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Celia Mae

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Posts posted by Celia Mae

  1. Well at that point it wasn't either so even if it is the second lift hill they still broke the rules.



    But I assume as long as you'd like as long as you don't get bored...



    EDIT: There is now actually a petition going round to get Kay Burley sacked after her interview... Gaining signatures at an alarming rate. Going by the comments it's both people who have a grudge against her anyway, as well as those like us who know she didn't have a clue what she was talking about, that are signing


  2. Just read that link and it definitely seems one of the most fair, until I saw a link to this article, also by the Guardian, at the bottom of the page...




    I can't quite believe any former staff members would think it wise to say anything like this to a newspaper, knowing what the GP are like. No matter how bad the feeling may be towards Towers when they left, they must know this is only going to make it worse for the poor staff that were working on the ride at the time. Though I must admit this is one of the first articles I have seen a newspaper make a link to Gerts and the Texas Giant incident, but it still isn't made nearly as much of a deal of as the Smiler's past, which isn't nearly as bad.


    Is it actually protocol to wait until all test cars are back before starting to send occupied ones again? I guess it would be common sense.

  3. I have two phobias.


    I've always had arachnophobia, can't stand spiders or spidery things... Ewewewewew. I see one or think about one and I can't bear to look and I go all funny and itchy all over as if they're crawling all over me and I just can't stand still. Apparently it's hilarious to watch.


    My second one started around seven years ago, I'm terrified of mannequins. Which makes both clothes shopping and queuing for SAW an experience... I get all fidgety and get chills down the back of my spine and feel like they're staring at me and could move at any moment. I have no idea what started it, my mum's convinced it was the first episode of the Doctor Who reboot in 2005. I can tell her for a fact it wasn't, I watch that episode completely fine, it was probably more likely to be the weeping angels...


    EDIT: How on Earth could I forget to add my phobia of needles... This started when I was 12/13 and I had an operation on my knee where I had to be put to sleep which they decided to do on a drip so I had to get a tap put in the back of my hand. Basically coz I was so young and my veins were small the nurse missed the vein in the back of my right hand, so had to pull it out again and do another one in the back of my left, which hadn't been numbed unlike my right (which had hurt enough anyway even with the numbing!) and yeah it killed so I was lying there crying and shaking and like no.


    Plus the anaesthetist had no bedside manner at all and considering I was a child had me crying even before I'd gotten to the operation room. Joy.

  4. I don't know about the ride having problems, but last time I was on park the setting was genuinely awful, we got maybe three upside down twists and that was all, and I've heard other people saying similar. At the time I genuinely thought it had broken or something and they'd had to stop us early, but much to my surprise we were got off the ride like normal and the staff proceeded to put more people on in our place. Anyone heard anything that it might actually be having more significant problems?

  5. The ride history on the BBC website is exactly the same as the one on Sky news, so exaggerated and untrue but people will think it's so much more credible coming from the BBC... Where in reality it's just going to make the situation worse for people's hysteria and the park

  6. The 'history of accidents' in the Sky news article I just read is so exaggerated it's practically all lies, the things people will write just to make the story worse or more dramatic is ridiculous :angry: All it's going to do is make people panic more when it isn't necessary...



    EDIT: This seems quite a reliable live feed if anyone's interested:


  7. Still, the fact that most of the track is still covered in rust probably isn't helping the wear of the new sections, as surely the wheels pick it up as they go round and then deposit it on the new sections when they get there. Or that's what it looks like is happening anyway

  8. Just a question, if it's been testing as a part of it being fixed then it will have been done by an engineer, and seeing as it's been closed for so long... Does the park actually have any ride staff trained to operate it yet this season? Because if the answer is no that's at least like, a week added to our waiting time :o Plus, it might not even have been signed over to them yet...

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