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Matt N

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  1. Like
    Matt N reacted to JoshC. in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    And breathe.
    As a local, I attended. I aired a question of concern I had, speaking with a member of the presenting team afterwards. 
    I will give a brief rundown of what we know. I'll try and post in more detail later.
    1. 72m / 236ft high.
    2. A proposed layout didn't give anything away in terms of manufacturer.
    3. Someone did say "There is a team performing noise surveys on a similar ride in Turkey"
    4. The current design suggests a station roughly where the old train station is. It is compact round the Loggers lake.
    4a. A "splash zone" overlooking the lake
    4b. Possible inversions, but maybe not. Hard to say.
    4c. If inversions, then maybe world's tallest inversion is possible. 
    The general vibe was that people are frustrated with current noise levels and how the park is operating, but don't seem particularly opposed to a new investment. 
    As I say, I will try and post more later. Please remain calm.
  2. Like
    Matt N reacted to Sphinxy in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    BREAKING NEWS - Today, @THORPEPARK have revealed at their in-person consultation that they plan to build a 236ft coaster for the 2023/4 season. 
    hyper it is!
  3. Like
    Matt N got a reaction from Inferno in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    So, what are our final predictions the day before we find out what's in store?
    My final prediction is:
    B&M Hyper Coaster UK's tallest coaster (unsure on exact height, but my personal prediction is that it will break Big One's park-billed height of 235ft as well as RCDB's figure of 213ft) Opening in 2024 Let's see how much of that, if any, I get right...
  4. Like
    Matt N reacted to JoshC. in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    Something big and long, with a focus on airtime.
    Manufacturer is something I don't care about. B&M, RMC, Mack, Intamin, Vekoma could all offer rides which fit the bill. As long as it's different to the park's other coasters, it's fine.
  5. Like
    Matt N reacted to Mark9 in Your most "magical" theme park moments?   
    Sure, I love nostalgic over indulgence 😁
    Animal Kingdom in 2011 - Part of the Jammin' Jungle Parade - We were just getting a photo with Goofy in Camp Micky when a cast member approached us and asked us to met at the big doors near Kilimanjaro Safari at a  certain time. We got there and the same cast member told us we were going to be in the 45 minute parade around the park. It was our first trip to the park and it was quite the experience. Somehow watching it after that moment was never quite the same. 
    Thorpe Park March 2013 - TPM meet - I think this was the trip to end all trips for TPM frankly. It was freezing cold, there was a large number of us and it was just one of those trips where the good humour and fun had no bounds. From riding Slammer (somehow in near zero temperatures), too Peaj and Sidders braving Tidal Wave. I still to tis day don't know how they still live. Great time and I don't think there was a better trip for the forum.
    Toverland - Flaming Feather lunch - I think the Flaming Feather, overlooking Fenix and sitting in the blazing sun may just be one of my favourite theme park experiences when it comes to pure relaxation. Sitting and just being at peace makes this one of my favourite venues. I want to go back just to sit at the Feather tbh. Sometimes theme park experiences just come together perfectly. This was one of those.
  6. Like
    Matt N got a reaction from Inferno in Your most "magical" theme park moments?   
    Hi guys. Ever since Disneyland first opened in 1955, the idea of "magic" has been a cornerstone of much of the theme park industry, and over the years, theme parks have become almost intrinsically linked with the concept of "magic", particularly in the case of parks that err more on the family-friendly and/or heavily-themed sides. Nowadays, "magic" is quite possibly one of the biggest marketing clichés in the theme park industry; many, many theme parks use magic as a key selling device within their advertising and propaganda. Building upon this, my question to you today is; what are some of the most magical theme park moments you've ever experienced? What are some of those moments within theme parks that actually gave you goosebumps, or actually made you feel like a child on Christmas Day, instead of merely promising these emotions to you in an advertising campaign? When have theme parks lived up to the magical propaganda and really made you feel like you're experiencing something special? Let's spread some positivity and magic this closed season by reminiscing about some of our fondest theme park memories!
    I'll get the ball rolling with some of my answers. There are many, many moments I could have gone for here, but a few that come to mind are:
    Stepping into Diagon Alley at Universal Studios Florida for the first time (August 2014) - Now I admittedly think that both Potter areas could have qualified for this, as I adore both and both felt pretty special when I experienced them for the first time, but I have to say, stepping into Diagon Alley for the first time and experiencing Gringotts for the first time when I was 11 years old has easily got to be one of my fondest theme park memories even 7 years on; admittedly, the 3 hour queue wasn't too fond, but the land, the main indoor queue section of Gringotts, the Gringotts ride itself and the overall experience of Diagon Alley left me genuinely speechless in a way that very few things have since. Admittedly, I'm unsure how the land and ride would stack up for me now, but even having already experienced it before in 2016, I remember the whole WWOHP experience feeling like true theme park magic at its finest! Riding Mako at SeaWorld Orlando (current #1 coaster) for the first time (August 2016) - You all know my opinion on this coaster very well by now, so I won't bore you with details of my first ride, but even though this isn't magic in the sense you're probably all thinking of, I couldn't not mention it; the raw euphoria of experiencing that insane first drop and those phenomenal sustained airtime hills for the first time back in 2016 still sticks with me 5 years on, so in that sense, I'd certainly say that my first ride on it and  it becoming my #1 is one of my most magical theme park moments! Watching Happily Ever After at Magic Kingdom (April 2019) - As much as I'll admit that the Magic Kingdom didn't quite live up to the hype for me when I first went in April 2019, and that I'm also not huge on shows in theme parks in general, I have to say that my first and only time watching the much hyped night-time spectacular at Magic Kingdom was quite something; I don't know quite what it was, but this show really was brilliant, and something about it really felt magical and gave me goosebumps! Watching Happily Ever After was the very last theme park thing we did on that trip to Florida, and as much as I'm not usually a show person, it really was the perfect way to end the trip for me; it definitely meant that the theme park element of the trip ended on a high! (I'll conveniently brush over the last day, where our trip ended with a mad rush off of the Fantasia mini golf course to the airport when the mother of all storms abruptly began to soak us...) Riding Tower of Terror at Disney's Hollywood Studios (April 2019) - You know those times where an attraction's been really hyped up and you worry that it won't possibly live up to the hype? My first ride on Florida's Tower of Terror was one of those times for me, but I needn't have worried, because I exited that attraction genuinely awestruck! For me, it was one of those rides where every little bit of it felt absolutely perfect; for starters, the entire queue and pre-ride experience is phenomenal, being crammed full of little details, while also carrying a rather brilliant ambience about it the whole way around that really gave me shivers! The dark ride portions carried on this brilliant ambience, but the icing on the cake was the drop tower itself; I was shocked at the raw strength of the airtime, and I couldn't stop laughing the whole time! Overall, my first and only ride on ToT was a genuine magical moment for me, and I certainly regret only doing it once! Islands of Adventure in general (Various) - I know this is quite general, but on both Florida trips where we've visited Universal, Islands of Adventure has always had this wonderfully magical vibe throughout the entire park that no other park I've ever been to has; it just makes me incredibly happy every time I go, and the combination of that and the park's amazing ride selection and theming are what make it my #1 park of all time! IOA is the absolute pinnacle of fun and magic for me, and I'm gutted that I haven't visited in 5 years, because it holds a very special place in my heart! Pre-entry/entry experience at Alton Towers (Various) - To be honest, I think the whole park at Alton Towers has a certain aura of magic about it, but for some bizarre reason, I've always found the build-up to a day at Alton Towers to be quite possibly one of the most magical parts (Not my favourite part by any stretch, but certainly one of the most "magical"; it's a very different type of magic to the others in this list!)! Even the drive through the Alton village and along the country lanes still gives me this child-like feeling of excitement all these visits later, and when you combine that with a ride on the monorail (or walk down the golden path) and the walk down Towers Street facing the ruins themselves, I really think Alton Towers' entry experience really stirs up feelings of magic for me! So, those are just a few of my most magical theme park moments! As I said, I could have picked loads, but I decided to limit it down to a select few that came to mind at the time of writing!
    But what have been some of your most magical theme park moments?
  7. Like
    Matt N got a reaction from Inferno in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    On a different note, it looks as though very little has happened in Old Town since the season ended; Platform 15 is still fully intact, as are the kids' rides. The source for this is Jack Silkstone's recent Thorpe Park winter update:
    (The Old Town section is towards the start, and takes up the bulk of the video)
    Also, for some idea of how huge the plot of land they have to work with here is, it took Jack around 3.5-4 minutes to walk the entire length of the potential plot (from Old Town Burger King to the CCR train shed)!
    This video has also made me guess that this coaster could well end up being one of the most heavily covered UK coaster projects in terms of construction updates; I can sense that the combination of the coaster site being directly next to Monk's Walk and Jack Silkstone's appetite for filming frequent Thorpe Park updates could lead to some excellent coverage of construction!
  8. Like
    Matt N reacted to JoshC. in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    Timber Tug and Lumber Jump? Possibly.
    The 11 year old rides from Octopus Garden? No.
    I can't imagine anything will happen for a while. 
    If the rides are moving elsewhere on park, they need to prep that area first. Winter maintenance on those rides is very short and simple too, so it won't be a priority. 
    If the rides are being sold, they'll be waiting on the buyer.
    If the rides are being scrapped, they'll scrap it when construction starts for the new roller coaster, which won't be for a while yet.
    Same for Platform 15 and the rest of Old Town really; there's no need to do anything to it until construction starts.
  9. Like
    Matt N reacted to JoshC. in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    I would guess we'd see a new theme entirely. It's a perfect time to go out with the old (town) and in with the new.
    Old Town has always been incoherent as a theme at best. The park's themed areas are sketchy and vague at best too. I see no reason why they would want to retcon a new coaster into it.
    I'd be surprised if Black Mirror lasts much longer than 2024 too. Samurai has no theme. Saw is - and always was - detached and its own separate identity. So this is a chance to go from the ground up with a new theme.
    Depending on the plan and everything, the Creek Freak building may have to make way too. Which would result in a complete blank slate too.
  10. Like
    Matt N got a reaction from Inferno in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    Part of this is going to sound like a strange request, but the simple thing that I hope for from this ride is that it's fun and rerideable as opposed to out and out intense, and for the strange part, I actually hope it's something smooth.
    I feel that something that's just pure fun and easily rerideable is something that Thorpe lacks at present. Something that's smooth, nice and floaty (or just airtime-filled), thrilling but not too intense, and just purely fun as opposed to some brain-draining out and out force machine. That's why I would love for this to be a B&M Hyper; I remember Mako ticking all of these boxes, hence why it's still my all-time #1 5 years on!
    I used to think that Swarm filled this void, but a few things have happened with that one over time that have made it lose this status for me; the sustained g's in that helicopter helix are beginning to make me grey out for a sustained period of time most times I do it (which I don't especially enjoy), I'm growing to not be too keen on the restraints, and I also think it's getting a bit rougher. Not rough by any means, but in September, I had a back outer ride that really juddered quite a bit, and even the inner seats are beginning to develop a bit of a grind/rattle that the ride never used to have; it certainly seems to have lost that silky smoothness it once had for me. (Has anyone else found this, as I feel like I'm going insane here; most others still refer to Swarm as silky smooth and not intense in the slightest?) Don't get me wrong, I still like Swarm a lot; these are quite minor niggles in the grand scheme of things, and I think the ride's high points are still amazing enough to keep it in my top 10 (I do love its sensation of speed, and the speed of that first drop and huge negative g's of that final inversion are just absolutely spectacular!), but it's certainly becoming less my kind of thing, and is slipping down the top 10 for me (it's #8 currently, whereas it has been as high as #3 within the last year or two, and I reckon Europa next year could well move it out of the top 10 entirely, what with their big 3 aligning directly with my current top 3 in terms of ride types; we'll have to wait and see on that one. To be honest, based on my rides last September, I'm quite tempted to push it down to #9 or #10 and consider Inferno my favourite Thorpe coaster; Swarm currently just edges Inferno, but to be honest, I'm reconsidering that, in hindsight... Inferno has grown on me a lot).
    Before I go off on too much of a Swarm tangent, I was going to lead on to say; the reason I'd like something smooth is because I actually think that Thorpe has a surprisingly rough (or at least, not smooth) selection of coasters given that none of them are that old. From my experience, while Swarm and Inferno are not especially rough by any means, none of their coasters are nice and silky smooth in the way that I personally really like in a coaster; Inferno is probably their smoothest, and Swarm isn't a rough coaster by any means, but Stealth is feeling quite jolty these days (the ascent in particular really bashed me around a fair bit and gave me a headache on my rides in September, and the descent also bounces you about a fair bit towards the back... but again, I never hear this brought up about Stealth, so I must ask; am I the only one who's noticed this?), Saw, while it has been feeling smoother and growing on me a bit lately, is still quite rough in places, and Colossus... I don't think that one warrants an explanation from me based on many comments about it in the community. Let's just say it's among my least favourite coasters and keep it at that...
    I should preface the above by saying that my roughness tolerance is quite low, but my point still stands.
    Of the 3 major UK thrill parks (Alton, BPB and Thorpe), I'd say that Thorpe is the only one that doesn't have something that fills that fun, floaty/airtime-y and effortlessly rerideable void. From my perspective, Blackpool has Icon to fill this void and Alton has Wicker Man to fill this void, and both of those coasters are in my top 3. From a personal perspective, I really hope that Thorpe's 2024 coaster, whatever it ends up being, fills this void for them.
  11. Like
    Matt N reacted to Cal in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    Very exiting to see Thorpe finally getting a new coaster, and a very run down area of the park seeing development. 

    I'm personally hoping for a B&M hyper, think it would be perfect for Thorpe. Part of me does want a woodie and I've always thought the Loggers site would be perfect for a woodie, but I'd prefer a hyper and think it would be a much safer bet. A B&M would be high throughput, reliable, lower maintenance costs and with the cost of materials going up ridiculously a woodie would be much more expensive now, but I'd be very happy with either to be honest.
    Personally, I've always preferred more intense coasters so The Swarm has never been a personal favourite. I've always found it too smooth / slow. Over time its grown on me, its much more intense nowadays.
    I agree about the restraints. By the end I can't wait to get off as my chest is so tight from the restrains tightening. It's got a lot worse I've found so they need to sort that out. 
  12. Like
    Matt N reacted to JoshC. in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    There are rumours circulating round that the park will be asking for proof of address to ensure you're local for the in person event. 
    I think it's worth posting here what we included in our recent TPM article:
  13. Like
    Matt N reacted to Mattgwise in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    Seems like things will leak Thursday following two live in person events...
    Found on Theme Attractions on Twitter

  14. Like
    Matt N got a reaction from Mattgwise in Worlds of Globala (Planet Coaster World-themed park)   
    Right then, globetrotters; our expedition draws to a close here! 8 countries and 46 rides later, we've explored all that Worlds of Globala has to offer! Let's take a brief moment to summarise the park and our expedition together...
     Firstly, here are two aerial overview shots of the entire park in its finished state. The first is a daytime shot:

    And the second is a nighttime shot:

    As well as two video overviews of the entire park (these were filmed on my new PC, so have notably improved FPS!):
    In summary, the finished Worlds of Globala park contains 8 countries, with 46 rides overall. These include 11 rollercoasters, 5 dark rides and 4 water rides. In terms of the operational side of the park, I decided to opt for opening hours of 9am-11pm, and I decided to go for a full entry price of £40 (£5 per country), with a family ticket costing £20. If you feel that the opening hours are too short, or if you feel that the entry price is too expensive, do tell me; I'm not great at the in-game economics & operations, I'll admit! Also, do you feel that there's anything that the park is missing rides-wise, or more generally, for that matter? I can sense the park will probably be a bit too barren on dark rides and a bit too heavy on coasters and flats for the liking of many, so I apologise for that, but I guess I just love building coasters, so they're what I usually reach for when building major rides; I was personally quite pleased to have built a full park with 5 dark rides, as the most I've managed before is 1! I tried to make the lineup fairly rounded in terms of different thrill levels & ride types on offer, but do you think I've succeeded there?
    But in conclusion, all I can say is; thank you for reading, members of TPM! I hope you like the finished product, and I would very much appreciate any feedback you have, good or bad! I have uploaded the park to Steam Workshop as an unlisted park (I was unsure whether to go fully public with it), so if you want to download it, play it, or build anything within it, then feel free! Here's the link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2564868607
    And if you want to look back on our adventure in one quick hit, here's the entire WoG playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhVl5AToqbgmS3ic4UgaQpYpG_KDnQIX
    I really hope you've enjoyed our global adventure together! I hope to bring you some more Planet Coaster content soon, but that's goodbye to Worlds of Globala; I really hope you like the completed park! I know it's not overly impressive compared to some people's creations in game, but I'm personally very proud of it, and I really hope you guys like it! As I said above, any feedback you may have would be much appreciated; do you have any major gripes with the park, or anything you really like? What are some of your favourite rides and areas, or rides/areas you don't like so much? Be completely honest with me here; anything at all is hugely valuable to me!
    P.S. Sorry if this huge content drop is a bit much to digest in one go; on TS and CF, I did this park over a year and 3 months as opposed to a couple of hours, so I sincerely apologise if the whistlestop tour approach doesn't work well for you!
  15. Like
    Matt N got a reaction from Inferno in Worlds of Globala (Planet Coaster World-themed park)   
    Right then, globetrotters; our expedition draws to a close here! 8 countries and 46 rides later, we've explored all that Worlds of Globala has to offer! Let's take a brief moment to summarise the park and our expedition together...
     Firstly, here are two aerial overview shots of the entire park in its finished state. The first is a daytime shot:

    And the second is a nighttime shot:

    As well as two video overviews of the entire park (these were filmed on my new PC, so have notably improved FPS!):
    In summary, the finished Worlds of Globala park contains 8 countries, with 46 rides overall. These include 11 rollercoasters, 5 dark rides and 4 water rides. In terms of the operational side of the park, I decided to opt for opening hours of 9am-11pm, and I decided to go for a full entry price of £40 (£5 per country), with a family ticket costing £20. If you feel that the opening hours are too short, or if you feel that the entry price is too expensive, do tell me; I'm not great at the in-game economics & operations, I'll admit! Also, do you feel that there's anything that the park is missing rides-wise, or more generally, for that matter? I can sense the park will probably be a bit too barren on dark rides and a bit too heavy on coasters and flats for the liking of many, so I apologise for that, but I guess I just love building coasters, so they're what I usually reach for when building major rides; I was personally quite pleased to have built a full park with 5 dark rides, as the most I've managed before is 1! I tried to make the lineup fairly rounded in terms of different thrill levels & ride types on offer, but do you think I've succeeded there?
    But in conclusion, all I can say is; thank you for reading, members of TPM! I hope you like the finished product, and I would very much appreciate any feedback you have, good or bad! I have uploaded the park to Steam Workshop as an unlisted park (I was unsure whether to go fully public with it), so if you want to download it, play it, or build anything within it, then feel free! Here's the link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2564868607
    And if you want to look back on our adventure in one quick hit, here's the entire WoG playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYhVl5AToqbgmS3ic4UgaQpYpG_KDnQIX
    I really hope you've enjoyed our global adventure together! I hope to bring you some more Planet Coaster content soon, but that's goodbye to Worlds of Globala; I really hope you like the completed park! I know it's not overly impressive compared to some people's creations in game, but I'm personally very proud of it, and I really hope you guys like it! As I said above, any feedback you may have would be much appreciated; do you have any major gripes with the park, or anything you really like? What are some of your favourite rides and areas, or rides/areas you don't like so much? Be completely honest with me here; anything at all is hugely valuable to me!
    P.S. Sorry if this huge content drop is a bit much to digest in one go; on TS and CF, I did this park over a year and 3 months as opposed to a couple of hours, so I sincerely apologise if the whistlestop tour approach doesn't work well for you!
  16. Like
    Matt N got a reaction from Inferno in Worlds of Globala (Planet Coaster World-themed park)   
    Welcome, globetrotters, to the start of our global expedition together! Before setting off on building countries, I started with the most logical starting point for any theme park; the entrance!
    So, without further ado, may I welcome you all to the park entrance area; Explorer's Plaza:

    Here's a little close-up view of the entrance to the park:

    Now, the large structure you see looming over the entrance area is Hotel Globala. I was inspired somewhat by Disneyland Paris in having a hotel above the entrance, but the building itself is actually more inspired by the Alton Towers Hotel. This is actually a functioning hotel, with 94 rooms in total (79 standard, 15 luxury). Standard rooms are currently £30 and luxury rooms are currently £60; people don't seem to be complaining, so I assume that's an OK price, especially considering the hotel has quite a high prestige rating and many perks. The seating areas you see outside and on the roof of the building are unfortunately not accessible to guests; they are just for show.
    I should probably move on to the attractions now, then! In terms of rides in this area, there is:
    Explorer's Flight, a Waveswinger with water jets; these were somewhat inspired by the likes of Monkey Swinger at Chessington and Phantasialand's waveswinger:

    Global Revolution, a carousel:
    The initial station for Globetrotter, a monorail ride that runs around the entire park and has stations in Morocco, the USA and Japan, as well as right here in Explorer's Plaza. This is held inside the large structure you see at the end of the street. The initial boarding point for Globala Lake Cruises, a boat ride that takes guests across the park's large central lake to the USA and offers views of the different countries:
    I did also take a photo of what the area looks like from guest level, looking up towards the end of the street:

    There aren't really that many rides in this area, but it's more intended to ease you into the park, with various different restaurants and facilities. I intentionally built the buildings in the area quite high so as to hide the rest of the park, so there's a lovely (in my opinion) grand reveal once you exit the main street portion of the area:


    I did also capture a video to show off the area (I apologise in advance, as it's perhaps the most abysmal in-game capture footage I've ever seen, but I hope it shows off the area OK):
    So, I hope you all enjoyed this little snapshot of the first area of Worlds of Globala! The first country on our global adventure is coming shortly...
  17. Like
    Matt N got a reaction from Mattgwise in Worlds of Globala (Planet Coaster World-themed park)   
    Hi all. Sorry if this isn't deserving of its own topic, but as well as being a fan of real-life theme parks, I am also an avid Planet Coaster fan. I've been playing the game since 2017, and while I am often unable to dedicate as much time to it as I'd like, I've built a lot in the game over the years, and I'd like to think I've improved a fair amount as a builder over that time.
    The park I wanted to show you in this thread is one that I actually finished quite a few months back now, having started it in April 2020 as a lockdown pet project; I finally finished it in August 2021. However, it's easily the park I'm most proud of that I've built in the game, and even though TowersStreet and CoasterForce saw this park as it was being built, I wanted to run some of my work past a fresh set of eyes here on Thorpe Park Mania to see what you guys thought!
    So to give you a little context before I start showing off the park itself; this park is named Worlds of Globala, and it is a World's Fair-style theme park with 8 different countries on offer; Great Britain, Spain, Morocco, USA, China, Japan, Mexico and Germany. In terms of ride count for the park, it ended up at a total of 46, which includes 11 rollercoasters, 5 dark rides and 4 water rides. I'll show off the areas in the order in which I built them; I started with Explorer's Plaza, the entrance area, the first country I built was Great Britain, and I finished with Germany. I'd like to think that I progressed a fair amount between the start and end of this park, but I'll let you guys be the judge of that!
    OK then, that's the backstory of this park over and done with; I'll make a separate post in here showing off each area individually, with an explanation of each ride along with some pictures (as well as video in the case of tracked rides), as well as a video overview of the general area. I do apologise in advance for the FPS of some of the videos; apart from the final park overviews I did at the very end, all of the videos were filmed on my old laptop, which did struggle to cope with the park once it got bigger!
    I really hope you guys like what I created, and watch this space for some posts showing off each area!
    P.S. Sorry in advance for numerous successive posts as well as a bit of a content dump.
  18. Like
    Matt N reacted to JoshC. in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    Ooops unnecessary triple post, oh well
    The park have confirmed they're working on a "world-class rollercoaster":
  19. Like
    Matt N got a reaction from LeoTDX in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    I don’t know about you guys, but I honestly reckon we could learn a fair amount about Thorpe’s coaster from this consultation.

    For instance, I’d expect that we’ll at very least discover a broad description of the ride that limits the scope of our guesses down to a much greater degree than it was previously; to use Chessington’s initial consultation in May as an example (given both are Merlin properties, I’d imagine that Merlin would want to keep procedures fairly consistent), the initial consultation they did revealed most of the key info. For instance:
    It was revealed then that it would be a “family thrill” shuttle coaster with a potential inversion and a 1.4m height restriction. The basic ride layout was also confirmed, as well as a rough idea of scale. The big theming structure and the land with the 2 additional filler rides was also confirmed at the initial consultation. I even remember the winged seating being thrown around by people who’d been to the consultation back then, although I’m unsure if winged seating was expressly confirmed at the initial consultation. The only things the full planning application for Project Amazon a few months later really confirmed that we didn’t already know were the finer statistics (e.g. exact height, track length), the finer details of the land, and that B&M was officially confirmed as the manufacturer (although B&M had been thrown around as a very strong rumour ever since the initial consultation).
    So from this consultation, I’d imagine we should expect:
    A broad description of what the ride is and what it does. A manufacturer may or may not be confirmed, but I’d imagine we may be able to take a fair stab based on what the park says about the ride. In terms of what I mean here; if the ride were a hyper coaster, for instance, the park would probably say that they were building a tall out and back coaster with lots of large airtime hills. A basic overview of the layout. Even though they probably won’t delve too much into specifics, they’ll probably show the footprint the ride will take up, the basic layout and the essence of what it does, the rough scale they expect (we expect the ride to be around [x]ft tall with [x] high points). With the site being picked, I’d also imagine that Thorpe may specify what’s being removed in terms of rides, infrastructure, trees etc. We may also get some hint at the theme, such as any theming structures being included. Chessington’s consultation revealed the basic jungle style theme, as well as the big theming structure. Of course, this is all conjecture on my part, but I’d personally say there’s a fair chance that we’ll get these sorts of things (or at least, something similar) revealed on the 10th based on what Chessington’s consultation for Project Amazon was like.
    Isn’t all this very exciting, though? I’m certainly optimistic that this could be something to really look forward to!
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    Matt N reacted to Blublublub in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    I should clarify, Its been sent to a few of my friends and family in Thorpe Village/Lea area too so its official!!
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    Matt N reacted to JoshC. in Hyperia - New for 2024   
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    Matt N reacted to Blublublub in Hyperia - New for 2024   
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    Matt N got a reaction from Inferno in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    I’m not sure whether this is necessarily true; if a hyper above 235ft in height (I know RCDB says Big One is 213ft, but the park claims 235ft, so it would probably be best to aim for that figure) were to be built, it would become the UK’s tallest roller coaster, and possibly fastest as well dependent on how high it was built; a hyper with a drop of above about 230ft or so would likely exceed Stealth’s 80mph. A hyper of this size would also be in with a fair shot at claiming the UK length record (it’s technically now held by the Big One at 5,497ft, as the Ultimate is SBNO).
    Even though a ride like this wouldn’t have a world’s first per se, I think that “the tallest & fastest coaster in the UK”, or even “the tallest, fastest and longest coaster in the UK” if they fancied beating the Big One’s length record, would be incredibly marketable and would make a big splash within the UK industry; look at the likes of Smiler, Big One, the Ultimate, even Thorpe’s own Colossus, Stealth and Saw. These rides all had either national or worldwide records at the time of opening, and they were all incredibly popular. Rightly or wrongly, I think records sell in Britain, and based on the likes of Smiler (no real world’s first besides the record), I’d argue that a UK record breaker would be a pretty compelling sell to Merlin.
    In terms of whether the lack of inversions would make it seem tame; the likes of Big One and Stealth have certainly coped fine in terms of public opinion and reputation even without inversions, so I’m confident that a Thorpe hyper would be the same, personally.
    A hyper may not have a gimmick in the traditional Merlin sense, but I think it would be equally as marketable!
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    Matt N reacted to JoshC. in Hyperia - New for 2024   
    Blackpool's situation was arguably very different.
    Prior to 1994, they had a collection of old woodies and a couple of mid-range thrill coasters. Perhaps their most thrilling ride at the time was Revolution. 
    The introduction of Big One was a marked step up. It was meant to be something which dwarfed the rest of the park, but not overshadow them. (Realise now my wording in previous post could have been better). Big One was the 'extreme, large scale, big boy' ride. The other rides were thrilling and fun, but could easily be said to be a level below Big One.
    At Thorpe, you have Colossus, Inferno, Stealth, Saw and Swarm. A quintet of big, extreme rides. You can certainly argue amongst those there's some which are 'bigger'/'more intense'/'more extreme' than the others, but they all have that 'large scale, big boy' ride aura. 
    So creating a ride that is physically bigger than all of them could create a suggestion that it's a "step up" from all of them, especially in a park as small as Thorpe where it's easy to compare everything.
    It doesn't rule out a hyper. And I'm sure there's plenty of parks, including Blackpool, who have come to this hurdle and tackled it one way or another. But it's certainly something that needs to be carefully considered if one was to come, both from a design and marketing perspective. 
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    Matt N reacted to Marley in The Future Of Vampire   
    Yeah it's a real conundrum isn't it? In an Ideal world they should of left Bubbleworks alone and when the new proposed coaster would open in the current picnic area would be the perfect time to bulldoze transylvania (minus trees) to get ready for a new dark ride. Could also plan on getting rid of Tomb Blaster as well as that's been on its last legs for a while now.
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