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My History Lesson...

So... Today in history we got to write pretend twitter messages pretending we were the native Americans and white settlers! I want to share you mine @WhitePeeps: Wussup my red Indes! Y u no been online lately? I wanna make you a deal blud... Init. We get 24 mil acres of your batty boy land and we build you a house! #epic @SmexiSioux: Oi burbs, you taking all our land cos you think we want a stupid house! #Earth_To_White_Peeps Why don't you leave my baby Pocahontas to me. I'll bang you if you



Can a Coaster in the UK be the 'Next Nemesis'?

Regularly with new projects in the UK, and even some internationally, are compared to Nemesis; Alton Towers' map-defining roller coaster. It's natural really when you consider that Nemesis is pretty much in every enthusiasts' top 10 coasters / rides, and usually near the top as well, and that it's been ranked even as a top 10 roller coaster in the world at one point/ So, with new projects, there's always talk of 'Will it be better than Nemesis?', 'Will it do a Nemesis?' and so forth. But what



Jogging On

So, in a contrast to my other blog, these entries will be about all things not related to theme parks. There'll be entries which are a little bit serious and / or personal, like this one, and there'll be some which are just random. Either way, hope you enjoy! So, this is going to ramble on for ages, but basically it's about me and exercising / sports. Probably sounds quite boring in honesty, but hey-ho. A few years back, (about 7 or 8 years actually thinking about it; I'm starting to feel a



Why I'm not a religious man.

Welcome to the first semi-serious blog post from me. As the title suggests, I've subsided the music talk for a brief moment to consider a more emotive reflection about why I have the religious beliefs I do. I consider myself atheist, though on paper I am a Roman Catholic and was raised a devout Christian, at least until my father was ex-communicated for a reason none of the members of our family are completely clued-in about. I believe it had something to do with the Parish priest wanting to ble



How do you Solve a Problem like Fastrack?

This is a blog entry that relates to the hot topic of Fastrack and Fastrack sales. So why's it in here, and not in that topic? The aim here is to illustrate how Fastrack sales affect the main queue of a ride, and demonstrate what many bring up - those who pay for the premium service (Fastrack) negatively affect the service of those who do not pay for such a service (those who use the main queue). Unfortunately, this will be quite mathematically thought out, will ramble on a bit, and uses many



Spixworth Horror Fields - SFM Update - 31/10/12

This Halloween! Spixworth Fields Theme Park has been celebrating "Spixworth Horror Fields" running from 13th-31st October, hosting an event of horror attractions, fun family games and fantastic theming! Here is Spixworth Fields Mania review of 2012 SHF: The Park The park themed top to bottom with Halloween objects, right at the end of Farm Lane is the mighty haunted windmill, below it is objects of the previous visitors of SHF... When reaching the end of Field lane, you reach the f

Liam T

Liam T

So, about One Direction's new song...

Shrinking violets of the pop scene One Direction shocked the world to the sound of a million swoons upon the release of the lyric video for their new single 'Little Things'. And in a completely unexpected turn of events, the second single from their second album strips back the tuneless walls of sound and multi-layered vocals that made them sound like the posterboys for Jim Steinman's perverse dreams of starring in Glee, and instead we see a barely-there guitar backing to some overly-observed an



What 'The Passing' Needs to do to Make Everybody's Grade.

The introduction of Thorpe's new maze to Fright Nights this year has been quite a hot topic. Since 'The Passing' was announced, many were left fearing (or, depending on your views, hoping!) that their underwear would be stained brown after going through a maze which puts a bag over your head and simulates your death. However, reviews have been mixed, with some feeling as though it is not worth the additional charge, feeling as though there's many wasted opportunities, whilst some - like mysel



There are approximately five things we can learn from Girls Aloud's new single and here is what they approximately are.

Girls Aloud have a new single out. It's called 'Something New' and it's a whizz-bang poppers o'clock femme-fest about mastering the holy grail of all feminist endeavours - control. (Natalia Kills has sealed herself away in her bondage basement, weeping into her handcuffs.) 'Something New' is/was/has been produced by Xenomania, so on the pop spectrum of lamazing to balls-out fandango fantasticality, it's bound to end up somewhere near the top of the list, isn't it? First off, 'Something New' isn



How death should of been simulated in The Passing

I loved The Passing, I thought it was a great addition to the Fright Nights lineup that provided some great scares, however one thing that could of been done better was your death. The only thing that comes close to a simulated death in The Passing is when a gunshot sound is played when you get your picture taken, if this meant to be the simulation of death then it just makes no sense, as in the next scene you get your bag. They cant kill you before you before you get the bag, then it would jus



The Passing review - Now live!

Check out my review of The Passing on my shiny new WordPress, CoasterGeek, providing reviews of rides, events and attractions in the UK! "Disturbing, Haunting, Unique. Those are the three words I would use to describe The Passing, Thorpe Park’s latest & most extreme Fright Nights maze yet… After hearing many reviews of The Passing, I had low expectations, I was expected it to be crap, to my surprise though it turned out to be my favourite maze of the year. After getting the usual safety br



In other news, Mika has a new album out and it's a bit different to his last ones.

There's been a tectonic shift in the face of the music industry since 2007, not that anyone cares. But the last time it was recorded that a song like 'Grace Kelly' had a fair chance at becoming a national UK Chart phenomenon. Whether you loved or loathed Mika, 'Grace Kelly' was pop music genius. But now, in a world where acts like LMFAO thrive in their own deadpan idiocy, it's hard to imagine the same style of music ever being successful again. The legacy of wonky-pop acts like Mika, The Hoosier



Why Thorpe shouldn't have left at the Dead End.

With Fright Nights, Scarefest and all other things Halloween drawing ever nearer, I guess it's time for some Halloween-themed blog entries! Dead End was seemingly a one-off scare zone that hit Fright Nights in 2010, and Thorpe's first attempt at a scare zone since about 2002 / 2003, when the event first started out. Located on the pathway next to Zodiac and The Crust, it was perhaps a typical Merlin scare zone, in the sense that it wasn't technically a scare zone, but rather a set route with a



SFM Update - 30/09/12

Last update of September! Hey! As we move into Halloween month, Spixworth has been racing ahead with its 2013 project & SHF construction! In today’s update we will be looking at: Major rumours about the 2013 project Spixworth Horror Fields construction 2013 construction update 1. Lately, the 2013 site has been very busy construction wise! With the animal enclosures being put up at a rapid pace, but recently major SFM members have noticed the site expanding and construction takin

Liam T

Liam T

Music is the answer

First off, I don't really get this bloging thing. In case I haven't mentioned it, I'm old. Well, older than most here and so I haven't grown up with computers and internet and forums and now blogs, so some times it takes me a while to 'get' it. I had to grow up the hard way when if I wanted to see one of my friends I had to get on my bike, cycle to their house and ask their Mum if they could come out and play, not send them a text or Skype them or comment on their latest blog about Thundercats a



SFM Update - 24/09/12

Hi there! And welcome to another (late) Spixworth Fields Mania update! My o my don't we have some great news for you today! In todays update we will be looking at 2013 vertical construction Spixworth Horror Fields construction Adventure Mountain's bridge closure 1. Vertical construction has began on the 2013 site Metal structures for the north side animals enclosure are being put into place, here is a overview of the site from last week: 2. Now only 19 days till Spixworth

Liam T

Liam T

The Sound of Arrows is an amazing sound.

Though few will have heard of their music, or even their stage name, Stefan Storm and Oskar Gullstrand (yes, this makes them Swedish) are very good at making a very special, very rare denomination of dream-pop; the very kind of music which is capable of conjuring up long-forgotten memories and of giving you the building blocks for new ones as you soar through your own imagination into a distant galaxy. It's the kind of music that turns timid souls into brave ones that dare to tread the unknown a



The Slow and Painful Death of Creativity

I’m scared. I have been scared for some time now. The cause of my fear and apprehension is quite simple, but also quite worrying: it seems to me that creativity is a dying art. The lightbulb moment which made me realise this came at a bus stop in London recently. As the advert banner scrolled over from another pair of trainers from some sports brand or other, the poster which replaced it piqued my interest: “Loserville”. Being me, an ad for a new musical generally excites some interest. I was



The 2013 Project

There is no doubt that in terms of theming, attendance and atmosphere, Disney rules the roost in every corner of the world. From the magnificence of Cars Land, the beauty of Expedition Everest and the sheer escapism of Tokyo Disney Sea, it's clear that Disney is the king. But do you know what. Travel into Europe and we hold our very own treasure, one that has riches all of its own. From the throughput behemoth that is Europa Park, to the park with two of the best steel rollercoasters in the wor



What was the thing with The Antelope?

Back when I was about 8 or 9, I visited Gulliver's World (Warrington). The trip was unplanned really, and only lasted a couple of hours (well, from 10 til after lunch). However, the one thing that has always made me remember this trip is The Antelope - one of only 2 wooden coasters to be built in the UK in the past 50 years. At the time of riding, I'd never heard of Antelope before (heck, I'd only heard of Gulliver's Warrington a couple of days before my visit!), nor had I heard any reviews



Where the magic never ends...

Alton Towers - Where the magic never ends! Well, according to multiple enthusiasts, the magic had indeed ended, people say it like its happened only recently, but really "The Magic" everyone talks about died long ago, I'd say in around 2005, the image of manufactured magic went out the window. In 2011 the new, Seuss like , quirky marketing style started, its fine and it fits the park well in my opinion, but many long for the manufactured magic to return, but the truth is, although the manuf



Natalia Kills is officially pointless and here's why that is.

For someone who puts so much effort into her 'art' (sounding familiar already, this bit, isn't it?), Natalia Kills gets quite a lot of stick from quite a lot of the microscopic portion of the public that know of her. Why is this though? It's not like it's the ruinous result of overexposure e.g. Rihanna, and on that topic - what exactly is it that's prevented the record-buying public warming up to Miss. Natalia Keery-Fisher? Once known as Verbalicious in 2005, she quickly dropped the more urban l



SFM Update - 16/09/12

Hello! And welcome to Spixworth Fields Mania, I will be updating this weekly with updates from my RCT3 park "Spixworth Fields", I hope you enjoy and feel free to comment! What is "Spixworth Fields Theme Park" Spixworth Fields is a theme park down the road from Spixworth Village, taken from their Facebook page: Opened in 1953 to visit the beautiful hall and gardens many visitors alike untill it had to close in 1982 due to visitor decline and Spixworth Hall's roof falling through 20 years la

Liam T

Liam T

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