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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. You say that, but we shouldn't need to say that. Thorpe should realise this and maybe think if this is what a fan is saying then maybe they should change the way they operate. But who the ****s going to believe that I'm actually agreeing with RideAddict hey?
  2. See people are agreeing with me. In all seriousness though it's a good little ride to have within the park.
  3. Can't wait to ride this on Sundayyy
  4. Helps if you go regularly to form that kind of opinion. Still gets queues.
  5. RideAddict, you're outnumbered. Give up. Infact really give up. People are agreeing with me?
  6. It is for the market that Chessie aim at. Come on you're 'Mr Marketing' you should know that. It is actually a thrill ride for older 'adventurers' On the map it isn't classed as a thrill ride no because again you should know this from Marketing, it's about how you market the ride and what words you use. So yeah it's also up to personal classification. Nub and jist, for the type of park it is, it's a thrill ride.
  7. I refer you to Fred's post, please quote where I call it a thrill park? I don't exactly. Get some glasses jeez...
  8. Do you know what? I'm glad they've fixed it. It means that when older kids go Chessie they can go on a thrill ride. I know you can't help being narrow minded but maybe think about it from another point of view?
  9. Have you never seen Peaj's meet reports? He makes it a little bit more fun with stuff like that.
  10. Don't like as many posts?
  11. Lol yes, it is possible for them to apply for it again, they would have to put measures in place like Stealth. It's unlikely that they would do it because of all the measures, if it fit in with the new ride then maybe.
  12. I feel sorry for his stomach...
  13. I should be coming due to well being moi!
  14. If you want to look into the psychological part then there are some people who have the illusion that vampires exist, believe they are one and will drink human blood. So it all depends on what you want to look at.
  15. Actually I thought it in the station... He's just joining in the topic of conversation. Don't berate him for it.
  16. Also this is known as THORPE Park Mania, thus leading people to believe we talk about THORPE Park rather than Trains...
  17. You sound so shocked whenever someone hasn't been.
  18. And yet still has a better record than most of Thorpes rides.
  19. Prepare to be disappointed yourself, I will happily be the one to say I told you so.
  20. Depends, are you gonna try and convince people your opinion is fact? I like that this proves me point to someone, others come along and say stuff like I just did and everyones like omg that's totally happening. I say it and this happens... Nice try at angering me though RideAddict.
  21. The majority of my legs are muscle because I walk one hell of a lot.
  22. As far as I am aware, there are no plans for anything to be done with it so yes. You can either believe me or prove my point and don't.
  23. It has... I would like to see you're proof that it isn't. As it stands there are no plans to do anything with it atm.
  24. Pickles


    ^This, all my friends are like pfft you won't get a job. you'll go onto JSA etc. No I won't, I've been there and I'm never going back.
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