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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Pickles


    It's Marc's fault, he's scared all the admins away. Just have a girl as an admin I can guarentee once a month no one will be misbehaving
  2. I remember when someone put their head through the side and couldnt get it back. LOL.
  3. You see I hate it when people sit and argue over whether or not a situation is stressful or not. Hell I get stressed just trying to pick my friggin subway. Its one of those people find different situations stressful so its like get real and stop persecuting people for it. Thats all I know is people saying to me oh thats nothing compared to this. I'm now doing A Levels and yes the stress is quite high but hell I still remember my GCSE's and how stressful I thought they were at that time. And to Will, it's sad that someone else has been taken away from someone so young but take it from me at 10 it's easier to digest the idea of cancer and dying than having it thrust in your face at the age of 6. I still smoke dispite having people in my close family die of cancer and it's bad yes but its the way I deal with things.
  4. Pickles


    All the time. I have done since I was in year 3 =D I remember cause it was my Grandma who took me the appointment.
  5. Pickles


    I joined like 2 months after it opened. Changed so much, still deciding on better or worse...
  6. Not matter what always do what you want to do not someone else. Say no if you feel you don't want to do it. If your mate doesn't like you saying no then they obvioudly weren't a friend. I wish I could say that college or sixth form gets better but it really doesn't. Find out who your real friends are now, don't be 18 and trying to figure it out when you need them the most. Its better to have a few friends who are real friends that a hundred that are all backstabbing losers. Peace x
  7. Keithybabes, I love youuuu =P xxx

  8. Such a negative women Mark! Ly. The bugs are just icky tbh, real or fake I will not be going anywhere near them.
  9. Okay thats just harsh. Only open your mouth if its not going to be something like that.
  10. People are also forgetting that majority of our grandparents etc married young and are still together, relationships dont care about age if your mature enough your mature enough.
  11. My best mate will probs be attending, so be nice! =P
  12. Trust me, I have people kicking me down and then more when I'm down. But just this is to everyone think positively because it does help and it makes you feel better. Hard as it seems and I understand where people come from. Yes there are other people suffering worse but your suffering is your own so do with it what you must and feel how it makes you feel don't surpress it. On the positive side theres a meet up soon so think of that =D
  13. Pickles


    DRAMATIC TECHNIQUES. Haha I love drama.
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