in your group so the whole group gets fastrack, that doesn't work either. There is a maximum number of companions for each ride.

  7. 1) My first ever inversion on a ride was on Slammer.

    2) At the time of writing I am sitting watching tv one sweet away from finishing a box of celebrations... Which means I've eaten the whole box in two days.

    3) My mum has gone out more times than me this week. I feel like a hermit.

  8. There's one that goes off behind the train too, they've been around for a while but are either so pointless you don't notice them, or they're hardly ever turned on/working. Only noticed them myself a few weeks ago when I was walking past. Then went on the ride and didn't notice them when I was on it.

  9. So we went yesterday and the chuckle was one of the best ones I've had in years, five or six or more spins on each side, I lost count.

    Yet today the cycle was awful, only got two spins each way, sat next to two American guys who were having their first ever ride on a top spin who came off incredibly disappointed.

    What is going on with this ride?!

  10. Have read all the links included and there will be nothing on there to confirm or deny until the 15th when they publish the Broadcast Bulletin.


    The writer of the email (the creator of the petition) was definitely jumping to conclusions.


    "10 Jun 2015 - With over 1,000 Ofcom complaints so far, Ofcom will now investigate Kay Burley's interview with Nick Varney."


    He knows well that most people won't bother following the links and seeing the actual truth on the Ofcom site.


    What I did notice was that the complaints logged between 02/06 - 08/06 for the interview were 1002, the only number higher was only 21 more and remember that the interview didn't even happen until over halfway through that week...

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