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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Diary of a wimpy kidIt's a quirky, rather good film. The jokes are amusing bar one. It's a good film to watch if you have mates over. Really shows some of the stuggles within the school system.8/10 (would have gotten higher except for the ending)I do recommend watching it tbh.
  2. I spent 12 years in compulsory education. Then wasted 2 and half years of my life trying to convince myself it was right for me.
  3. Where do I start with my rant?
  4. I would like to apologise to anyone whos been hurt by my vendetta against Seb but I cannot forgive him for stuff thats been said. Either way Sheepie we all know you never meant it maliciously and I'm sure that we all still love you deeply.
  5. Right this stuff needs to be sorted now. I know I'm not completely innocent with the bitchy comments but as people who have met me know that's just me. People need to seriously calm down with the bitchy sarcastic comments and the bitchyness in general. Community–noun, plural -ties.1.a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.2.a locality inhabited by such a group.3.a social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists (usually preceded by the ): the business community; the community of scholars.4.a group of associated nations sharing common interests or a common heritage: the community of Western europe.5.Ecclesiastical . a group of men or women leading a common life according to a rule.6.Ecology . an assemblage of interacting populations occupying a given area.7.joint possession, enjoyment, liability, etc.: community of property.8.similar character; agreement; identity: community of interests.9.the community, the public; society: the needs of the community.Read that and grow up seriously.
  6. This pisses me off the constant sarcasm from people on the forums etc. Were meant to be a community yet we can't have one discussion without someone doing something.
  7. I can think of a few people I would like to be on that ride if it comes down.
  8. Fine keep Lady Gaga to the music topic to people like me don't have to read it. I tried to change the topic of conversation in music but failed so fine just keep it in one topic.
  9. Pickles


    Rep'd cause it's true ^
  10. I'll take a looksie at mine and see what I can uncover.
  11. It's nice when you have crap going on then someone your meant to trust does something that they shouldn't .Drunken rant ovar!
  12. Pickles


    Hybrid theory etc albums
  13. Pickles


    Absolute unlike Benin! Keep to the original.
  14. Someone do an idiots guide to this stuff.
  15. Same =/ it's been jolty for a long time.
  16. Stealth sponsored by durex in light of the recent merch...
  17. Wow this ride was so interesting I don't want to see it go</sarcasm>
  18. Pickles


    I personally don't like Lady Gaga so heres a suggestion to people who want to listen to a lil something something...
  19. Wooooo last comment.

  20. There was a point

  21. Almost monopolised

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