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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Pickles


    I quit a job whilst in the bath?
  2. When you have asthma anything else you go about is just 'asthma'. Having a cough that means you can't talk without coughing and you bring up so much stuff is not just asthma, it's called a chest infection. I've had enough of doctors with my eczema, it's at the point where they say try this cream with this moisturiser and I have to sit there and say I've tried it already, they don't look at your previous notes or anything. I'm just like really?!
  3. Pickles


    Oh come one, look through all the polls. We had fun XD
  4. Pickles


    I miss all the silly, stupid polls we used to have.
  5. I think I have competition for the sarcasm thing. I can be very sarcastic in person
  6. The novelty will wear off no matter what gimmick the ride has. It becomes familiarity,
  7. Everyones different in person as well, it's like no pressure kinda thing. It's weird but yeah.
  8. It doesn't, people are just blind to whats going on. I've been like that and it is not healthy.
  9. I agree with you in the fact that no matter what I still enjoy it. Someone said to me don't you get bored but at the end of the day no I don't because I like Thorpe, rides etc are a hobby/passion of mine so no I don't get bored of watching the sky appear on Inferno, I don't get bored of watching the train disappear on Swarm or just walking around Stealth plaza. I have many great memories there and despite all the flaws I can look past them and just have a good day out with friends.
  10. ^ Do you really want an answer to that? Lets all go back to nerding out over the new theming? I haven't heard much about that really. What do people think?
  11. Right I have to just say this, if you want people to understand your posts my darling then when you are replying to certain things, bold them in your first post. Not after someones replied and then go 'oh but I was replying to this part' just a little hint that as smart as we all seem, we're not psychic.
  12. Despite Moyles being popular with most age groups? Thorpe's market is aimed at 'Thrillseekers' so I'm guessing like Ricky has said 16-24 but if you look at the recent investments bar Swarm it's more geared to families. So the targets still 16-24 but they have to cater for everyone, thus the lastest investments being more family orientated.
  13. Scotland. Wales. Northern Ireland. All our islands.
  14. Well neither can I with just Denmark XD Any takers want to get a room and test how short you have to be to sit on the top bunk?
  15. Get a room in the crash pad and we'll test your theory Mr Benin...
  16. That looks urm claustrophobic.
  17. Sorry guys, today didn't go to plan at all =( I'll see you soon! Thorpe meet
  18. Pickles


    No it's not, go and re-read.
  19. Pickles


    I think that changing the description of a ride, taking out the major selling point of it is kind of a big give away.
  20. I'm going to talk to my uni about starting a new course in September with all the help and support I'm going to have and really seeing how well I can do, I'm annoyed but now I can get help and I am going to do well =D
  21. So it's only taken going to 2 schools, 1 college and 1 university for them to pick up that I have Dyslexia. Kinda annoyed because I could have done well with help.
  22. Cussons owns Original Source =D
  23. Or X finally getting the refurb it needs.
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