Fred Posted February 21, 2013 Report Share Posted February 21, 2013 Who is this husky person?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smidget Posted February 21, 2013 Report Share Posted February 21, 2013 Peaj's girlfriend Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fred Posted February 21, 2013 Report Share Posted February 21, 2013 Lucky bastard! Why's she not on the forum, I was wondering why I haven't seen any posts by a husky! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJ Posted February 21, 2013 Author Report Share Posted February 21, 2013 She says she's gonna sign up she liked some of the peeps here so will be signing up as husky Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RideAddict Posted February 22, 2013 Report Share Posted February 22, 2013 Oh Peaj - loving the captions literally laffing out loud here. Oh dear, my face "Meanwhile, whilst Husky, Sidders & Boris get used to the news of what's happened. Han30 hopes they don't realise she let one loose" Is that you in the grey coat? I'd love to attend a meet one day. But after some of the responses I get about my posts, I'm worried I wouldn't feel welcome, more like an outsider. Plus I'm 30, older than many members here too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryan Posted February 22, 2013 Report Share Posted February 22, 2013 Is that you in the grey coat? I'd love to attend a meet one day. But after some of the responses I get about my posts, I'm worried I wouldn't feel welcome, more like an outsider. Plus I'm 30, older than many members here too. You'd definitely be more than welcome! We welcome everyone on this forum to the meets, regardless of age etc. The Thorpe open day meet's coming up soon, you should consider it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pickles Posted February 22, 2013 Report Share Posted February 22, 2013 Everyones different in person as well, it's like no pressure kinda thing. It's weird but yeah. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RideAddict Posted February 22, 2013 Report Share Posted February 22, 2013 This is something I will give some thought on - and thanks for your support, guys. I really do want to get on with people here (yes, you heard me right). Meeting me may suddenly make other people understand me and my views. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pluk Posted February 22, 2013 Report Share Posted February 22, 2013 I'm old (even older than you!), and I've been accepted just fine. Come along, I've never had a problem with anyone on a meet, even after some full on slanging matches on here! There's nothing wrong with your views, just the way they have come across at times, which happens in when communication is text only. That sort of confusion won't happen in real life. Sidders and AJ 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJ Posted February 22, 2013 Author Report Share Posted February 22, 2013 Welcome to the conclusion (Part 5 of 5) of the Guildford Adventurers - The Bowling Results are in (I've only just worked them out myself - it was very exciting ) and the last random antics are about to be shown. What will be shown in the last chapter... Please Let me present to you the exclusive members of 'STRIKE CLUB' - Sheepie; Peaj; Boris; Sidders; Tommy & Dan9 - They all look so proud! The first of the Bowling Results - In 3rd Place.... ............ It's Iannem's Team of the Ministry of Joy with 485 points (I've amended scores to include 5 members) In Second place with 511 Points is........Sidders Turkey's Which means in 1st Place is Peaj's Smilers with 520 points To celebrate Peaj does a dance to the Party Rock Anthem plus he is excited to find out more results Ricky seems to be enjoying the show... However Smidget does not want to know more results and is disgusted by Peaj's celebratory dance (Smidget has come in 14th place with 161 points) So the other bowling games results and combining both games the individual combined score placements are... In 13th Place is Marc with 174 points; 12th) Ricky = 180 Points; 11th) Husky = 181 points; 10th) Tommy = 185 Points; 9th) Mer = 186 Points; In Joiint 7th Place is Dan9 & Sheepie with 194 points 6th) Han30 = 198 Points; 5th) Jaymie = 204 Points; 4th) Boris = 210 Points; 3rd) Peaj = 215 Points; 2nd) Iannem = 225 Points; Cripple Sidders 1st) 251 Points And last but not least is the all important OFFICIAL GROUP PHOTO taken by camera shy Ricky Anyone else see THE SMILER in the photo? Ministry of Joy has taken over.... And there you have it the Meet in a nutshell - It was a brilliant fantastic day and it was great to see everyone again, plus some new faces If you have concerns coming to meets - These photos give you an insight to what can be enjoyed - Highly recommend attending! For more photos they are now all uploaded on my facebook so you can go and have a look Finally now my Guildford Trip has come to a close I'm sure there are a couple of you I know wanting to write a trip report with your own material by all means go for it...Please make sure you come back on the forum tomorrow for another fantastic special announcement - I wonder what that could be.... Mer, JoshC., Sidders and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshC. Posted February 22, 2013 Report Share Posted February 22, 2013 Fantastic read Peaj; throughly enjoyed it! Seriously made me feel as though I had been there during the day - thanks for taking the time to do that! Gotta say, I'm disappointed in everyone for being beaten by Crippled Sidders - were you all just being nice to him? Look forward to the next TR you do Peaj; hopefully I can star in it as well.. Sidders 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RideAddict Posted February 22, 2013 Report Share Posted February 22, 2013 Husky joining us? I'm old (even older than you!), and I've been accepted just fine. Come along, I've never had a problem with anyone on a meet, even after some full on slanging matches on here! There's nothing wrong with your views, just the way they have come across at times, which happens in when communication is text only. That sort of confusion won't happen in real life. Cheers pluk. People will find that I can get along with most people and have a laugh. I'm the biggest pisstaker going (so don't take it to heart ), and I can be very sarcastic. Plus on the next meet that involves bowling and ice skating, I'll bowl you all down with my skills and then skate the fastest in the group (let's also try speedy backwards skating, hehe). Nobody here knows what I look like, so I might turn and not tell you who I am. You can all ask me, before I finally unzip my coat to reveal a t-shirt underneath that says "it's me - RideAddict" Ryan 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pickles Posted February 22, 2013 Report Share Posted February 22, 2013 I think I have competition for the sarcasm thing. I can be very sarcastic in person Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smidget Posted February 22, 2013 Report Share Posted February 22, 2013 I honestly think I wouldn't have done so bad with the bowling if my shoes actually had some form of grip on them. Seriously guys, it was like trying to bowl whilst standing in a puddle of lube. Sidders 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RideAddict Posted February 22, 2013 Report Share Posted February 22, 2013 ^^ Hehe. I think I have competition for the sarcasm thing. I can be very sarcastic in person Game on! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJ Posted February 22, 2013 Author Report Share Posted February 22, 2013 I see a storyline on the peaj storyboard already starting to develop for the next meet.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mer Posted February 25, 2013 Report Share Posted February 25, 2013 Right, time for my trip report! The day started with the Peaj Party Bus picking me up, however we experienced a few delays; the driver himself was running late and I gave myself a nasty burn on my neck while curling my hair! I was also to be informed by Peaj that Sidders had been in A&E the previous night due to a leg injury and was on crutches! Finally, our journey began, and our first stop was the lovely city of Winchester to collect the cripple himself. Then on we went to Guildford, where Peaj got a tad confused with the directions, only to discover we were literally down the road from the Spectrum! We could see it across a field We arrived and met up with the legendary Sheepie, then *eventually* the rest of the group. Except Marc and Ricky who casually strolled in for bowling in the afternoon While the skaters went to get their tickets, I waited on the bridge with Sideers and Sheepie (I couldn't skate as my legs were ahcing from a long day in London the previous day, where by the end I was walking like a flamingo!) This was where two of many funny moments occured! Firstly, there was Sheepie mistaking some poor, random woman for Han and his reaction was priceless, along these lines: he flapped his hands in front of his face, made a weird, deep inhaling noise and trotted forwards a bit After realising it wasn't Han, he went as red as his scarf! The second thing was my bag of once frozen, now defrosted peas which I had putting on my burn. Providing no use, unable to find a bin and making my hands green and smelly, they ended up meeting a squishy end on the then be laucnhed across the path by Dara's crutch Traumatic times for the peas, and the people they skidded in front of didn't look to impressed either! So, onto the first activity - ice skating! Despite being unable to participate, it was good fun watching the others and having a chat and a laugh with the other non-skaters, plus obtaining many photos! Most of them were on Peaj's phone but I caught a few of him braving the ice on mine... Careful... Peaj is happy he hasn't fallen over yet! Don't fall over! After the skating it was time for a much needed lunch and drink. Me, Sidders and Sheepie had a bit of a kerfuffle with the lift, which did not want to cooperate! Bit awkward as there was a woman and pushchair waiting for a lift (no room in ours)! Eventually the doors decided to close and not open themselves again...and what do you know? We've gone one floor too far! Eventually we made it to the bowling alley where the pizza place and bar (woohoo!) were located. Some ate at Wimpy while the rest of us got some deliscious pizza and refreshing drink. At this point I was so thirsty I opted for a soft drink, but Peaj and Jaymie started early and got cider It was also at this point that I discovered that Sheepie can produce noises identical to a piglet squealing if you tickle him It was soon time for bowling, woo! Time for those lovely, flattering shoes, which looked even sexier with my skinny jeans After some trouble entering our names onto the screen via a machine which resembled the Smiler logo (although some say it was a moth), we started our two games. It's been years since I went bowling so I probably could've done better, plus the floor/shoes were stupidly slippery! Where someone had spilt coke and created a sticky patch (was it Dan9?), me and Sheepie used it to our advantage to make our shoes a bit less lethal! It soon wore off though! But overall we all had a good laugh - except for when Sheepie crushed my finger between himself and the rock hard seat I even managed to do what someone had previously joked about and dropped the ball behind me while taking my turn! Probably something to do with the two double vodka and cokes I'd consumed Some photos of the laughs we had: Peaj does a celebratory dance Marc is not impressed and walks off towards the jelly bean dispenser! What is Peaj staring at? Sidders: "Come at me, bro!" Sheepie was NOT impressed about being beaten by a cripple! Han and Husky enjoy a good drink...although Han doesn't look too pleased with her beverage After a fantastic time bowling and many group ohoto attempts, the meet came to an end for some and goodbyes were said. For the rest of us, it was off to Frankie & Benny's for an evening meal! We had a great time there, lovely food and atmoshphere as always, gorgeous pina colada and plenty of laughs People crapping themselves over balloons popping; breathing in helium (Sidders' impression of Liam was brilliant!); ice cubes down people's backs - and even landing perfectly in Sarah's drink by pure fluke, thanks to Marc! Oh, and then there was this: *Sidders has my camera, which has the case attatched to it* Me: *sniffs* "What's that burning smell?" Sheepie: *sniffs* "Yeah - " Me: *Sees camera case dangling over the candle* "Oh my god is it my camera case?!" Sheepie: *Gasps* "DARA!!" And now some more photos! I made Sheepie a hat Then stroked his hair And grabbed his face! Poor thing, this was just the start of the abuse he was going to get off me Peaj chats away, Marc hides, and I, erm...what?? All too soon, the meet came to an end What an absolutely fantastic meet it was! And what a great weekend to have the few days before my birthday Huge thank you to all you lovely people for providing such a fabulous day out, and to Peaj for his amazing organising skills, keeping everyone happy and together and for the lifts Once again, it was a great privelage to meet Sidders and Han. I really look forward to seeing you two again! Sids - I'll see you at Towers in May and Han, I shall hopefully see you at the Chessie meet coming soon! It was also nice to meet Alice/Husky, aka Peaj's lovely girlfriend. Such a cute couple, n'awww Welcome to TPM, we hope to see you at future meets! As for my next meet, I am unable to make Thorpe on 24th March as many of you know, as I will be in a far better place...but I really am gutted I am missing out on the people (not the park)! However, some of you will see me again soon in March for Alton Towers and Trolley Dolly's birthday! The next official meet I shall be attending is Chessie! Luke_A, Liam T, Sidders and 4 others 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RideAddict Posted February 26, 2013 Report Share Posted February 26, 2013 The second thing was my bag of once frozen, now defrosted peas which I had putting on my burn. Providing no use, unable to find a bin and making my hands green and smelly, they ended up meeting a squishy end on the then be laucnhed across the path by Dara's crutch Traumatic times for the peas, and the people they skidded in front of didn't look to impressed either! Lol, this is hilarious. All I can say is: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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