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Everything posted by Whatever

  1. Phew, I'm not the only one who gets like that!
  2. Sorry to change the subject, but I think I had a SAW: The Ride related nightmare last night. There was a load of people in a room in the warehouse where the queue is (for saw the ride) and Billy said that the last person alive would win (kinda like the Hunger Games). He sent half of the people back to their lives and kept half of them, including me, there. If a person was to even think anything negative about Billy, they would die on the spot. I remember one guy just dying after thinking about him at a footie match. I got into the 2nd round where there were 6 of us left. But then I woke up and found my heart hammering. I never have nightmares, but maybe my newfound love for Thorpe is taking its toll. Sounds dramatic, but I'm not a drama queen.
  3. White Forest????????????
  4. When I first heard Justin Beiber when I was 7, I said to mum, 'She's a bit squeaky isn't she?' True Story.
  5. With the way they are aiming their target market this year, does anyone think there would be a family maze? If there was, it would probably fail misersably because families would think it was a scary maze from the outside, therefore not going in.
  6. That Billy inflicts <- Billy is inflicting pain upon all riders!
  7. I saw an advert for walkers crisps a few mins ago and it was filmed at thorpe and had Nemesis Inferno in the background. I literally jumped up and shouted 'YAAAAAAAAAAAY! THEY'RE AT THORPE PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Made my parents look at me weirdly.
  8. Whatever


    When I went to Thorpe on Saturday, The music was almost unbearably loud in the queueline, so me and my friends had trouble communicating. But on the ride it was the quietest I have ever heard it so for the first time could actually hear what the train sounded like!
  9. Whatever


    90 minutes for Vortex? A ride that I didn't even know existed until I was nine because it was so hidden? Wow.
  10. Completely and utterly pointless (Sorry, that's 4 words and also that's what I think of it)
  11. Ok, thanks. I first got it onthe swarm a few months ago, but then I went on other coasters and realised that it was them too. Though I do have to say that last time that I went on the swarm I didn't feel it as much, phew!
  12. Whatever


    Ooh, they are trialling it again, must go.
  13. Whatever


    Btw, I think they have already trialed reserve and ride. I went two weeks after fathers day (sorry for the strange date) and they trialed it then. My dad ad my uncle managed to get on all the big 5. The reserve and ride was down for about an hour and my dad asked the man by Stealth when the site would be working. The man said, just tell the other guy that I checked your phone, and let them go on the ride without even virtually queueing! They seemed very impressed by the whole thing. Sorry I didn't answer your question, but I dont think Sunscream is returning. But there was some band playing when I went on Saturday by tidal wave.
  14. I dont think any rides will go in the foreseeable future-unless there is some major casualty on one of them. They can imrove the rides drastically though. I agree that Colossus needs smoothening up and needs a repaint and/or retheme. If they were to repaint the tracks though, would they still be that light green, I think orange would be pretty cool. Rush's sound put me off going on it until last Saturday (yes, I know) so maybe they could quieten it down idk. People were talking about a SAW retheme, but I think it is relly cool being based around a horror movie I haven't even seen. Plus, as long as TP have a partnerhip with Lionsgate, they would not retheme it. I would like to see Samaurai and Slammer have a retheme, as neither of them have a particular theme of Canada Creak/Lost city. Also, some of you were saying about the family rides going. I don't think that would happen now as they are now targeting families. So, no I dont think any rides are going quite yet.
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