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Everything posted by yeah

  1. yeah

    The Banning Game

    Banned because his hair in his profile pic is not the same in his signature.
  2. 3... simply because I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
  3. I have no problem with it, I just recognise them. Meanwhile: Person I subscribed to, and also who hasn't uploaded in 4 months
  4. Ok, I'll record the video soon, and what I might do is get the music for each area, e.g. I'll get Sharkbait Reef for Pirate Shores, a recording of the entrance music, I'll put Tomb Blaster in Adventure Land, etc.
  5. What? No! Chessie's one of my favourite parks, (hence my name) they can't not replace ANY of the amazing theming! Chessie really do need to sort out a lot of their rides, especially rides like Toadie's, which is in a state of refurb-or-remove. And to be honest, refurb seems like a better option to me, because I don't know about you but every time I visit it actually has quite a queue. The other day it was insane, 45 minutes I think and one of the longest on park. Tiny Truckers would be a better fit to remove because it's basically the same ride, just with different vehicles and next to no scenery.
  6. Also comments on YouTube a lot. And FYI, I know how to set one, but I don't have anything to set it as... yet.
  7. Completely agree, Benin. However many people come to the park isn't gonna change depending on what area it's in, say 10,000 people came to go on it when it in LEGO City, those same 10,000 people would go on it in Adventure Land too, so what's the point? The only way we'll get Ghost is if Merlin and the council come up with some sort of elaborate plan.
  8. Seems to appear in the comment section of every single YouTube video with the words "Theme" and/or "Park" in the title
  9. I actually like these plans. Think about it, this year we've got Octonauts and the Enchanted Village, next year we get Food Loop/Air Gates, year after we get a new hotel and probably something else too, then in the coming years we get SW8! How good does that sound?
  10. Oh yeah, I know that played in 2007, but when I searched for 2007 music I just got the other theme. Thanks for the music, I quite like it tbh. Am I right in saying that was a remix of some Black Hole music, or was that a different year? Always will love the countdown though!
  11. If I friended you, it's because you liked my post... I was excited.

  12. True Rameses never gets a long queue anymore, and the 2012 incident probably is at least part of the reason, they could at least have done a better job than that. And it hasn't exactly had it's theming removed, more just... cut off from the public. And hopefully Falls will get its theming back for the 2016 season.
  13. Hmm... I guess some people may have different views, and I respect that. In all honesty, I've not visited every Disney park. In fact, I've never been near Anaheim in my life, but it's the POVs and things that look very similar. And I can't remember where Star Tours was, my last visit to any Disney park was 2011, before that it was Paris in 2009, which, by the way, is the main park I'd compare Florida to, they're very similar apart from rides like Pirates of the Caribbean. Before my Paris visit it was Florida in 2007. I'd still say that LEGOLAND is a lot less similar between parks. Yes, rides like LEGO Technic Project X and the Dragon are in many parks, but it's all the other rides. For example, don't quote me on this, but Windsor is one of only two or three, if not one, parks to have a full-on Pirate Ship. Billund, for example, has a Rock'n'Tug instead. And every park has a log flume of some sort, but the theme varies heavily. In fact, LEGOLAND California has a Mega-Splash over there! Also, don't forget, rides like Splash Battles are only featured in two parks. And Billund is the only park to have a Western themed area. Maybe my Disney comment was slightly ott, especially as I haven't been to every park, but for me LEGOLAND beats Disney in terms of uniqueness
  14. Today, I was on park at LEGOLAND. And before I say anything, today was one of the WORST DAYS I have had at LEGOLAND. So let me talk you through it. We got there 45 minutes after opening time, which isn't bad. We then queued up for a ride access pass, which took a long time. Isn't it slightly stupid making people who can't queue, well... queue? Finally we got one, and we walked down the hill to the left, as the way down to Viking's was packed. The weather wasn't the best. Grey skies and very, VERY humid. By the time we got to LEGO City it was 11:20, so we decided to have lunch in the Pizza Pasta buffet, before it got busy. The Diet Coke tasted like water with a hint of Tesco Cola, and I hate Tesco Cola. I had normal Coke in the end, which tasted better than Diet and better than the last time I had regular, albeit that was due to a mix up in the Pizza Pasta at Chessie. After three platefuls of Pizza and Garlic Bread (there was no Bolognese!), we headed to the Heartlake Express, where a group pushed in front of us in the Q-Bot queue, however we still got on the ride. Speaking of Heartlake Express, it had a 45 minute queue, as did at least one ride in every area of the park. What was strange about the queue times is on a day when the park is heaving, only one or two rides in each area had 20 mins-1 hour queue, the rest having 5 minutes. Anyway, I really do like what they did to Orient Expedition, as they managed to maintain the ride as it was, while improving it by adding the wonderful narration by Bertie, even if you can't hear it very well over the other people talking about the, albeit amazing, LEGO Models. They also managed to improve the ride a lot since I last visited, which keep in mind, was only on the 21 July. For example, there is a cobra which I've never noticed before, which squirts water at you. Even if the cobra was there before, I never remembered it spraying water. Also, they've fixed some effects, such as when Sam Sinister stands with the TNT around him, he now pushes down on the lever. They also have fixed the gorilla that used to move towards you, but broke. Shame they haven't fixed the masks on the bridge though. After Heartlake Express, we went on the also new (or, rethemed) Coastguard HQ. I very much like this ride, and I'm not sure what's better, the original Boating School or this one. You still drive, and it has a lot more of a story to it, as well as numerous effects (most of which involve water). After this we went on Atlantis. We were supposed to be in the Blue zone, which I vastly prefer as it is at the front of the sub, but the people in Red went in Blue anyway. Thanks. In fact, we encountered a lot of people like this today, people who seemingly do their best to walk the opposite direction to you, but in your exact path, then wait for you to move out of the way. And people who either walk at around one mile per day, don't look where they're going, or stop every five nanoseconds. Then again, this is probably to be expected on a heaving day like this one. It was on Atlantis that we somehow managed to lose the Ride Access Pass. What makes it worse is that we only noticed once we tried to get on Dino Safari. Once arriving at the Heartlake Guest Services they told us we could only have one with five tokens left. Eventually, they said we could have seven tokens. After Dino Safari, we went on Squid Surfer. It was from here on that the day started to get a lot better. Squid Surfer is on my list of Top 10 rides at the park, and today was no different. In fact, it was made better, by the fact that the plug-like thing at the bottom of the gondola was slightly loose, meaning water sprayed up into our boat. After this we headed for Spinning Spider, but was sidetracked when we saw the sign for Longboat Invader just before the entrance to Pirate Shores. After an absolutely amazing ride on Invader, which seemed faster than usual and gave me a lot more airtime, we entered Loki's Labrynth, where we sorta kinda cheated by accident. Whoops. After Loki's we rode Spinning Spider, which was also very good. We span a lot faster than usual. And the spider animatronic above the ride seemed to be running better today, which was a bonus. For some reason, I never get as dizzy on Spider as I do on, say, Marauder's Mayhem. After Spider we got popcorn, rode the Hill Train back to the top, refilled our drinks vessels and headed home. Today was a very different day at LEGOLAND, as we tried to avoid the rides we do every time, and focused more on the rides we normally bypass, and in the end I quite enjoyed it. However, pre-Squid Surfer was a nightmare. EDIT: I still haven't got on Mia's Riding Adventure yet. Broke down about four times first time I saw it, and it looked like it was off again today, too.
  15. These Hex puns are absolutely amazing and more should exist.
  16. Where/are you at Billund then? Also, all the LEGOLAND parks are pretty similar, but at least it's not as bad as Disney where is the exact same bloody park, just with small adjustments like a ride layout, or a lack of certain rides etc. By the opposite of Thirteen I would imagine you mean a good ride with a not-so-good freefall drop. Also, I know other parks have the Ice Pilots, but they don't look as good as the one in Billund, as in the theming and things. And am I correct in saying that Billund is the only one you can choose your setting? I know Windsor had a temporary one that was the same, but that doesn't exist anymore so it doesn't count. I know VRS just has the big drop, I've never been on a rapids like that one so that's why I want to ride it so much. Dragon looks a lot quicker than the one in Windsor, but a lot less steep, I'll probably reaallly enjoy the splash battle, Battle Galleons was my first and I absolutely adored it, so much so that call me crazy but I actually went on it twice in a row as there was no queue. Also I don't know of any other LEGOLAND parks that have splash battles, and the Pirate Boats looks generic but so well done. Also, what is the LEGO Canoe like? Because I'm not a big fan of drops on log flumes due to the lack of lap bars/restraints. And also, I thought Windsor had the biggest shop?
  17. You don't happen to know where I can find this, do you? Also, do you know where I can find the new Angry Birds Detonator music? The one that starts with "Hold on tight then, here we go" or something like that.
  18. Can someone tell me how to put YouTube videos in my posts, I'm thinking of showing you how my LEGOLAND is coming along so far but I'm not sure... I for now I can just tell you everything I have done/that needs to be done so far, if you like?
  19. That trailer wasn't the finished game, Theres a blog from the developers on RCTWorld, there's also a forum where you can post ideas and the developers look at them and may actually use them, so if we have airgates in RCTW, you know who to credit! ...No not me, the forum.
  20. In my opinion this looks like the best LEGOLAND, and definitely the one I want to visit the most. I love the look of Polar X-Plorer, the Ice Pilots look quite good, Ghost look not bad, Viking River Splash looks almost too good, The Dragon looks good, the Pirate Splash Battle looks good, and so does Pirate Boats. On my list of foreign parks I HAVE to visit!
  21. I'm not sure if this is off-topic or anything, but on Minecraft Xbox I've made a LEGOLAND Park, not exactly a recreation but more a custom one, it's called LEGOLAND Minecraft and it's not finished yet. I need to finish Knight's Kingdom, Driving School, Miniland, DUPLO Valley and LEGORADO Town (The Western area at Billund). I've kind of merged all of the LEGOLAND parks together to make it, but I need help - how exactly am I meant to do Miniland?
  22. I'm surprised no one's mentioned the new entrance for this year, I personally don't like it, Rameses used to have an amazing entrance and now it's just a sign telling you the ride restrictions. What makes it slightly worse is that they never removed the signs from the queueline, which not only looks quite lazy but weird and pointless too, for example there's one sign telling you "Climbing on these rocks is FORBIDDEN" however it's up on that bridge where you used to queue, so nobody's really going to see it. To be fair, it's not like it was any use anyway, the rocks are beneath the bridge and there's an identical one on them as well.
  23. I would: First off, add a sign signifying Pirate's Cove. Because anyone who's never been before could easily think this is just another part of Market Square. Also, I would slightly refurbish Sea Storm by giving it an LED Sign for the queue time, a proper entrance and on-ride audio with themed announcements. Refurbish Dragon's Fury by building a new queue, theme tune, and adding in loads of new theming, like a 'Dragon's Lair', which would be something like a pit with smoke, fire, sound and strobe effects. I would replace the theming on Dragon Falls and make it better at the same time. I would add audio to all the bits of the park that need it, I.e. Vampire queue line, Land of the Dragons and Pirate's Cove. I would add a new themed area where Santa's Grotto is. It would be themed around the Arctic (continuing the parts of the world theme) and would feature a family Mack MegaCoaster. Finally, I would retheme Tomb Blaster to be linked to Rameses. Maybe the story of why Rameses wants Revenge? As when I first saw this ride, my first question was "Why does Rameses want Revenge?"
  24. On our visit on Friday my younger sister wanted to measure herself because she really wants to go on Rattlesnake but she's not tall enough. She couldn't measure herself as there was a chain over the entrance, so we asked the poor member of staff who's job it is to stand at the entrance all day watching people walk to Scorpion if it was closed indefinitely. He said that they were aiming to reopen the ride in the late Summer period or just after. Hope I helped
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