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Theme Park Fanatic

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Posts posted by Theme Park Fanatic

  1. On 4/5/2024 at 11:17 PM, Cal said:


    I've heard rumors of a permanent closure but no one knows for sure I guess as they've still not communicated any update. Its still showing on their ride availability page as 'closed until further notice'


    Although it was testing a little last season I don't think theres been any movement since and the area is closed off so its not looking like it'll be open any time soon!

    If these rumours are true I hope Scorpion Express is demolished promptly. The area occupied by Scorpion Express is a sizeable plot. In my opinion a River Rapids ride,of a similar size to the former Viking River Splash at Legoland Windsor, would be perfect. I have always thought a River Rapids would be perfect for Chessington’s demographic. Furthermore being located within Mexicana the River Rapids could have a extravagant theme. A Rapids Rapids themed to Mexicana could be epic. I can imagine the animatronics,special effects and theming such a Ride could include.


    years ago there were plans for a River Rapids Ride on the area which is now The World Of Jumanji. Just because these plans were cancelled doesn’t me they can’t evolve into a River Rapids in Mexicana.


    Chessington have shelved proposals in the past and reinvented them years later. To me this signifies that a River Rapids isn’t off the cards.


    A couple of years before the area’s retheme to Land Of The Tiger,Chessington had planning permission to build a Watermania ride in  Mystic East. The ride would’ve been next to Peeking Heights on the site of some Pay Per Play attractions. For various reasons this attraction was cancelled.


    Fast forward to 2022 and Barrel Bail Out opened in Pirates Cove following its retheme to Shipwreck Coast. Barrel Bail Out is a Watermania like the originally planned addition to Mystic East.



  2. Hi,as some of you may remember up until 2010 Thorpe Park had an area called Octopus Gardens. Featured in Octopus Gardens was a mini Ferris Wheel called Swinging Seashells. Upon the resection of Octopus Gardens Swinging Seashells was relocated to Weymouth Sea Life Centre. During 2016 Weymouth Sea Life Centre removed all their rides. Ironically 2 were relocated to Thorpe Park as Timber Tug Boat and Lumber Jump. Timber Tug Boat was removed in 2021 in preparation for Project Exodus (Hyperia). Lumber Jump was relocated and rethemed at Thorpe Park as High Striker. High Striker is located more or less where Swinging Seashells was.


    Swinging Seashells is the only Weymouth Sea Life Centre ride with an unknown location. Some speculate Swinging Seashells is in storage at Thorpe Park. If this speculation is true I think Swinging Seashells should be brought out of storage and relocated to the area formerly occupied by the Wet Wet Wet Waterslides. Due to Swining Seashells having a beach based theme it would fit seemlesley into Amity Beach.


    Can someone please confirm the current status of Swinging Seashells and if/where it is now operating? If in storage at Thorpe Park does anyone else think Swinging Seashells should be reopened.

  3. Now Alton Towers have revealed the best news of the century the end of the Retro Squad I’m hopeful for the installation of permanent rides next year. In addition I’m anticipating more radical changes within Alton Manor. 

    If new Flat Rides are built and alterations made to Alton Towers the theme parks in store for a strong season. Nemesis’s return alone will make 2024 a successful year for Alton Towers.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Mattgwise said:

    Think with them confirming a new identity with new soundtracks and loss of 'island theme' this is unlikely, but I agree and would like it to return too! 

    @Mattgwise I think with the rebranding Thorpe will return to being a Family Theme Park. On hindsight I think last year was a sign of Thorpe becoming Family oriented. Thorpe opened to Family attractions last year with Highstriker and a new Play Park joining the lineup.


    I seriously hope Thorpe’s rebranding sees the return of The Thorpe Park Rangers. With Mr Monkeys Bannna Boat receiving a replacement part I think it has many years left at Thorpe Park. In addition Angry Birds is within close proximity to Mr Monkeys Bannana Boat. On a group I belong to Thorpe asked what people would like to replace Angry Birds Land. Many peoples answer was an area themed to The Thorpe Park Rangers. 

    I think the Thorpe Park Rangers will return to Thorpe next year in some capacity  the fact Thorpe asked its visitors what they’d like to replace Angry Birds Land makes me think the Rangers will return. 90% of the people who replied to Thorpe’s question stated they’d like a area for the Rangers. I wouldn’t be surprised if Amity is scrapped and is rethemed to a jungle. A large proportion of what used to be Amity is now The Rainforest.


    Last season it was hinted that the addition of Highstriker and the Play Park was the start of Thorpe’s rides being more diverse. On the same video that mentioned Highstriker and the Play Park it was said that Thorpe will be a thrilling Theme Park aimed at an elder clientele but will receive a few new Family rides.


    What do you think Thorpe’s rebranding means for the Theme Parks future? Furthermore do you think it’s a releastic expectation to think Angry Birds Land will be rethemed to an area centred around the Thorpe Park Rangers.

  5. On 10/13/2023 at 9:40 AM, Theme Park Fanatic said:

    Scorpion Express- I wouldn’t be surprised if Scorpion Express left Chessington. The Rollercoaster is Chessington’s oldest and also holds the title of the most unreliable ride at the Theme Park. In addition Scorpion Express had a fairly major fire in July 2022. The fire obviously caused significant damage as the rides been closed for over 18 months

    Now Europa Park have said all of Alpenexpress' track is being replaced and it will have a new modern train,could Scorpion Express be revived.


    Personally I think Europa Park should sell/give  Alpeneexpress’s original train to Chessington. Scorpion Express and Alpenexpress are identical models and around the same age. Due to these factors the Alpenexpress Train would be able to operate on Scorpion’s track. As we know the Scorpion Express was destroyed beyond repair by last years fire. If I was in charge of Chessington I’d liaise with the Mack Family about buying their now surplus Alepinexpress locomotive. I’d even enquire about buying the track to store for spare parts,should any of Scorpion Express’s track need replacing. Finally the model of train that Scorpion Express has been discontinued. This means sourcing a new train would be impossible. I suppose Chessington could pay to have a custom made train but why would they waste their money when there’s a perfectly working train at Europa Park. I mean this in the nicest possible way but Europa Parks fire could be good news for Chessington.

    I  have an inkling that Chessington have bought parts of Alpenexpress to extend the life of Scorpion Express. My reason for thinking this is Scorpion Express hasn’t been tested or had work done for many months. It seems strange that within weeks of the Europa Park fire that repair work and testing on Scorpion Express has resumed. If I’m wrong the biggest coincidence has occurred. It seems very much like Scorpion Express is receiving the train from Alpeneexpress. Should this be the case Europa Park’s pain has resulted in Chessington’s gain. 

    I am not a pyromaniac but if my theory is correct I’m elated that Europa Park had the fire. I genuine l like Scorpion Express and the thought of the ride literally going up in smoke sadddened me. Should Scorpion Express be reopening I wonder if Chessington will use this as an opportunity to refurbish or even retheme Mexicana. It’s highly likely that Mexicana was going to be rethemed within the next decade anyway. I think the while Scorpion Express is SBNO Chessington might as well remodel the surrounding area. I would say with certainty there’s a high probability that Alpenexpress’s fire has saved Scorpion Express from being removed.

    My reason for thinking a retheme Mexicana was in the pipeline is that Mexicana and The Land Of The Dragons are the sole lands the only within Chessington that haven’t been rethemed or seriously upgraded. Except for cosmetic changes,the removal of Rodeo and the area being renamed from Calamity Canyon Mexicana has been untouched since its opening in 1987. Furthermore there were rumours floating around that Mexicana was on the chopping block.


    Am I the only member of Thorpe Park Mania who suspects Alpenexpress could be recycled to replace the fire damaged elements of Scorpion Express?

  6. @Benin Your profile picture of a dismembered Frazzle is both fascinating and disturbing. When I went to Chessington in June 2022 Frazzle wasn’t working,he was stuck in his cave and static. Is Frazzle working again now? I love Frazzle the Dragon he’s one of the best aspects of Chessington. Frazzle’s been at Chessington since the Theme Park opened. I bet if Frazzle could talk he would have many stories to tell,furthermore I bet he’s seen an array of things from people puking to the construction of some of the rides at Chessington. I really appreciate that upon the creation of Land Of The Dragons Frazzle was relocated to the area. It would have been a tragedy if he was binned following his removal from Mystic East.


    @Benin myself and Frazzle go back a long way. I saw and activated him on my first visit to Chessington in October 2007. I was saddened to see Frazzle broken on my last visit to Chessington in June 2022. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Benin said:

    Chessie can barely afford to lose any attractions for capacity sake.


    None of their new additions have exactly helped that either.


    If they bin Truckers I volunteer to take a sledgehammer to it.

    @Benin I presume you don’t like Tiny Truckers then.


    Your profile picture of a dismembered Frazzle is both fascinating and disturbing. When I went to Chessington in June 2022 Frazzle wasn’t working,he was stuck in his cave and static. Is Frazzle working again now? I love Frazzle the Dragon he’s one of the best aspects of Chessington. Frazzle’s been at Chessington since the Theme Park opened. I bet if Frazzle could talk he would have many stories to tell,furthermore I bet he’s seen an array of things from people puking to the construction of some of the rides at Chessington. I really appreciate that upon the creation of Land Of The Dragons Frazzle was relocated to the area. It would have been a tragedy if he was binned following his removal from Mystic East.

    Is it true that back in the day the building that houses Dragons Playhouse was the Elephant House. I read that the Elephants used to live there hence the hight of the building.



  8. Chessington Buzz have inferred some of Chessington’s rides will permanently close at the end of the,current,season. Personally I think the rides that will close will be the following 

    1. Elmer’s Flying Jumbos- I think this ride will close as the Elmer sponsorship expires at the end of this season. Furthermore the ride is over 3 decades old and was part of the original lineup when Chessington Zoo became Chessington.

    2. Tiny Truckers- I think this ride will be removed as it was due to close at the end of the 2019 season. For some reason Chessington changed their mind and Tiny Truckers remained open. Personally I would have removed Tiny Truckers in 2020. Toadies’s Crazy Cars was rethemed to Jungle Rangers in 2020. Jungle Rangers is just a stone’s throw away from Tiny Truckers. Jungle Rangers is basically the same ride and is far superior to Tiny Truckers. If Elmer’s Flying Jumbos and Tiny Truckers were removed it would leave a sizeable plot for a new ride. Finally the the throughput of Tiny Truckers is appalling.

    3. Scorpion Express- I wouldn’t be surprised if Scorpion Express left Chessington. The Rollercoaster is Chessington’s oldest and also holds the title of the most unreliable ride at the Theme Park. In addition Scorpion Express had a fairly major fire in July 2022. The fire obviously caused significant damage as the rides been closed for over 18 months. In my opinion Scorpion Express isn’t financially worth keeping. The ride is ancient and the area could be cleared for a new and better ride.

    4. Tomb Blaster- I don’t think Tomb Blaster will close however I foresee an extensive renovation or retheme. Tomb Blasters sister ride Duel at Alton Towers has been transformed into Alton Manor to mainly positive feedback. Moreover the guns on Tomb Blaster are hit and miss with reliability. The guns on Tomb Blaster are the Theme Park equivalent to the Lottery. You never know if your designated Gun will function properly. Moreover Tomb Blaster had a subtle refurbishment for the 2020 season. This refurbishment saw the removal of the targets from the first scene(s) of the ride. Realistically out of the 3 rides I’ve mentioned I think Tomb Blaster is the most likely candidate for a retheme or removal. As Chessington opened The World Of Jumanji this year next year will be a low budget year. The retheme of Tomb Blaster would be a cheaper means of opening a new ride.

    I would be interested to hear if anyone else thinks the rides I’ve listed could depart Chessington this year. Please can my fellow forum members share which rides Chessington Buzz could be teasing the closure of?

  9. To be fair to CHessington the detoration of the Jumanji theming could be beyond their control. During the closed Season leading into 2021 the entire themed claddiwork on Croc Drop had to be replaced. The cladding had lost colour and was disintegrating. The culprits for this were Pigeons eating the sister and using Croc Drop as a toilet. To be fair to Chessington they rectified the marital with stuff that wouldn't be wrecked by bird poo. I suspect the same problem has occurred with the Jumanji theming. I expect that during the Closed Season Jumanji will receive the treatment Croc Drop did.

  10. Hi is Mr Monkey’s Banana Boat ride very fast. My Grandparents,Cousin,Mum and I went to Thorpe Park around 2002. I was about 2 so don’t really remember much. My Mum and Elder Cousin went on Mr Monkeys Banana Boat Ride. My Mum said the ride made her feel very unwell/sick. I find this weird as my Mum’s been on larger Pirate Ship Rides since,this includes The Jolly Rocker that is located at Legoland Windsor, my Mum’s been fine after riding all of these. I know it sounds ridiculous but as Mr Monkey’s Banana Boat Ride is smaller than other Pirate Ships does it have a powerful swing. I know that sometimes smaller things are more powerful than larger things.

  11. On 8/22/2023 at 3:55 PM, MattyMoo said:

    Hope the Fish isn't doing a Scorpion.

    @MattyMoo I don’t think Flying Fish will follow in the footsteps of Scorpion Express. Mechanically Flying Fish is over a decade newer than Scorpion Express. Prior to its reopening in 2007 Flying Fish was overhauled. Many of the aging mechanics were renewed. The Fish is like Trigger’s new broom. Due to this Flying Fish is safer,more reliable and easier to repair. Although Scorpion Express only opened in its current form in 2014 the hardware is original from the days of The Runaway Train. Scorpion Express’s reliability was dropping for a few years prior to the fire last July. Flying Fish is a different story the ride is largely reliable.

    I don’t think Flying Fish braking signals its permanent closure. All things break occasionally. You could have a brand new Car that breaks down.


  12. How’s Mr Monkey’s Banana Boat currently operating? I ask as it was broken and out of order for months. Do you know why buying a replacement part for Mr Monkey’s Banana Boat was so difficult? I ask as my local Theme Park Camel Creek have a swinging Pirate Ship called Pirates Of The Seven Seas. Pirates Of The Seven Seas is the same as Mr Monkeys Banana Boat. Unfortunately  Pirates Of The Seven Seas has been broken for months. When I asked what was happening to the ride,I was informed Camel Creek were waiting for a new part. To cut a long story short I’m asking as I would like to know what the future looks like for 

  13. What does everyone think next season holds for The Flying Jumbo’s? When the Elmer Sponsorship began in 2019 it was on a 4 year contract. The Flying Jumbos have been a Family favourite at Chessington in one form or another since the beginning. As such the ride is old. Despite this the ride is in immaculate condition. 

    I truly hope the end of the Elmer sponsorship doesn’t mean the end of The Flying Jumbos. The ride is on the outskirts of The Rainforest. As such the ride could be rethemed into generic Elephants as it was on the former Rodeo plot.

  14. On 8/8/2023 at 12:38 PM, JoshC. said:

    “Mr Monkey's wouldn't be the easiest ride to relocate, since pirate ships tend to have a hole for the ride mechanism. It would also be a largely pointless endeavour, as what would go in its space?


    The ride had been closed as they were awaiting parts from the manufacturer, which were order before the end of last season, and only arrived in late June I believe”. 

    @JoshC. there’s obviously a shortage of parts for Pirate Ship rides. There’s a Pirate Ship called Pirate’s Of The Seven Sea’s at my local Theme Park Camel Creek. This ride has been broken for months. When I visited Camel Creek I asked what was happening to it. I was told the ride is awaiting a part. Apparently it has to be custom made. I wonder if Mr Monkey’s Banana Ride has the same problem. I believe Pirate’s Of The Seven Sea’s needs a new motor.

  15. 6 hours ago, Hethetheth said:

    I hadn't seen anything about the Ranger statues being retained / washed or the Carousel being I'm storage, do you have sources or evidence for these?

    @Hethetheth the Thorpe Park Rangers stuff is stored in the former Thorpe Farm. In the closed season leading up to Thorpe Parks 40th Anniversary the Rangers were jet washed and refreshed,there was a photo taken of this. I believe the photo was on Theme Park Guides website. 

    If this is the final season for Angry Birds Land I hope Storm In A Teacup looses the stupid sponsorship it gained this year. Personally I’d like the Teacup ride to be incorporated into the Angry Birds Land retheme. 

    Thorpe needs a decent Family area more than ever. With the removal of Old Town for the construction of Project Exodus there’s hardly anything for Families. I’m still hoping a miracle happens and Rocky Express returns to Thorpe Park. 

    My more realistic prediction is that the Thorpe Park Rangers will return next season and Angry Birds Land will become their new area. Mr Monkey’s Banana Ride could easily be relocated.


    Does anyone else hope I’m correct and Thorpe Park will reintroduce the Thorpe Park Rangers.

  16. There’s currently murmurings floating around that Angry Birds Land is its final season. Angry Birds Land has been an area at Thorpe Park since 2014. This IP has already lasted longer than anyone predicted.


    Personally I’d like Angry Birds Land to be rethemed into a new Ranger County. I think Mr Monkey’s Banana Ride could easily be relocated to the area. The ride hasn’t operated much this season. Reading between the lines I think this is in preparation for its relocation to Angry Birds Land. In addition to the relocation of Mr Monkeys Banana ride the Dodgems could be rethemed.  Even the 4D Cinema could be refurbished to suit the Rangers. If this is the avenue Thorpe Park are going down I’d like the Teacup Ride to loose its sponsor. The new sponsorship and name Double Tea Party ruin a classic family favourite. I know this is unlikely but could Thorpe be installing more Family rides. Alternatively is there a slim possibility Rocky Express could resurrect and move to the area currently occupied by Angry Birds Land. Finally I’d like to say Cheif Rangers Carousel is in storage. This ride could return. A few years ago the Thorpe Park Ranger statues were jet washed and refurbished. Could this be a sign Thorpe has been planning to reintroduce the Rangers to the Theme Park for a few years. Around the time the Thorpe Park Rangers statues were refurbished people were spotted measuring the size of the 4D Cinema within Angry Birds Land.


    What are you theories on what could replace Angry Birds Land for 2024, additionally in an ideal world what would you like Angry Birds Land to be rethemed to? 

    I know many people long for Angry Birds Land to be reintegrated with the rest of Amity Cove. If you’re one of these people can you tell me what you think the fate of the Dogems etc should be.

  17. 5 hours ago, JoshC. said:

    I mean nothing is confirmed; just a rumour from a Youtuber. Even if it is a more reputable one, there's nothing set in stone.


    What's more, I wouldn't call it an overhaul if anything does happen. Improvements, sure. Overhaul, no.


    Until it happens, I don't think we should count on it happening.

    @JoshC. there’s more chance of Alton Manor receiving enhancements than the Dodo becoming native to England.


    On a serious note Sean Evans has always been a reliable source. His rumours have always become reality. @JoshC. what parts of Alton Manor would you like altered. I’m sure Emily Alton has ideas up her sleeve for a refresh.

  18. It appears Alton Manor is set for an overhaul!! Personally I hope a proper scene is added to the Hide and Seek,former giants lair,scene following the Vortex Tunnel. With this scene changed Alton Manor could be Europes best Dark Ride. @Trooper Looper I know this information will be music to your ears. Your passion for Alton Manor and its predecessors is evident. Like myself I feel parts of the Alton Manor retheme are a downgrade of Duel.


    @Trooper Looper what areas of Alton Manor do you hope are changed during the refurbishment? I’m shocked that Alton Towers have listened to guest feedback and are undertaking changes less than a year after Alton Manor’s initial opening. It’s rare that disappointments at the Merlin Theme Parks are addressed so quickly.

  19. @Trooper Looper I know that all the incarcerations of the Haunted House have a place in your heart. I recall reading that Alton Manor disappointed you. Since Alton Manor’s initial opening in March has your opinion changed? I must admit I think Alton Manor is largely an improvement over Duel. Despite this one a scene is a definite downgrade. This scenes namely the blank hide and seek area are namely the blank scenes following the Vortex Tunnel. @Trooper Looper do you know if Alton Towers has plans to change this season during the next closed season? Another thing I disapprove of is the removal of some of the amazing animatronics. The animatronics I mourn are the smaller Spiders in the Hall Of Spiders and the Undertaker in the Goolish Garden. 


    Upon the opening of Alton Manor the Park were asking for riders opinions. I presume this was so Alton Manor could be refurbished to guests satisfaction. 

    Personally I think this post is a waste of time as I knew Alton Manor will be overhauled over the closed season. Despite this I wanted your views. Lastly you are a frequent visitor to Alton Towers, so could have overheard conversations regarding Alton Manor or you could have asked these questions yourself.


    Any information or opinions you could provide me with would be greatly appreciated.

  20. Unfortunately another Fire has broken out at Europa Park. 

    I wonder if Piraten In Batavia has been da again? This time the Fire started in the Austrian Section of Europa Park I believe this section is adjacent to the Scandinavian area where Piraten In Batavia is located.https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=newssearch&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjku6eO-c__AhVIh1wKHXZKD6IQxfQBKAB6BAgNEAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fnews%2Farticle-12211285%2FHuge-fire-breaks-Germanys-biggest-theme-park-after.html&usg=AOvVaw16FKoKiY98A2PwDoRKLh_x&opi=89978449

  21. I’m anticipating substantial improvements to be made to Alton Manor this Christmas. The ride is tremendous overall. This being said a couple of scenes for instance the Dark patch following the Trommvel Tunnel is a downgrade of Duel. I am delighted that Emily Alton and Snowy have evicted the tacky Zombies!!!

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