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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. In all seriousness you shouldn't let people get to you like this. It's only the internet. Just ignore the fags. And you seem to rant about these people an awful lot, my advice is just to calm down a little and try and take a more positive outlook, because from what I've seen you seem like an incredibly paranoid person and that is never a good thing. Loads of people hate me on the internet, and in person. Do I give a damn what they think? Not really, unless it's something I've done personally wrong, but usually I'm aware of that. Their opinion does not matter to me.But yeah Benin's topic did have a point, which was Mudkips. Hence the internet meme 'I heard you liek Mudkipz'.
  2. Dan9


    Which is also quite funny since when I first heard her new song it sounded like I'd already heard it about 70000000000000000000000000000000000000 times before. It really isn't anything special or 'different'.
  3. Dan9


    I found it dull in comparison to some of the FM singles, but I think I was always going to be disappointed. This song was hyped up to the extreme way too much.
  4. Dan9


    Those god damn wasps.
  5. Dan9


    Stop all being so pathetic and calm down.It seems like people always want to try and argue over everything, no matter what nowadays. I doubt Rich's intentions were ever hostile.EDIT: Haha, now my post makes no sense at all. Oh well.
  6. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World9.5/10So much love for this. Saw it at a friends house yesterday, tomorrow I'm off to buy it for myself. This isn't really a review but w/e...
  7. I unfortunately am also having to pull out due to work overload.
  8. Dan9

    This Or That

    Both awesome, but I have to say Reach. Hammond or Clarkson? (Top Gear yay)
  9. Technology is advancing too fast already. Scarily fast actually. And unfortunately before we get to the point where everything will look like Star Wars the robots will have taken over already, judging by some of the scary experiments going on and the planned rate of advancement. Don't ask.
  10. True that, I still see a lot of things from a guest point of view sometimes, apologies. Opening at 8 anyway would be a stupid idea in itself, there would be barely any guests there yet staff would still have had to trek in at a stupidly early hour... the opening times are fine as they are. Splitting hours every day would also require hiring tons more staff, Merlin will have to pay out more in terms of salaries and soon you'd all be taking out a loan if you want to park you car. TOP DRAW IDEA.
  11. Dan9

    This Or That

    Woo Halo. Florida or California?
  12. London Eye 4D Experience.10/10The greatest single piece of film I have ever seen. Need anything more be said?
  13. Dan9

    TPM awardssss

    Paultons, really? Beats most of the crap Merlin chuck at us every year.
  14. Option 1 please, Option 2 would have been good on a Saturday but late Sunday's never work for me.
  15. Dan9


    Oh my God, has the music industry gone so far downhill to the point where this is a rarity? This is one of the most basic attribute all decent artists should have anyway, otherwise you're just another corporate puppet. *see above point* Well she's only made two albums for a start (and they're both of a pretty similar style anyway), and once again this is true of most serious artists. (Until you go out wearing a meat dress) Please explain how? Whilst they are good by today's standards, they've hardly 're-invented' the whole music-video idea, there were always equally insteresting and probably way more thought out videos out there. I'm sorry but all those artists are truly awful. And please explain to me why fusing genre's is special now that Gaga is supposedly doing it? It's really not... it's what most memorable and classic albums require if pulled off successfully, and whilst if it is it sounds very special you can't just claim to have made a new genre because you happen to have more than one influence, I'm afraid that's just very naive fanboy talk. (if it could I'd be totally plugging Muse right now since they do better than anyone IMO) So what? It shocks me that being known as smart, educated and actually just caring about music and your fans is what gets you praised like a God nowadays, just highlights everything that's going wrong with multiple industries. For the record, I do like Gaga and enjoy her music but I really don't get how it's got to the point where she's apparently become an icon of modern day music history just by conducting her career via common sense and the way most modern artists should have been doing all along if they wanted to ever be remembered.
  16. Dan9


    The Suburbs was a bit topsy-turvy for me. Genius at points, but a few moments let it down slightly. Still a very enjoyable album though.
  17. Value for money is only dependant on what you consider it to be surely? 'Cause I still don't consider £5 for one ride to be good value.
  18. Dan9


    Why post it in two topics? This isn't a Lady Gaga forum...
  19. Dan9

    TPM awardssss

    Sent, in on the last minute.
  20. This would have stood a few years ago, but even last year it got to the point where my family and two other families I know well decided not to go at all in the year because it's simply too expensive to be worth it now, and I'm sure many others are going to be waking up to it as well. There are many other 'memories' to be found for a much cheaper price.
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