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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Try improving your posts then you might actually be able to do things. We all have had to learn. Mines cut down on swear and others have been spamming, others being sarcastic so just learn from what's happened instead of ranting about it all the time.
  2. Pickles

    Nicki Minaj

    Her pants speak for themselves...
  3. Pickles


    Your welcome for the topic and shizzle
  4. Construction card basically, it's doubtful that it'll be essential for a landscaping job at Thorpe but there is a chance.
  5. The CSCS card is required in most landscaping jobs.
  6. Landscaping is correct and they have a few specifications that you would need to do such as preferably have a full driving licence and a CSCS (I think) card.
  7. So pretty much what I was saying...Just me or when I post seriously I never get listened to?!?! (Not aiming at you Josh btw )
  8. Anyone thought that maybe Les Coogan might be the person organising the evacuation or something and is not a clue just meerly playing on the storyline?
  9. Wow so much, do some research Will and learn what proper advocating is. Until shes dead due to being bi then shes an advocate you good sir are 100% wrong because I know about this stuff.
  10. Topic made, discussion over.
  11. Pickles

    Lady GaGa

    Right seeing as people are clashing on the rant topic about Lady Gaga talk, here is a topic for the people who like Lady G to talk in. I know it's separate and all that but it gives other people a chance to talk about new music that's not Lady G. So post away my pretties and have fun. :(No negativity in this topic, it's separate you don't have to click on it so no negative things.
  12. Just to point out that in the past 50 years of LGBT history many people have 'advocated' but none have done anything to help the LGBT community. The amount of people who have died or gotten seriously injured just by being LGBT. What she has done is nothing compared to those people. For that little point she is a fraud. Whatever on her other points she might not be a fraud but this pisses me off when people are like this celebrity does this or that. No they come out and everyones like OMG they've done so much. Has she attended a protest? Did she visit one of the worst places to go if your gay? No she sat on her arse and said I'm bi. I've done more for the LGBT community than she has.
  13. You got the reputation spot on wasn't just grammar school girls, my school was meant to be an amazingly good school yet people wore skirts as belts and were orange.
  14. Still monopolised =D

  15. It's made me want to go back so much now! I see you have the same thing with me on spiderman, I kept my eyes open for about 3 seconds.
  16. Pickles

    Video Games.

    Still fun to blow people up just by dying XD
  17. Pickles

    Video Games.

    Some of the glitches on xbox is awesome such as the semtex on the javelin one. Someone kills you and then they blow up.
  18. Pickles


    Because we then view them as sell outs because their sound was decent but now its mainstream.
  19. Whats a pisstake is said person was with the people who take the piss so as he was leaving it was a 'don't meet holly for this this and this reason'Worst thing is I've done **** all and they still continue. It's ****ing immature and ridiculous.
  20. 'I'll just finish my beer' (20 mins later) 'I'll leave in half an hour just want to talk to (insert name here)'Hour later... 'Just leaving'Oh and people that are meant to be your friend who as soon as your not there just constantly take the piss. Reaching the end of my temper.
  21. Ian pretty much hit it bang on. I know I'm not the best as giving non-sarcastic and rude replies but I generally hold my tongue.
  22. Gonna re-post something I said about 3 years ago now. Admins are trying but now we just need the members trying....
  23. Pickles

    This Or That

    Kate Middleton, she looks good in a dress :rolleyes:Princess Beatrice or Eugenie?
  24. Remember the sign you made me if you can link the video you had it on that would be fantastic. Going on topic to saw I hate the twisty bit over the body, makes my head go bad.
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