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Posts posted by Fred

  1. When I worked at Chessie even bum bags had to be taken off on Fury but not sure at Thorpe! Depends on the ride and staff member. Stealing of posessions are rare though!

    That's mainly because Chessie has absolutely ridiculous rules which go way OTT on what you need to do!

    Majority of rides and staff are fine with bum bags, shouldn't be an issue. As tommy says, should be okay in the ride platforms hold.

  2. If we say it doesn't matter what it looks like as you won't use it, then we can include all poor decisions then. Like dung heap at towers, noone uses it as it's awful. Oh wells.

    Considering they are using this supposedly to "test the market", then by saying you don't have to use it because it looks horrible.. Crash Pad could be a flop, and then hotel won't be built?

    Make crashpad attractive, people will consider staying in them, hotel viability becomes apparent.

  3. I find saw so strange, I'm able to brace my self from hitting my head on the bar its self yet it still gives me a headache most times, I guess its the ride just shaking my head around more than anything, where as on say Colossus I can stop it from hurting me.

    Agreed actually, Colossus is the only ride I keep my head back purposely, otherwise it'd hurt.

  4. But we're in the minority here, just because we're not saying it, doesn't mean we're not thinking it. There are most likely many people here who have racist views too, although they're not letting them be known.

    No, this is what racist people say to make themselves feel better, or normal.

    Amazingly, nothing like this goes through my mind whatsoever. Because I don't give a **** where you're from, what colour you are, what gender you are or who you fancy, because I'm not a complete moron.

  5. Surely the fact that they're working, in a place most people wouldn't want to work, shows that they are hard workers and are trying to get themselves and their families a decent living?

    Can't believe anyone could moan about that.

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