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  1. When I went though containment a lot was mentioned about minds and lossing minds in the pre show video
  2. You know aha, the ride will most likely based on automatons
  3. How much is the gate price for fright nights on Sunday's???
  4. My mate used to go Fridays and it was like 5 minute lines
  5. Tulleys was amazing but there was a maze that made me think named "the chop shop garage" and it was very tame and friendly to start with then you went into a strobe maze what's tight walls (not fences) and blood everywhere and about 5 chainsaw actors chasing you down every strobe corridor and it brang back asylum memories, but it was a lot more intense then asylum aha
  6. I'm going today too g
  7. I've seen you on youtube, welcome to the forum! I'm kinda new-ish here too.

  8. What do you reckon the roaming actors will be this year???
  9. Flying coaster is compared to swarm as it has a similar experience as you're flying about, what I would like if their serious about "family" Is a megacoaster from mack
  10. Roaming actors this year then???
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