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New Logo Discussion


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6 minutes ago, JoshC. said:

I think the branding in general is an upgrade. It's great to see a consistent, clear tone across marketing, and it feels like the park knows itself now.


I totally agree that in isolation it's a bit bland and easily missed. It doesn't exactly scream "theme park" either. But when included in videos or within other things, it works well.


I also think it's got extra versatility. I loved how they used the infinity logo in different ways in the past Fright Nights blood, Oktoberfest pretzel, etc). But it was harder to achieve and only done infrequently. The current logo can be easily tweaked to suit ride/event colours and style, and it makes everything feel a bit more natural. For example, we can see Colossus, Hyperia and Fright Nights versions of the Thorpe logo, and they blend in nicely with each individual identity, but still feel part of the Thorpe brand.


I still prefer the infinity logo, which probably has a bit of nostalgia attached to it anyways. But the current logo is modern, in style with how logos work these days, and is still versatile. And, more importantly, the park have a consistent brand identity, which has been a big issue in recent years. 

The new logo has definitely grown on me. I like how versatile the logo is and how it varies slightly based on different attractions. 


I did like the infinity logo however in order for the park to move forwards, it needed to rebrand and it's delivered. 


I'm looking forward to the next few years of the park and hope to see the new brand in action over the coming years.

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It seems that the logo has been added to somewhat.


This has made an appearance on a lot of the social media posts and marketing emails over the past couple of weeks.



I have to say I’m not sure this is a step in the right direction. I know the logo has been controversial, but this busy new animated park skyline element sat on top of the existing logo doesn’t fit in with the new sleek and minimal branding.  It feels a bit like an addition that’s been made as an afterthought, by someone other than the original designers of the branding.


I think it’s a bit of a shame that the brand overall is already becoming muddy after just one year, and it’s being strayed from quite a lot, even with something as important as the logo.


Aside from that, I’m not sure what on earth they were thinking by having this as their app icon instead of the “Thorpe” text that was there before



This really bears no resemblance to the park or the brand at all. Nowhere in the branding is this standalone T referred to at all, and it isn’t an icon that’s used anywhere to symbolise Thorpe Park.


imagine a brand like British Airways having this as their app icon… Ridiculous.

If it’s iconic enough, like Virgin’s red V or easyJet’s lowercase orange e for example, that’s great - but BA’s B, and certainly Thorpe’s T, aren’t.


Again, I think the idea behind the new TP brand design has been lost a little. 
I know it was controversial, but this can’t be what the designers had in mind at all. We now seem to have quite a messy crossover between the sleek and colourful branding, and efforts made by others since it was designed.


I think the logo text was deliberately simple, and was always supposed to be either intertwined with the squiggly bits as shown in the reveal videos, or overlayed directly on to bold images as shown on the sample posters.










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I like the skyline addition. It looks cool and adds a bit of extra recognisability to it.


I don't think it's going to be a "part" of the logo, in that I don't see it being plastered everywhere. I expect they're fully sticking with the minimalistic logo. However, it's a nice graphic to include, which will become a part of the brand, and over time, become recognisable and synonymous with the park itself.

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