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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Pickles

    Video Games.

    GTA is where it's at.
  2. Pickles

    Lady GaGa

    Found out some people say instead of OMG they say OMLG which means literally oh my Lady Gaga. Have fun my little Gaga fans
  3. Pickles


    I have a job =D I am now bar staff at Back of Beyond pub woop!
  4. I hate it when you get phone call reminding you that your grandparents are down for the weekend. Cue mad scramble to try and visit them today with the boyfriend and on Sunday on your own.
  5. Pickles


    I have another job interview this time in a pub in Reading as bar staff. Go me that's 2 in one week! Nothing for 2 years then 2 in one week. Just after I've signed onto jobseekers. LooolMy other one was at 2.30 and this ones at 2.30 what is it with them and 2.30? XD
  6. I still want to enjoy my day without having interruptions.
  7. See I feel that so long as I'm in the open space I want to smoke when I want to. Anyone notice at the meet-up where me, Ciarran and Jadams decided to play ball and go to a smoking area. It involved waiting around for you lot didn't it? When we didn't play ball our day was not interrupted. If I paid a lot of money to get in I don't want to have to interrupt my day to smoke and I won't not smoke. I don't mind not doing it in queue-lines as you know its cattle pen most likely and it's all very closed. But just walking around? That takes the piss.
  8. No one's put Rocky Express =(
  9. Oh god where have we found this one? Calm down peeps, Thorpe Parks been invaded by UFO's and they took Stealth =( (Keeping in line with Les Coogans theorys and stuff, this post is not spam )
  10. Pickles


    Point made. Jolly good show good sir!
  11. Pickles


    That's not fair, try and lighten up the forum and it gets deleted.
  12. Electricity's my forte =P Yeah my post was basically ''He's right, your wrong. I looked over the calc's and I'm impressed tbh =D

  13. Congrats in the Physics, rather accurate really with the data you had, I applaud you good sir XD

  14. You are really smart and that is actually a plausible speed because:LC12 - 126ft Nemesis Inferno - 95ft Nemesis's speed (which I'll assume) is it's top speed which would be the drop is 47.8 mph so LC12's being 8 mph faster at 21ft higher so 55.7 mph is very plausible. Look up facts Adamm before posting it'd called rcdb.com and looking at what I've just said it will be around that speed, if not them please PM me and I'll apologise if you last that long. You are a troll Troll One who purposely and deliberately (that purpose usually being self-amusement) starts an argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by his or her peers. He will spark of such an argument via the use of ad hominem attacks (I.e. 'you're nothing but a fanboy' is a popular phrase) with no substance or relevence to back them up as well as straw man arguments, which he uses to simply avoid addressing the essence of the issue.Yes my dear you fit that description.Now onto other discussions that troll's have not started. Has anyone thought that Les Coogan might be like a scientist that's been fired for his 'crackpot' theories such as the one's that we've heard about etc and LC12 will be the proof or the events happening?
  15. Pickles


    Place called Eyesite. As a receptionist.
  16. Pickles


    Woop job interview on Monday! Finally after 2 years I have an interview.
  17. Pickles


    It was just a fun suggestion...
  18. Pickles


    Has anyone else seen Coasterfrecks post on TPM's facebook?
  19. Pickles


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpyL4MRySIU They get better and better, I'm listening to American Tragedy now and wow it is good, keeping to their old sound but incorporating new sounds like ^
  20. I was more thinking alone the lines of you lot just slam my posts, I've been told off for some of my posts and random stuff like that. People complain about my posting quality, I use too much swear words etc and I decide screw it I will do something nice because I want to instead of have to and that may seem like I'm a bitch or whatever but there's mitigating factors behind it. Fact that I've actually managed to be nice is a big thing for me because it's not something I can manage to do easily.
  21. As I said in my post I only did it for a temporary thing. Now it's up to admins. No I wasn't majorly fussed about Gaga being in the music topic but it just annoyed me when people couldn't have a proper discussion about other music. It's a temp topic in my mind so if you don't like it take it up with an admin but I just did it to stop the argument. So your welcome for stopping the forum from being just that more tense. Because if you really want the topic can be deleted and tension will mount again and another argument would be had. Your choice.
  22. Right I make a topic that eases tension, do I get a thank you from the main people involved in the little argument that was happening? No. Yes it is segregation but it was just a temp thing so everything could calm down, whether it stays or not is up to Admin. But my point would be I do something that none of the other members (admin and mods) included and don't even get a thank you from the main person. It's not hard to even just shove it at the end of your 'praise the lord Gaga was born' post. Another rant would be I post seriously and have done many times but the only reason why you don't get one out of me any more is no one pays attention and will just post over it essentially. Mods do it, admins do it, members do it. If my post is utter crap instead of just ignoring it please do tell me. Would be nice you know?
  23. Pickles


    I finally have some sort of aim in my life atm, hopefully I will return to College in September to do a BTEC level 3 diploma in Business. Whoop. So what if it's another 2 years at College. It will help me more than hinder in the long term so wahey (Y)
  24. Pickles

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