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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. You may feel like that but for some members they get warned a lot for stuff like banter. So this is simply a solution to the problem so rather than saying that think about how its would improve relations on the forum and how much tidier the forum would be.
  2. If they gave me a free cuppa every time I went on I would be a happier person.Would also sort out the height restriction thing as parents would get compensated
  3. I'm not joking I love train sets and stuff so to go and see that would be amazing for me
  4. Can we get a proper list of who's going to make it a bit more organised peeps :lol:Me and Ciarran may be going btw so LIST AHOY!
  5. Yep thats the type of people I hate especially one who do it on purpose.
  6. Then tell us that then. Simple.
  7. I've been in a bad situation since I was 6 when my Mum died because my family fell apart and individually so did our lives, but I know that there are people who are worse off than me but I don't think James was telling the whole story. There are so many possibilities as to why he wasn't invited but I said my opinion and it was shot down. Which in a way shows just was this is becoming. I mean if you look at posts from 2007 things were so different but no one can manage that now. My posts have gotten less cheery but the content stays the same. But now I get shot down instead of an actual discussion people just assume and go on that, even if I explain people still have that same close minded view but either way I've been persecuted many times for just saying the truth but I still understand that people have problems and might be having a bad day.
  8. Double posting because I'm cool and after a conversation in chat I have decided to divulge and tell you some things about me. My Dad is not a nice person and my sisters worse, many people think I exaggerate until they see it for themselves so think what you will but either way it brings me onto a point of my sister has always come first no matter what. Well one of the attributes of my Dad is that because my sister has come first, I get ignored at home. So that's home that I'm ignored at.Now school, one teacher did pay attention but only for one lesson when people were shouting stuff at me, throwing numerous of items and every now and then some ice cold water. She said to my sister that it seems like Holly just lives in a little bubble and doesn't notice anything. Considering that was after years of bullying what else was I going to do? My sister just said she's like it at home. I went back to being ignored, bullying continued. Friends, I didn't have any until Year 10 and even then, they weren't friends, they were the worst bully's just because they made me feel like I had friends and then would do stuff to me and be nasty, pin the blame on me. Got rid of them eventually, go me! College started and by this point I just didn't talk about stuff. Point blank refused. College tried to get me to do counselling but I couldn't do it.One of the things my Dad taught me was that I'm a waste of space, the fact that I breathe the same air as him disgusts him and that nothing is wrong with me other than that I'm useless. So now I struggle to tell people what's wrong, to open up and to go to the doctors about anything really because I'm so scared that they are just going to reject me like my Dad did. The point is all my life I've been ignored and every now and then someone will show that actually they do care and something might be wrong but it wont be followed up because I can't talk about it. So yeah there's a bit of reasoning behind why I don't talk about things. It spans more than just that but like I said I can't talk about it.
  9. Then why did people tell Lauren that she does it too much? It's true though without sugar coating anything that so many worse things could happen. I mean has he even tried talking to his friends or has he just sulked over the pictures?
  10. It's possibly market research, considering it's their target market and it's fright nights etc.
  11. In all fairness, shows like that will be biased. That point is very true, however shows such as BGT and the massive X is for entertainment purposes. Simon Cowell created them for money and entertainment. Of course it will be biased, unfair and have crappy people on it. It entertains us does it not. I refer you to an audition that I'm sure most people laugh at, after you watch it ask yourself how did they get through to the auditions in front of the judges. The answer will be entertainment purposes.
  12. I distracted people with my knowledge of all things Benin
  13. I think you'll find that Mark has been employed by Merlin so yes he can see. He managed it. It's not hard
  14. Pick me up again! I miss my son =(

  15. Pickles


    Just to let you all know, I got the job, then lost the job because I was puking etc today so woo I'm back in unemployment. Fml.
  16. Half hour most for me today and that was because the Saw train being taken off.
  17. Storm Surge was closed all day. All other rides bar Saw:Alive obvs were open. Saw only had a delay to take a car off other than that it was okay. Rush on one swing though.
  18. Went during summer once, park was packed closed late, spent all day bar about half an hour due to it breaking down on Rocky Express.
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