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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9


    No you aren't, hence why music in general is so great. I think Lady Gaga is stupidly overrated as an artist but there we go, others worship her for some reason... Anyway, I also thought 'meh' when I first heard Humbug and especially Suck It and See, but having listened to it solidly for just under a month, there aren't any signs of it boring me anymore, it just continues to get better and better with every listen. But on your second point I have to inform you as someone more familiar with other Monkeys fans, you could not be more wrong. Whilst every fanbase of course has some fans with that kind of attitude of thinking they're gods and the like, generally there aren't many Arctic Monkeys fans like that... I'm on probably the largest forum of Arctic Monkeys fans on the internet (it only arrived last year and it's already got a much higher overall post count than TPM), and despite them being the 'hardcore' fans, they're a bunch of the nicest people you could possbily know and they'll freely criticize the Monkeys whenever they feel is needed and always give a fair opinion. They aren't completely blinded by fanboy/girlness is what I'm saying. You also seem to have gotten Alex Turner mixed up with one of the Gallaghers or something, he's always raving about other music in interviews and is generally quite modest when it comes to his own music so I fail to see where you're coming from. Having also actually met him in person, he was one of the nicest 'famous' people I've ever met.
  2. It's very easy to tell when banter is just banter, and when it's being insulting towards someone else. Yet all of it is being deleted regardless, and that does reduce the atmosphere...
  3. In a sense, but not really... it's like when people watch concerts on TV and just think "Hey that was kinda cool", then people who actually went to it come back like "OMG BEST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE"... obviously that's an exaggerated example but it's the same principle, you can't feel the atmosphere through pictures. The Saw island feels totally lifeless in comparison to Wild Asia... Also a quick hint, if you click on the multi-quote button on all the posts you want to reply to and THEN click 'add reply', you can reply to all the messages you want to in one single post... easier to read for everyone else.
  4. Dan9


    Such a good melody...
  5. Five words And they were in fact deleted instantly.
  6. Dan9


    BBC2 Foo Fighters documentary - Back & Forth If anyone here is a fan, I'd definitely recommend having a watch, it's wonderfully done. Anyway, song I'm loving at the moment by said epic band... And a rather brilliant new music video...
  7. Dan9


    I'm not usually much of a fan of Dubstep, but I guess I'll have to ride and see for myself. When all the speakers are actually turned on, I agree . It's about the only bit of excellent atmosphere left there sadly.
  8. Definitely one of the best posts ever made on this forum...
  9. Dan9

    Doctor Who

    Am I the only who saw that ending coming right from the start of the series?
  10. Dan9


    Already that low? FFS.
  11. Must just be the Thorpe effect then.
  12. When people constantly flirt out in the open for all to see, when actually no one gives a ****.
  13. I support the whole making it better for new members thing fully, I just don't understand what was wrong on this example... no one was being sarcastic or negative to one another. And no one was slamming your opinion, if I was or anyone else was then please point that out because I seem to have totally missed that. I agree here that this place should remain friendly and the moderators are doing a good job, just kinda felt that this time it's been a bit of an over-reaction...
  14. Who wasn't being nice? And to be fair, whilst is isn't word for word on topic, it's still basically discussing what the whole theme of the topic was. Whilst I agree with keeping generally on-topic, discussion is still better than no discussion, otherwise this topic (and forum...) would become rather dreary surely?
  15. Rattlesnake seven times last year
  16. Dan9


    Speaking of Arctic Monkeys, their new album is wonderful.That's all I can really say.
  17. Dan9


    All about Arctic Monkeys surprise epicness. The rest of the lineup is pretty much all bollocks other than Foo Fighters.
  18. Dan9

    Fastrack Prices

    This is probably a good thing tbh. I'm never going to buy fastrack again so might as well enjoy that these things might put others off it too.
  19. Dan9

    The News

    Biting my tongue as hard as I can...
  20. Dan9


    Haha. Whilst I like their first two albums somewhat, this is pretty good.
  21. Dan9


    I don't care about music being 'mainstream', I just think the new albums pretty crap in general.I won't complain like 'OMG WHY HAVE THEY CHANGED/THEY SHOULD JUST MAKE HYBRID THEORY #2' because that would be a n00by and stupid thing to say. I know all artists need to 'progress' and stuff and it happens to everyone, It's just that I'm just not a fan of the new music, simple as.I'm not arguing against progression. Change is a good thing, some people will love the new direction, but some people won't, that's just natural.
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