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Posts posted by Fred

  1. They're going for rather safe bets. And I don't blame them, don't wanna take the wrong turn during economic downturn do ya?

    I don't mind - Drayton needs to continue being for younger families. Ben10 is their best addition in a while. Keep adding stuff like that!

  2. Now, you see this track in person and my god it's just purely bloody mental. It's very difficult to follow it's direction!

    Psychcoaster marketing or not, when people turn up and see this they'll be blown away. There's no chance of disappointment from guests ala thirteen.

  3. As I said, it may be open every now and then to replace a certain ride. Apart from when it was on valley ERT.

    I think I'd know this somehow..

    ERT is currently run so everyone is spread out at the beginning of the day - you can choose to go to a certain area of the park, ride the open rides then wait for the other rides to open. Not really run so everyone rides every ERT ride before 10. Though whether it should be run like that is another thing..

    Ripsaw and Blade could easily open for ERT, it's just noone would ride them. Rendering it pointless.

  4. It may have been opened on individual dates to cover for rides, unless the valley only ERT existed when air was around. Otherwise it hasn't been opened as it has issues.

    Thirteens a weird one to have open, as it needs a minimum of 18 people per train for them to use it. So a lot of waiting around at the beginning of the day.

    Duel was removed because it never opened on time, they struggle to get it open at 10 nowadays. Completely agree it's very bare though.

  5. Vampire has some boss speakers, and they're on the lighting rig on the offload platform.

    As Mr Fish says, they're mainly on newer additions. Anything with decent sound systems (which weirdly includes seadragons - which just gets it all.. queue board and all).

  6. Looking forward to riding Hex.. nothing but good things have been said about it.

    They had Boss in to redo the entire audio system and bring it up to date, which have had certain aspects become much clearer (the witches curse has always been in the vault, just been muffled/quiet). Apparently they had a little bit more to do before march, so hopefully it'll pay off further. Want to go on park purely to ride that thing.

  7. Why do they need the P.A announcements though? No other coaster does except maybe for re checks...

    They don't need announcements. Literally. It's just an added "benefit" reminding people to brace themselves or whatever, incase injury occurs.

    Basically they do it in the name of H&S, of which does not need to exist because it's obvious. To further prove this: Spinball, when changing to sonic, replaced their "heads back, hold tight!" announcement to a plain and simple "Let's get spinning!".

    RMT at towers does the announcement purely for interaction.

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