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The post about the finale music really got me thinking about the current music in Bubbleworks and why it was changed ect. Feel free to debate what I say!!The welcome scene - This could have stayed the same and had the dialogue spoken by the person in the tub put over it... no reason to change it really!The fruit scene - The music DID need to be changed here. There is no way the fruit music could have stayed because it wouldnt have matched the scene, and I prefer the bubble type music here anyway!Giggle Gas - has remained the same.Explosion area - Again, the music kind of had to be changed because there isn't anything dangerous about this scene anymore!Hawian - This has again remained the same.Space - Remained the same.Hiccups/Dunkin Ducks area - Using the same cola coaster music as the explosion area with added duck sound effects. In my opinion, the old ice music (with added sound effects) would have suited this area more, so the music wasn't repeated from a previous scene.Fairground - This is the area that annoys me the most. Yes the music has remained the same, but it has been cut before it gets to the next part. There was at least another 20 seconds of music after the music has been cut, it's as though they couldn't be bothered to dub the rest of it with the duck sounds, so again, the old music for this area would still have suited!The lift hill - I personally prefer the danger music here mainly because it creates a tense atmosphere (when it doesn't cut halfway through) and builds up anticipation for the finale, especially for first time riders who may not know what happens next.The finale - I personally prefer the music that is used now. Simply because the finale isn't dramatic anymore, so they don't need the dramatic music. If they were to put back all the mirrors, strobes and lighting effects, then yes, bring back the old finale music, but for now, it's not dramatic enough to be used, so I think the current music does suit this area.It brings to mind the question, that most of the music has been reused, but why has it been cut? Does anyone know why? For example, the Giggle Gas scene. The music cuts halfway through, the same music was used in this area in the old version. Bearing in mind each scene has its own sound system why couldn't they have just left the original loop, but taken away the dialogue spoken by professor burp (since it wasn't part of the actual music loop and was separate) ? It makes no sense. And even if the music was all joined together as one big music loop, why couldn't they just leave the parts of the music in the same scenes (minus the fruit bit) and edit the duck sounds into them? It makes no sense AT ALL. It seems they were messing about with the music when it didn't really need to be done!Why does it cut halfway through in the fairground, surely it wouldnt have taken them that long to dub the rest of the track. And since the music tracks have remained the same in some scenes, why do they suddenly just stop. I could understand if there was some old bubbleworks sound effects mixed into the music, but as far as I know these were separate. So the music really minus one or two tracks could and should have remained the same!

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If I am correct, the Hygiene Room music (now played in the Rub-A-Dub scene, and often referred to by ReRide as the 'Ice music' for some reason :) ) now plays on full loop. Last year I heard it cut out at some point as with the rest of the music, as pointed out above. However, when coming up from the exit pathway from Vampire, I pressed my ear against a door on the right before you go down the steps to the shop. I could clearly make out the Bubbleworks music playing and I recognised it as the Rub-A-Dub scene.To my surprise it did not cut out where I thought it did and kept playing the whole loop, including the squeaky sound effects which I had only ever heard on my iPod before. Have they attempted to fix the music, or has this scene always had its full loop playing. I am pretty sure the squeaky sounds have not been played for quite a while.I expected to find all the music fixed, but I went on the ride to discover that the Fairground still had its huge gap and also the Factory room 'pop, squeak' sound effects and Fountain Finale music cut at one point. :angry:
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I'm currently being a geek and trying to redesign Bubbleworks. Trying to keep it as realistic as possible in terms of budgets. I'm imagining the station as a pulsating laboratory full of strange contraptions, erupting and giving off strange and wonderful smells. Theme of the ride starts off as the factory tour thing, but instead, it's home to an odd character who is inventing the time travel machine.As you travel around the ride you accidentally get dragged in to an experiment that goes wrong, dragging you into different places in time. I've come up with the basics for a short preshow just before the station. Space is an issue though,

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If I am correct, the Hygiene Room music (now played in the Rub-A-Dub scene, and often referred to by ReRide as the 'Ice music' for some reason :angry: ) now plays on full loop. Last year I heard it cut out at some point as with the rest of the music, as pointed out above. However, when coming up from the exit pathway from Vampire, I pressed my ear against a door on the right before you go down the steps to the shop. I could clearly make out the Bubbleworks music playing and I recognised it as the Rub-A-Dub scene.

Bad terminology I know - But just to confirm if it is the Rub-A-Dub scene = The door as you leave Vampire exit is where that big blue ball is.(Again, sorry for the bad terminology but hope it may confirm if it is the right scene or not! :))
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Indeed, that fire exit is the old evacuation scene, oposite the random blue ball..In regard to the music, some tracks have been kept yes, but all except the Hawaii scene are in random places and loop badly. In my video you can see and hear where the tracks once belong.

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What interests me is that little to no effort has been made to sort of fix bubbles since merlin has taken over.Majority of the rides created during the tussauds shambles have slowly been sorted out or changed slightly (think charlie, rita, tomb (old effects working) and duel becoming much more haunted housey). However bubbles, apart from some animatronics, haven't been touched. Would've thought someone would've shoved in the old music loops into the areas or something. Maybe they just need that dedicated member of staff who has guts to go change it :angry:

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^Either that or they are just waiting for the opportune moment to fix it :angry:It's like, why try and fix something in the short term which could waste budget which would be better spent elsewhere when you could leave it then get it all done in one fell swoop?As long as it gets re-done in the next 3 years... It looked crap when it opened and it looks crap now, no change at all tbh...

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Actually there has been a bit more than fixing old animatronics. Last year new lighting was installed in the Rub-A-Dub, Fairground and Bathtime drop scenes. They are the multi-coloured, pulsing lights that flash different colours, and they add liveliness to the said scenes if my opinion. Also, the new bubble machines in a few scenes were installed (or just fixed) this year.I know what you mean, though. There are many places that look cheap, boring on static throughout the ride and, if Chessington could be bothered, new animatronics would make a big improvment.
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Could anyone justify what they mean by 'fix' Bubbleworks? Every effect in there is currently working. Albeit.. the place looks goddamned well awful and has aged poorly, in my opinion they need to gut the whole building and just leave the ride structure and system in place - and start again. It just is too plastered over time and time again, to some sort of busy mess that is rusting and rotting.

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That is not because they have broken, but because they really are just static props. Scenes like the Hawaiian Room where there is now only one thing that moves - I think it is just embarrasing to be in! Everything looks frozen with absolutely no life in it at all, and then just before I cry out in annoyance, there is a sudden shock of relief when the hippo's mouth opens. Who actually designed the concept for the new Bubbleworks? Or was this a case of turning up and seeing how many ducks you could fit into one scene? :angry: There was some concept art. That means it was actually designed. Who could be dum enough to think this would turn out to be a good ride, let alone better than its predecessor? Oh dear... :)
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By fixing I mean subtle changes to the music, changes to the lighting (the entire building is lit up so you can see everything rather than just the scenes.. with white instead of nice colours.. repainting or cleaning of stuff. The kind of attention that tomb, duel have had.

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I'm currently being a geek and trying to redesign Bubbleworks. Trying to keep it as realistic as possible in terms of budgets. I'm imagining the station as a pulsating laboratory full of strange contraptions, erupting and giving off strange and wonderful smells. Theme of the ride starts off as the factory tour thing, but instead, it's home to an odd character who is inventing the time travel machine.As you travel around the ride you accidentally get dragged in to an experiment that goes wrong, dragging you into different places in time. I've come up with the basics for a short preshow just before the station. Space is an issue though,

That sounds pretty good to me, I've always thought Bubbleworks didn't really fit in with the Transylvania theme alongside Vampire. Something laboratory like would fit in pretty well in my opinion. When I was thinking it over I was thinking something to do with magic or even something connected with Vampires but nothing really came to mind. Water rides can be pretty hard to work with theming wise (unless its pirates :D )Edit: Just a general request... Is there any overview/map of the inside of Bubbleworks? I have no idea what the layout looks like.
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  • 2 weeks later...

The express pass board was moved in time for the 2008 season so that it was easier to see for express pass riders. Although from my point of view the Bubbleworks express entrance is ridiculously signposted with many people each time I visit thinking that it is the main entrance.Not sure about the top of the building, but in the first picture it does like a tad unsafe! but yes, very unusual. It was there in 2006, and wasn't in 2008, so maybe in 2006/2007 close season it was removed.

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  • 1 month later...

Just noticed in one of my pictures I took yesterday, that the left foot (if your looking at it) has been taken away from the giggle gas scene... any idea why? I'm almost certain it isn't in the picture. Seems odd to me..*Edit, looks like it got taken away last year some time, but even so, its quite strange it wasn't put back*

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