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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Pickles


    There comes a time when you can say it's too hot. Today is one of those. It's so hot I can actually say I want to be on Tidal Wave right now.
  2. Even more so now I can't attend due to no moneys =(
  3. I appear to have lost my nine, I think it's a system error?
  4. It might be a thing to think about the forum rules in relation to threats. Someone is racist in chat and gets banned, someone threatens someone isn't banned comes back a little bit later and then gets banned because it's publicised on the forum. Maybe do a perm ban for threats as they are quite serious and I do feel let down with how that situation was handled.
  5. Anytime between a couple of days to a couple of months. I've had both.
  6. Pickles


    I have an annual pass now so I'll be able to go as well! Even if I have work I'll get a day off
  7. Oh and it's spread down my arms and onto my nose.
  8. This isn't gonna seem like a rant but it's a complete overhaul basically of my eczema.Went to the doctors and I have hayfever tablets because I have hayfever and they're anti-histamines which will (hopefully) reduce the redness. Betnovate for my body, Daktacort for my face. Oilatium as an oil based moisturisers.This tops it all of really. Special shampoo for my head because it's on my head too. Don't have anything the same. Had the cream for my face before didn't work but whatever.
  9. I am a mountain?

  10. There could be many reasons their taking them down. The twitter account is probs real.
  11. That posters that staff have taken down have the twitter account on them. Thus making the twitter account not fake?
  12. That we know marketing have put up... Haha
  13. Pickles

    Nicki Minaj

    She is providing entertainment by 'not trying to be like everyone else' and is fake. Much like MY OPINION on Lady Gaga because if your having to TRY and stick out then you are not being you and are then being fake. But that's just MY OPINION JamesB.
  14. Still ridiculous because my Dad's diabetic he gets tablets every month for free and I don't see a difference because if he doesn't get his tablets it affects his health, if I don't get my inhalers it affects my health. I don't see why the government doesn't add asthma onto the list because we suffer just as much.
  15. Chronic eczema and asthma. In all honesty when I go back to college in September these will be costing me 30 quid a month. I can get a pre-paid prescription card which is 30 for 3 months but it's still money that I shouldn't have to spend on medication that I desperately need. I have to get new inhalers every month and new creams every month. Add on the fact that my eczema gets infected most months that's antibiotics as well. Tallying that all up its:Blue inhaler - £7.30Brown inhaler - £7.30Diprobase (strong moisturiser) - £7.30T'other cream (name changes most months) - £7.30Antibiotics - £7.30In total that's about 30 quid plus antibiotics that's more. How is that fair that I would have to pay that much every month? Especially for something that I have no control over. Now onto managing it! Can't use certain creams because I'm allergic to aloe vera so that alienates most cheap products. I've been advised to get a oil based moisturiser and if I want to wear foundation that has to be oil based as well. Natural suncream as well. None of this is cheap. I'm in pain most days. It's on my face so I can't wear much make up and I have little self confidence in my looks. And then to top it all off I have to pay so much to not get it sorted. Doctors on Monday and I'm going to a dermatologist and if they can't sort it I don't actually know what I will do because that then is exhausting all possibilities including herbal remedies etc.
  16. Do you think if I went I could go on the play areas? So want to. I'm not allowed on Legolands one =(
  17. Some how I don't think 2002 is the present. Many factors could have been the deciding time he queued as well such as possible breakdown etc, he said he queued 3 hours not indicating anything that happened during the queue. Also where do you get your sources of 'info' from? Woop.
  18. Pickles


    Screw anything to do with my second name, my name is Holly Nine.
  19. Pickles


    Screw Beckett!
  20. Still a maybe but we should try and get a list of whos going tbh.
  21. Pickles


    Incorporating the best of all my different lives I changed my facebook to HollyTogepiMarioNine =D
  22. It's a good video considering it's on a blackberry. But it was fun seeing all the little fishys, not so much the big, scary, teethy fishys XD
  23. First time back at Legoland in a long time. It looks a lot different to what I remember. We left home after the park opened because we're all lazy buggers. KP crisps are doing 50% vouchers so if your planning on going to Merlin attractions soon and paying have a looksie. So off we went, went and got Callum's ticket. The guy at the admissions desk we went to was brilliant. In terms of busyness it was barely any one. Got in to the park, one thing I don't miss is the bloody hills. The one leading down to Viking Land you literally turn a corner and I almost fell down it went that steep.So off we went onto Viking River Splash. For the landscape that it's on they've done well tbh, you get wet, go round some epic bends but the bumps aren't too fun. They kinda hurt tbh. Started heading towards The Dragon stopped off at the Jolly Rocker. More to come later on the Jolly Rocker. Headed to The Dragon and it was closed. Headed towards the ONLY smoking area in the park. I will agree with smoking areas in Legoland but they could at least give us more than one that's positioned in the middle. Went to The Burger Ranch grabbed milkshakes and chips. 5 odd quid for the chips and 6 ish for the milkshakes but worth it (just so you know that was for all three of us) but if you go I recommend the milkshakes. Now after being all refreshed and no rumbling tummies we headed for Atlantis Submarine Voyager. Woo new ride all nice and excited yes? Kinda. It's such a good concept the ride from when you leave the station to getting back is about 3 minutes. Story lines the typical every things going good but as it's Legoland instead of us almost dying, we were about to lose all our data we collected! Oh noes! It could be so much better if they were clearer about what buttons are what because you have screens telling you what the different species are but the buttons aren't that clear. Fairy Tale Brook next still as good as when I went on when I was little. Because there was 3 of us our boat either scraped across the floor at the back or leant to one side. That was amusing within it's self. Went to Miniland for a bit. Saw Wembley, last time I went to miniland it wasn't there. Next was Space Tower, the tower you pull yourself up on. I let Ciarran do it, I tried but it's actually not that easy. Callum wanted to go on Sky Rider and honestly so did I to see the views. It actually goes quite fast. Now time for the Jolly Rocker. 5 times in a row mainly to have adults on the end of the rows. I understand that the rule is in place for a reason but Jesus Christ they were trying to get adults to come on, schools were having difficulty's so as 3 adults we helped out for a bit because The Dragon was closed. I got off at one point because I felt sick but went back on because they couldn't find one last adult. The first time we went on during the day they called someone on the radio and got them to come and sit on it. But the rule is a tad ridiculous because if you in a massive group you aren't going to have 2 adults to every 4 children (that's how many you fit on the row etc). Headed to Pirate Falls, still a funny little ride, the drop seems a lot bigger off the ride. Picture was amusing because you couldn't see me and Ciarran other than my face just over Callum's shoulder and a bit of Ciarran's top. It's a bit of a forceful drop in all honesty. Laser Raiders, as bad as some of the queue line is and the theming inside the ride, I prefer it to Tomb Blaster because your laser has a bigger laser 'beam' so I hit more targets and won . Went back onto Viking River Splash, I'd had enough of getting wet so I got myself a poncho. Whilst just about to get on the pumps stopped and the ride stopped. As we headed up the exit the boats were stacked and were being evacuated so we watched and saw the engineers come so waited to see the pumps come on. When they did we decided to go back and wait for the ride to start again and off it did. I think people were standing up in the boats repeatedly and they e-stopped it. Me, Ciarran and Callum being the smart people we are put the bag in the middle then after it got a bit of a soaking from the waterfall things I put it under my poncho. As we were near the top we headed to the sweet shop and grabbed some pick'N'mix then got on the Hill train. LAWL some kids were behind us arguing because they were late and I quote 'We're late because you two were busy dancing around the entrance deciding where to go' continuously arguing all the way to the bottom. Headed to The Dragon, it was working! Woo so got on and had a flaming good time (eh good lil joke no?) Started heading to Wave Surfer and stopped at Boating School. Now then it's 2-3 to a boat and a maximum of 2 adults. There was 3 of us. So me and Ciarran went, Ciarran got off and Callum got in the boat with me. So I got two rides on Boating School! So we headed to Wave Surfer, queued a little bit but it's worth it. Each got our own boat and that was fun, I got the most wet XD Now we had reached the end of the day. Throughout the day there was laughs, a little arguing and a little kid running into me. All in all it was fun, proberly on of the best days I've had at a kids park, the way they have Lego models everywhere is amazing, I had to double take on one that was in a bush because I thought it was a kid. In my opinion I prefer it to Chessington even with Jungle Coaster being replaced by a hotel. It was such a good day and I enjoyed my self. Watch out guys though, I will bring my bright yellow poncho to Thorpe Video of Atlantis.Sorry about the writing didn't have my camera with me =(
  24. Pickles

    The Weather

    Especally on Stealth as you know shooting off at 80 odd mph into rain isn't comfortable.
  25. The point is there's a point where banter become insulting and the mod's are trying to find a way to stop the insulting one's so just letting the banter happens reduces the atmosphere because some people make it insulting.
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